Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Reviews
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin doesn't shake the genre up or do anything incredibly unique, but it's a massive JRPG with lots to do. It's a solid entry for the sub-series and is recommended for those looking for a charming title on the Switch that doesn't require much thinking or undivided attention. It's a casual game for the most part, but the back half does provide some epic story moments that are satisfying and worth watching.
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is a beautifully presented JRPG with a plethora of fun things to do and deep systems I happily got lost in – but a few issues leave it short of being flawless.
A beautifully realised old school JRPG whose only downfall is its story of all things.
Cute and approachable, but with enough bite to satisfy.
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is a solid turn-based monster collector that still manages to feel like a Monster Hunter game. If you're a fan of games like Pokemon Sword and Shield, or you just can't get enough Monster Hunter, you'll definitely want to check out this game.
Those looking for an easygoing yet surprisingly deep JRPG will be taken with Monster Hunter Stories 2, even if some of its more notable flaws are harder to forgive. But once you look past those, you’re left with a wondrous little adventure with an engaging battle system, lovable characters, and an emotionally resonant narrative that sunk its claws in far deeper than I ever expected it to. If you’ve never been able to vibe with the mainline games, give this one a punt.
Hatching Monsties and battling alongside them against bigger monsters is very fun and pulls its weight more than the lackluster story
Capcom's new Monster Hunter spin-off is a solid JRPG for those who enjoy collecting and raising monsters.
Monster Hunter Stories 2 is a win, with so many quality of life changes from its predecessor on 3DS. It’s welcoming and accessible, familiar yet new, complex but not too confusing, and has plenty of surprises waiting for players and I can see myself playing it way beyond this review.
Monster Hunter Stories was one of the most brilliant spin-off decisions in the series and this sequel does its best to improve upon what the original started and does it well.
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin deserves to find a sizable audience. It's full of charm and boasts depth that can immerse the committed or be dabbled with by those eager to simply experience the story. As a blend of Monster Hunter with a traditional RPG approach it's an accomplished effort, and offers the sort of meaty experience that'll keep most players busy for weeks. Switch owners will need to tolerate some disappointing performance, unfortunately, but the overall experience shines nonetheless. It's a game of bright colours and wholehearted optimism, which is very welcome indeed.Oh, and you can name your Monsties; trust us, you're gonna love these companions.
Fans of the greater franchise will absolutely get a kick out of this, and it's a great time to dive into something like Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin.
Monster Hunter Stories 2 is a fantastic adventure filled to the brim with challenge, heart, and - most importantly - monsters.
Wings of Ruin may not make a hardened hunter of you, but nor does it want to. It would rather bring you along for its own wondrous ride.
Expand and improve what was seen in the first installment, with greater visual maturity and small modifications in battles. Extremely deep, its superb turn-based combat and depth will hook you if you are able to get into its replay and egg collection dynamic.
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Monster Hunter Stories and Stories 2 are coming to new platforms to offer two great classic RPG adventures. The first game improves on a technical level, although it feels aged next to its sequel. There's not too much new content, but if you've never played... This is the best opportunity to do so.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is, in short, an interesting proposition for both Monster Hunter and Pokémon players. Capcom seamlessly fuses both concepts into a product with a greater emphasis on the story not so prominent in both franchises, and in which some details deprive it of being one of the most outstanding games of all of 2021.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
What Monster Hunter Stories as a whole truly offers is an expansive look into the Monster Hunter universe through a more welcoming lens. It’s not as deep (in ways that both hurt and help its case), but that’s by design. Just know what you’re getting into and you should have a fun time with Monster Hunter Stories 2.
A clever reinterpretation of classic Monster Hunter action in the form of a Japanese role-playing game. Although it can often seem a little too oversimplified compared to the mainline titles.
This sequel is very similar to the first chapter in terms of feel and structure, but that does not mean that it is not a valid and better game: those who have enjoyed the first will surely love Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin.
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