Resident Evil Resistance Reviews
The Mastermind gets to have most of the fun in Resident Evil: Resistance, but surviving is less than a blast.
Resident Evil Resistance could be so much more with what it has on the surface, but what’s under the hood needs some thoughtful tweaking if Resistance is indeed a cause worth fighting for.
As a freebie included with Resident Evil 3, you can't really fault Resistance, but it helps that its asymmetrical multiplayer is also a lot of fun. It's a unique take on the Resi universe and I hope it finds some longevity.
Asymmetry somehow brings it all together.
There’s a long way to go for Resident Evil Resistance before it can compete with its single-player counterpart.
The Resident Evil multiplayer curse continues. Resident Evil Resistance presents some promising ideas, and messing with people as the Mastermind has its moments, but unsatisfying action, clunky level design, a lack of content, and manipulative microtransactions snuff out the game's potential. Sadly, trying to wring more than a few minutes of fun from Resident Evil Resistance is futile.
All in all, Resident Evil Resistance and its various concepts certainly show promise. Heck, it can even be an adrenaline rush when things go right. As it is now, however, the lack of content prevents it from reaching its true potential. It’s not dead on arrival like Umbrella Corps was. Unless it gets more fleshed out, however, Resistance is more akin to an ambling zombie that’s holding on to life.
Capcom's struggles with Resident Evil multiplayer continue with Resistance.
Quotation Forthcoming
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As of now, it's a fun addition to the Resident Evil 3 package but isn't available separately. It's got a good foundation to work with and feels unique enough to stand out if it gets the support it needs.
Stick to Left 4 Dead in the meantime; Resident Evil Resistance is better left buried until its developers have reanimated it with some much-needed updates.
Resident Evil Resistance is likely going to fall by the wayside like the repugnant Umbrella Corps, and be remembered as that thing nobody wanted. For years fans have wanted a new Resident Evil: Outbreak and sadly, they are going to miss something that manages to be as good as it.
At first glance, Resident Evil Resistance seems interesting and creative. However, level design issues, illogical challenges, and numerous technical problems do not let it find its place among other online titles, and soon few people will want to experience it
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Enter the versus multiplayer horror as we finally get the chance to tackle our review of RE3's pack-in game, Resident Evil: Resistance!
Good choice for most players, but not for everyone.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
In the end, Resident Evil: Resistance is a passable yet unremarkable multiplayer game. Playing as a mastermind offers more amusement but being a survivor is too dependent on communication which can be a problem. Even if you're playing under ideal conditions, it sadly loses its appeal very quickly. Specifically, it's not a bad game but it's certainly hard to recommend for long-term play.
An asymmetrical 4v1 multilayer that takes advantage of the name it carries, full of repetitive missions and maps, awkward handling, shallow gun feel and pay-to-win tactics that I don't think anyone will appreciate.
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With a refined matchmaking system (and rewards to go with it), as well as a balanced set of character classes and improved monster control, it could be a sleeper hit for many. For now, though, it feels like a missed opportunity. The fact it's bundled with a fantastic 5-star game in the form of Resident Evil 3 Remake, certainly helps. But as a standalone product, it's a fun but ultimately flawed experience; albeit one we hope improves in time.
Resident Evil: Resistance, despite its interesting idea, with its low content, and many problems and flaws, both in terms of gameplay and in terms of server connection quality, is a repetitive and annoying experience. Unfortunately, once again, Capcom has completely failed to provide an online experience in the world of Resident Evil.
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