Mortal Shell Reviews
New and fresh take on popular soulslike genre from newly established developer is full of interesting ideas
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A well-polished game when looking at the combat system and the great technical visuals, suffers from subpar level design and lack of identity.
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Although Mortal Shell suffers from several design issues, and although it seems a lot like the Souls series, its solid combat system eventually saves the day, making it an exciting, yet short, Action RPG that will probably worth your while.
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Slow-paced action-slasher with satisfying combat and grim atmosphere. And it leaves you wanting for more.
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Mortal Shell isn't the best Souls-like experience but its a brave and enjoyable shot at the genre with its ideas and interesting world, it will be enjoyable for the genre veterans and a good introduction to new comers.
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Mortal Shell is an effort to deliver a soulslike game that values the good development of the genre and well-crafted controls that guarantee a refined technique for an indie game.
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Mortal Shell surprises me a lot with its quality and value. It uses some of the best elements of masterpieces like Dark Souls, Sekiro and Bloodborne, but in the end and because of some special elements in gameplay like defense system and shell, it has its own unique character and vibe. As a 30 $ game, Mortal Shell has value and quality more than many AAA 60 $ games. Long story short, if you like hardcore games like Dark Souls, you should definitely play Mortal Shell.
Review in Persian | Read full review
Mortal Shell has left me fuming at times but the game’s impressive visuals, combat, and atmosphere will keep pulling me back for quite some time yet.
Mortal Shell shines brightly as an example of the Souls formula done well. Anyone who is a fan of the challenging gameplay the genre is known for will be happy with this title.

Mortal Shell is not the perfect Souls-like game out there, but it’s most certainly one of the best ones. It has its glaring flaws, but they’re drowned out by the amazing craftsmanship of the game’s creators and their taste for distinction.
Mortal Shell may offer a solid experience but as I played it, I couldn't help but want to dive into the Souls series again as the amount of variety and excitement in FromSoftware's games makes this feel like a hollow shell in comparison.
Mortal Shell is a promising debut for Cold Symmetry, offering a derivative but engaging soulslike experience. The combat system and unique progression are highlights, though some mechanics need refinement.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Mortal Shell follows the Souls/Borne genre to a tee. Lacks any accessibility, combat feels sluggish and cumbersome. Considering the game will only appeal to a limited niche of gamers, I cannot recommend Mortal Shell. The clunky combat, the dated visuals, lack of accessibility features, this feels like a cheap Dark Souls clone.
Mortal Shell is a truly great Souls game that deserves its place alongside world-famous titles such as Dark Souls, Demon's Souls and Bloodborne. Mortal Shell builds on the fundamentals of the genre, but adapts them to its own form. Battles are much slower than usual, but bring a new level of frustration. The bosses are all difficult and scary, while their fights are accompanied by great background music (especially for Hadern). As for the price of €24.99, I'm not sure if it's justified or not, but I'll leave that up to each of you to judge. For my part, I can highly recommend the game.
Review in Czech | Read full review
This is a game made by a relative handful of people, and viewing it from that perspective, the whole package is more impressive, and shows plenty of room for growth in any future project. It certainly explains the limitations and faults found in certain areas. It doesn’t excuse them, but that knowledge does soften their impact.
While undeniably ambitious and packed with content, this Souls-like delivers challenges, but not all are intended
The Soulslike genre has become particularly popular in the West, thanks to games like Bloodborne and the critically acclaimed Elden Ring. As a fan of the genre, Mortal Shell’s arrival to the hybrid console was a pleasant surprise, especially after learning that it was developed by an indie studio.
I cannot fault them for the bugs, which were both rare and easily fixed, especially in the review copy. If you want a fresh and unique Soulslike experience, then look no further than Cold Symmetry’s Mortal Shell.
Each swing of my blade, each enemy I put to death, was elating. Each second was a battle between life and demise, and when that made you a winner, nothing could be more satisfying than this. On the off chance that you need a new and remarkable Soulslike experience at that point, look no further than Cold Symmetry’s Mortal Shell.