Bloodborne Reviews

Bloodborne is ranked in the 100th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
9.5 / 10.0
Mar 27, 2015

From Software did it again - they have created a demanding, satisfying and superbly designed game. Some ideas are well known but the whole package feels original and unique. There are some minor issues here and there and still they don't bother the player. Bloodborne's world pulls you in with blood, new technology and a great artistic vision. A truly excellent game.

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Mar 29, 2015

Bloodborne is perhaps the best reason to date to own a PlayStation 4. Despite several minor issues that I have with the game, it's easily the best looking title on the system and easily my favorite (I still love you Driveclub). It has fast based combat system, more than enough weapons to keep just about everyone happy, interesting locations that you'll wander and get lost in and more importantly, it's fun. Lots and lots of fun. Despite the game being so short, Bloodborne is exactly the shot in the arm the PlayStation 4 need and another notch on FROMSOFTWARE's games that kick ass list.

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Mar 23, 2015

The evolution of the Souls formula to the next generation, this game demands your time and attention.

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RPG Site
Top Critic
9 / 10
Mar 23, 2015

Bloodborne is a game that will grip you for months due to its tight gameplay mechanics and engrossing world.

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8.8 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2015

It is rare that I finish a game, especially one that's more than 6 hours, and immediately want to restart and play through it all again. Bloodborne is a deeply challenging game set in a fantastically realized gothic nightmare, an adventure of the highest quality for those willing to undergo the game's trial by fire and push past the technical hiccups.

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9.4 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2015

With aggression as its invitation, Bloodborne invokes a calculated shift in Souls parlance. Its aim isn't necessarily a course correction, but rather a Y-axis slant into an alternative series of objectives. Sacrificed are a few degrees of personal customization, only to be replaced by a renewed sense of distress and wonder. Bloodborne's demanding novelty, even with its unrepentant focus, feels built to last.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Mar 25, 2015

From Miyazaki's return to the reins of the From we expected great things. We were not disappointed. Bloodborne is an agglomeration of hallucinations, violence and anguish, which has the courage to detach itself from the series that gave it birth to offer players an experience as sick as it is exhilarating, challenging and satisfying.

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8.9 / 10.0
Mar 23, 2015

Bloodborne lends heavily from its forebears, but transforms the combat into a fast-paced dance of death. It rewards aggression rather than hanging back and waiting for opportunities to present themselves. While some technical, design, and pacing issues mar parts of the experience, Bloodborne is the freshest playing entry in a genre that has very narrow gameplay constraints.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 2, 2015

So many ways to die

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9 / 10.0
Mar 23, 2015

If you've been the conductor of the hype train since 'Project Beast,' you absolutely won't be disappointed. This game is what you've been waiting for and more. Sure certain key features are a little wonky or perform under- par, but they don't ruin the act

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 26, 2015

Bloodborne will keep you addicted for weeks if not months. Sony finally have a winner for the PlayStation 4.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 26, 2015

It is still utterly fantastic to play. It is still one of the best action fighting mechanics in gaming. It still invokes that deadly and intense sense of failure matched with the heady highs of success that few other games (if not any entertainment) can match. It is still enriched with the uniquely mysterious touch of Miyazaki and From Software and that is all that it really needs to be.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Apr 16, 2015

I'm torn, because even with this [game crash] error Bloodborne is a candidate for Game of the Year. That's how good I think it is, absent end-game, memory leak and all.

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Top Critic
10 / 10
Apr 10, 2015

A fantastic game that holds its own against Dark Souls. A brand new setting and new gameplay mechanics add a freshness to the Souls formula. There's a lot to explore and experience including savage death. Right now, it's the best RPG of the current gen.

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4 / 5.0
Mar 23, 2015

Bloodborne is not a game for everyone. It simply is not going to appeal to the mass audience. However, I can say that in the time I ended up spending with the game I grew very fond of what was before me. It's not punishment just because, it's more in line with challenging you to become a different type of player when enjoying these games. You can't just hack your way through things, even when you feel like your latest upgrades should make you unstoppable. You have to have a strategy to how you play no matter what. For that, I say this is probably my new favorite title of next-gen consoles, but then again I could have just become assimilated to enjoy the pain. Now I just have to figure out if I should say thank you or just sit quietly until my next punishment.

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4.7 / 5.0
Apr 1, 2015

Bloodborne is the system selling exclusive that the PS4 has been waiting for (Sorry, Infamous: Second Son; we're still cool though) and stands tall as the most accomplished game to come out of From Software's studios to date. If you dig Bloodborne then definitely go and check out From's other offerings… You won't be disappointed, even if the pace is somewhat slower (And, coincidentally, Dark Souls 2 is getting a current gen remaster sometime this month, so get on board!).

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 22, 2015

All in all, the game is exactly what Souls fans have been hoping for in this new generation of consoles. It's gorgeous, terrifying, relentless and highly addictive.

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9 / 10
Apr 25, 2015

This generation's first truly essential exclusive

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9 / 10
Mar 30, 2015

If you're the sort of person who is up for exploring a grim, dark, and fatal world and has a high tolerance for failure, you'll be right at home in Yharnam. It might be the video game equivalent of an extremely bad day, but it also gives you the means to fight back, making it more fun than it should be.

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9 / 10
Apr 23, 2015

Am I telling you to rush out and buy a new console just for this title? No, I'm not saying that. However, I will say it's definitely a worthy addition to any PlayStation 4 library.

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