Death end re;Quest 2 Reviews

Death end re;Quest 2 is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4 / 5.0
Aug 14, 2020

Death end re;Quest 2 follows the mold of its predecessor but is ultimately more enjoyable.

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God is a Geek
Lyle Carr
Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Feb 7, 2022

Death end re;Quest 2 is a dark and horrific JRPG is definitely worth playing, but the Switch port probably isn't the way to do it.

8.5 / 10.0
Aug 16, 2020

Death End re;Quest 2 tells an impressively dark story with aplomb, and if you can handle the subject matter and difficulty spikes is a must play.

8 / 10
Aug 14, 2020

Death End re;Quest 2 is the horror RPG I never knew I wanted. Its mysterious and grim story is reminiscent of some of the all-time great Japanese visual novel and indie adventure experiences, but the fact that it's tied up into an addictive and enjoyable RPG package is the icing on the cake. The fun begins to get soured a bit by the sudden difficulty spikes throughout the game, but that didn't stop me from enjoying this terrifying and jaw-dropping story from beginning to end.

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69 / 100
Feb 13, 2022

Death end re;Quest 2 was an excellent visual novel with an addicting RPG portion as well. While the sequel does a good job at telling a new story, there are some things newcomers might miss. At the same time, you don’t need to know what happens in the first game in order to excel. Death end re;Quest 2 is perfectly fine as a standalone game and would be even better if they explained the background more. I really liked the game and I appreciate the Nintendo Switch’s portability, but the visuals fell short of spectacular so it only just barely satisfied my RPG cravings.

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Top Critic
7.1 / 10.0
Aug 14, 2020

The sadistic events that surround the town of Le Choara is what makes Death end re;Quest 2 such a compelling read. While the combat is passable by IFI standards, it's the quality of writing that makes this such a memorable title on its own.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 23, 2022

Even with Death end re;Quest 2’s visual issues the combat and skill system keep the gameplay enjoyable. It’s quite fun watching monsters smash into each other and bounce off the arena walls like taking a part in a game of Beyblades. Just be sure you know what you’re getting into because there are several periods of downtime when experiencing the beautiful visual graphic novel portions of the game.

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7.5 / 10.0
Sep 25, 2020

Death end re;Quest 2 serves up an experience that can be described as bloody interesting — literally. The game doesn’t shy away from disturbing imagery as well as portraying uncomfortable topics such as abuse, bullying and violence. The combat system, meanwhile, combines classic turned-based RPG battling with pinball physics, resulting in a unique experience. The game can admittedly be rough around the edges and it won’t be for everyone. If you like Idea Factory’s offbeat titles, however, Death end re;Quest 2 is another solid addition.

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Top Critic
May 31, 2022

Great writing and endearing characters are the highlight of this charming, dark horror RPG, though the poor performance of the Switch port makes this the worst version of the game by far.

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Top Critic
Sep 1, 2020

This entry honed in on the things its predecessor did well, while stripping out some of the less-than-great fluff. That said, there are still some awkward parts to the game which may put some people off. The visual novel presentation can lead to some light pacing issues, while the anime archetypes may be a bit too much for others. The “Glitch Mode” costumes, while considerably tame compared to the first game, are definitely fanservice. Despite a few faults here and there, its numerous strengths make the game worth a look. Stellar writing, endearing characters, phenomenal voicework, eye-catching artwork, a catchy yet haunting soundtrack, and a delightfully dark atmosphere all stand as Death end re;Quest 2‘s strongest points.

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4 / 10
Sep 14, 2020

Death end re;Quest 2 is an experiment, which by itself is a great thing. It attempts to hybridise two genres of games that don’t normally share the limelight. But in the end, there is very little cohesion between the game’s two halves. It’s a JRPG with poor character development, and it’s a horror game that isn’t all that scary. And apart from the amazing battles, the game is frustrating on multiple fronts. There are parts of Death end re;Quest 2 that could be salvaged and made part of a better game, unfortunately that doesn’t amend all the shortcomings that are prolific within this title.

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4.3 / 5.0
Aug 18, 2020

It goes without saying the darker themes and bleak elements won't appeal to everyone, but those willing to give Death end re;Quest 2 a chance will be rewarded. Not only is it a lot of fun to play, the story immediately hooks you and there is a lot to see. Combine that with improved visuals and some nicer touches and it's a great experience that might be a bit of a niche but certainly interesting in its own way.

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4 / 10
Jun 16, 2020

Death end re;Quest 2 represents another promising franchise spiralling down the drain at Compile Heart.

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5 / 10.0
Feb 16, 2022

With curved expectations, there is still no way getting around the fact that Death end re;Quest 2 is a much more tamer game than its predecessor. Fanservice-y imagery is rarer due to the lack of splash art and fewer panty shots. Violence is much more restrained and more vague than it was in the first game and crass or vulgar dialogue is nonexistent.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Apr 25, 2022

Continuing the startling violent theme coupled with many moments of raw emotion related to the utter awfulness of humanity, Death end re;Quest 2 certainly delivers for old and new fans alike. While aspects of the battle system could have been explained better, and elements of the voice overs be tweaked, overall it is a superb horror RPG on Nintendo Switch. Replayability will depend how much of a fan of the original players are, and completionists can happily use the skip event mode to make the second play through faster, along with the option of keeping weapons, attack skills, and character levels the same as the end of the first playthrough.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2020

Death end re;Quest 2 is a safe JRPG sequel but one I very much enjoyed when I finished it. The gameplay isn’t vastly different from the first game and the difficulty is a bit all over the place at times. The story though is once again dark and full of terrors and was the main driver for me to play this through. I like the characters within it a lot and was shocked at some of the story beats. If a dark and twisted JRPG is what you are seeking this fall then Death end re;Quest 2 should be on your playlist.

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Aug 15, 2020

I wish I could delve more deeply into the themes in this review, because there's a lot to talk about with this particular dark mystery and I'm looking forward to discussing it at greater length with people down the track, but just be aware going in that there are layers of nuance to this game that it will never get the credit it deserves for.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Aug 17, 2020

This has some merits to it that can't be denied, such as its artwork and very good English voice acting. The problems are, for a horror game, beyond some parts of its plot, the story gets lost with far too much fluff about dorm life, and walking around the same town over and over. This could easily have been cut in half to deliver a better narrative. The 'pinball' battle system is such a break from anything horror related, it serves as icing on a cake that had good intentions, but the ingredients simply were not right for what was required.

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8.2 / 10.0
Aug 16, 2020

If you're a fellow fan of the original Death end re;Quest then playing Death end re;Quest 2 is a must. Although it doesn't feel like a huge step up for the series, there's definitely a lot of fun to be had in its delightfully twisted world.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 22, 2020

While it doesn’t change much from its predecessor Death end re;Quest 2 tells a gripping tale that combines great horror themes with solid RPG mechanics that will surprise most players.

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