Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin Reviews

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is ranked in the 83rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9.5 / 10.0
Jul 7, 2021

Monster Hunter Stories 2 is a fantastic adventure filled to the brim with challenge, heart, and - most importantly - monsters.

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Jul 7, 2021

While the Nintendo Switch version holds the game back compared to the PC one, the game itself remains a blast from beginning to end, offerings tons of content and a unique take on the Monster Hunter formula.

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8 / 10
Jul 7, 2021

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin deserves to find a sizable audience. It's full of charm and boasts depth that can immerse the committed or be dabbled with by those eager to simply experience the story. As a blend of Monster Hunter with a traditional RPG approach it's an accomplished effort, and offers the sort of meaty experience that'll keep most players busy for weeks. Switch owners will need to tolerate some disappointing performance, unfortunately, but the overall experience shines nonetheless. It's a game of bright colours and wholehearted optimism, which is very welcome indeed.Oh, and you can name your Monsties; trust us, you're gonna love these companions.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Jul 7, 2021

Wings of Ruin may not make a hardened hunter of you, but nor does it want to. It would rather bring you along for its own wondrous ride.

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Jul 7, 2021

Monster Hunter Stories 2 is a much friendlier introduction to the complex franchise, anchored by excellent turn-based RPG combat,

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Jul 7, 2021
I recommend: Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin (Review) [4k PC] video thumbnail
85 / 100
Jun 13, 2024

It's about time Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin made its way onto PlayStation. I'm a bit sad that there isn't a native PlayStation 5 port, but the current PS4 one is solid through and through. The smooth and high frame rates are a treat but the long load times leave more to be desired. If you're looking for a party turn-based JRPG as your next game on your PlayStation, then Wings of Ruin is definitely worth checking out.

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David Flynn
Top Critic
85 / 100
Jul 7, 2021

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is a great and charming RPG with a similar, addicting gameplay loop as the main series. While the game drags a little in the middle, it's worth seeing through to the end and beyond.

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Jul 7, 2021

Monster Hunter Stories 2 is a solid and thoroughly entertaining turn-based RPG. As long as you can put up with some bad jokes and relatively low difficulty, there's a lot of fun to be had here.

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4.5 / 5 stars
Jul 7, 2021

Monster Hunter Stories 2 is a fun, anime-inspired ride that gets better the further you delve in. It has a huge roster of Monsties to tame, a simple to learn but difficult to master combat system, and an insanely addictive Monstie development system.

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8 / 10.0
Jun 13, 2024

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is a much-improved sequel. For the most part, it's everything you enjoyed in the first game, but with a plethora of updates, including improvements to combat and exploration. There is just something about collecting these legendary monsters and having them fight by your side that puts a smile on my face.

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9 / 10
Jun 13, 2024

While the overall structure of the game hasn't changed, the formula worked and didn't need any major shifts. But when compared to the first Stories — which already holds up really well — the small and large enhancements to every facet of the experience make this sequel a must-play RPG for any fan of the genre, or the Monster Hunter series.

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Top Critic
16 / 20
Aug 9, 2021

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is a successful, generous title with more detailed gameplay than you might think.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Jul 23, 2021

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin have one of the most in-depth and exciting monster breeding system ever made, but sadly it comes with rather archaic narrative and boring combat encounters.

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Drew Leachman
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Jul 13, 2021

Overall, Monster Hunter Stories 2 is a fine game. It does nothing offensive while still having some great mechanics thrown in. The story is decent, the combat is fun, but can get a little long in the tooth and the overall progression system was fine albeit a bit one note after a while. Monster Hunter fans can have a fun time with it while old school RPG fans will get more out of the mechanics of the combat mixed with the rite of channeling that can really get the maximum stat boosts going. It has it’s pacing issues here and there with the combat and the quest progression, but overall, these are minor compared to the sheer amount of things you can do while still raising the best team of Monsties you can make.

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Daily Mirror
Eugene Sowah
Top Critic
Jul 10, 2021

The whole adventure is a massive mountain to climb and that's without all the extra content. There are elements within the game that can feel overwhelming, but like other Monster Hunter games, players will only be rewarded by the amount they put into the game. There are some performance issues but that doesn't take away that much from the overall experience. Even though this may not be the Monster Hunter players are familiar with, it's a great game that Capcom has amazingly re-envisioned to bring a new audience.

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8 / 10
Jul 7, 2021

While it can get repetitive and you don't have as much control over combat as I'd like, this is undoubtedly a very strong entry in the series on its own merits. If the idea of raising a horde of monsters and having them knock the crap out of others sounds good to you, I can't imagine you won't find anything to enjoy here.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Jul 7, 2021

Geared towards a younger or perhaps less experienced player base, Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin carves off a big piece of hunting joy while trimming away the fat.

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7.8 / 10.0
Jul 7, 2021

Monster Hunter Stories 2 turns out to be a good JRPG that will delight fans of the saga, especially those willing to turn a blind eye to its undeniable ease and a narrative held back by avalanches of fetch quests and a disappointing protagonist. Those who have played the first game should keep in mind that this is a more of the same, with all the pros and cons that this entails.

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7 / 10.0
Jul 7, 2021

Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin is a mixed bag. Hatching and maxing out your Monsties is a lot of fun, but the battle system in which you spend most of your time eventually wears out its welcome. While the story becomes interesting in the late game, it takes a long time to get there, with extended periods spent wandering from quest point to quest point on autopilot. There are a lot of systems at play here, but they don't always gel into a compelling game.

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