Giga Wrecker Alt Reviews
Giga Wrecker Alt is an interesting idea let down by frustrating control issues and poorly executed physics.
Giga Wrecker Alt. is a game that teeters on the brink of a great experience. It has some wonderful ideas that are hampered by the lackluster controls and frustrating execution. The world and its surroundings are great, the ideas are fantastic, but it just never hits that sweet spot of being something I felt compelled to keep coming back to. I struggled to get past some parts while others were a pure joy to play. It is the definition of mixed emotions.
GIGA WRECKER Alt. is a fun and enjoyable metroidvania type of game that features a good amount of action, exploration and platforming, as well as decent level of puzzle challenges. It doesn't go all the way to become an instant classic and it's difficult for the game to rise above its peers but it does a competent job at providing a good experience.
Review in Portuguese |
Giga Wrecker Alt is a pretty cool game. It has some issues and likely won't compel all players to keep going, but the puzzles are good, and getting to throw a ton of junk to smash a robot is always fun. The game looks good, sounds good, and offers plenty of play time, so get in there and wreck it.
A cool and unique physics-based puzzle platformer from the house of Pokémon, Giga Wrecker Alt. has some nice twists and mechanics. It's found a perfect home on console.
Giga Wrecker ALT. has some cool ideas, a good level design and even cooler physics, but is hampered by floaty controls and a basic combat system. Recommended, but not without caveats.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Giga Wrecker Alt. is a unique game, for sure, but uniqueness alone doesn’t make something good. The basics have to be there first, and in this case, they’re just not.
Giga Wrecker Alt. is a bit of a mixed bag, and it's hard to see just who would get the most out of it. There are some great elements in here. Some really great ideas. The sad truth is, it's a pretty poor execution of so many promising elements. The flawed controls, combined with the major issues on establishing how and where to progress makes ultimately for a pretty frustrating experience. Not the good type of frustrating, where a roar and a smile inspires a confidence to overcome. The sort of frustration to lead to just wanting to dump the game.
Giga Wrecker Alt is neither revolutionary nor without issues, and in fact is suffering from some obvious problems, but at the same time it offers a challenging and entertaining experience mixed with great story and interesting characters. With Giga Wrecker Alt, Game Freak showed that one of the most important things is to believe in your team, and to give them time and space to develop their ideas.
Review in Persian | Read full review
Either way, Giga Wrecker Alt. deserves a place in any self-proclaimed puzzle solver's digital library!
GIGA WRECKER ALT. is out now for Playstation 4, Nintendo Switch and XBox One.
Giga Wrecker Alt is a good puzzle platformer game with amazing puzzles, beautiful art style, some technical problems in its gameplay, besides lack of character's voice. Good aspects of the game is much more than its weaknesses and if you are a fan of this genre, then you must check Giga Wrecker Alt and entertain yourself with some challenging puzzle.
Review in Persian | Read full review
Giga Wrecker Alt. is an exceptionally unique game that expertly combines action and puzzles.
It’s that time again to hit the post-apocalyptic world button, which has given us games that range genres from shooters to RPGs to side-scrolling action titles… but how about a puzzle-platformer? Enter Giga Wrecker Alt from the talented folks at Game Freak who are obviously trying out something new and different...
Giga Wrecker Alt ended up being a pretty decent action game from Game Freak, being a metroidvania with a very heavy reliance on puzzles that are often clever enough to get the player thinking without making them totally stumped. However, the confusing map, weird zoomed-out view and clunky nature of the game makes this one tough to recommend even for metroidvania fans, since it has a lot more jank than most polished experiences.
Everything conspires to drown and neutralize every spark of intelligence glimpsed in Giga Wrecker Alt's best moments, buried under the ruins of what could've been a genious experiment.
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