Chernobylite Reviews
It gets a lot weirder from there.
If you love the atmosphere of Eastern European survival games but hate the jank, Chernobylite is for you. Its cycle of scavenging and questing is addicting, and its characters are fun to meet. But that also means it becomes too easy once you get a feel for the controls and mechanics. Add that with a story that isn't scary, and you have a flawed game with an engaging core. It held my attention during its full runtime, and I can't say that for a lot of games.
Chernobylite's next-gen upgrade makes it the best version of the game on consoles, even if it still suffers from a vein of inconsistency.
It’s not without its problems, then, but Chernobylite offers an intoxicating blend of horror, survival, base-building and FPS action. Repetition could be an issue for some, and shying away from playing with the poorly-acted English dialogue is highly recommended. Once you’ve settled in to your quest to find out what happened to your long-lost love, however, it’s hard to not feel the urge to do one more mission before turning it off, ever in the hope of finding valuable resources or a crumb of information.
Chernobylite is one of the most inconsistent games I can recall ever playing, with fantastic highs and frustrating lows, leading to someplace in between.
Chernobylite might not be AAA, but it's great bang for the buck. At £29.99 I think it's a steal, but buyer beware! With its numerous performance issues the title isn't for everyone.
While I found a lot of the main mission uninspired and level design unpolished; Chernobylite’s dialog, choices, and the act of exploring when not just following a quest marker to be quite fun. While I wouldn’t call it the Stalker spiritual successor some might have been hoping for, it manages to be it’s own thing and for that I can respect it.
Chernobylite is a fascinating survival horror RPG that serves up an enthralling and impressively detailed exclusion zone for players to run a series of dangerous raids in. There may be a few too many gameplay elements chucked into the mix here but strong writing, well designed missions, great support characters and some incredible visual and audio work smooth over most of the rough patches. If you can deal with a some clunkiness with regards to combat and are prepared to work a little to get the most out of it, you'll find a deep and addictive indie gem awaits that does a fantastic job of scratching that S.T.A.L.K.E.R itch.
Chernobylite receives a good dose of improvements with the Xbox Series X|S version, which eliminates many of its most obvious problems and leaves a final product that is quite good, but far from perfect. Although Chernobylite on Xbox Series X|S is certainly the ultimate way to experience what this game can offer, it's disappointing that the game has optimization issues, which is reflected in its notorious frame rate drops, both on loading screens and in the game as a whole. However, the 60fps, the graphical improvements in terms of the definition of the textures, and also the lighting ones sit well with the game.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Chernobylite has a second chance on the way of a new generational procedure. It tempts with the beauty of the post-nuclear landscape with a very scrupulous attachment to its locality. The topography of the terrain in harmony with real places is impressive. Exploration, learning about history and non-accidental characters. In the shadow of the great escape from the threat, we are conducting a very personal investigation. The Farm 51 proved their skills. We look forward to more.
Review in Polish | Read full review
Altogether, Chernobylite is a game with a very good story, characterisation and space-making and a mediocre gameplay.
Review in Persian | Read full review
Chernobylite is not perfect, its story may not be to the taste of many people and be somewhat chaotic, and its gameplay depends largely on whether you enjoy exploring its maps repeatedly, surviving and obtaining resources. If that is the case, there is no doubt that this title offers an original gameplay cycle, with the possibility of hooking you for hours on end. Yes, the numerous crashes that we have suffered are more worrying, and which unfortunately we have had to take into account when putting a score.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Chernobylite is a game with fun mechanics that make you spend a lot of time on them. However, the slow gameplay and the horribly buggy performance keep players away from any fun the game might provide. Maybe they'll improve the PS4 version through updates, but until then, choose to wait for the next-gen version.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
All in all, especially for fans of games like the Stalker series, playing Chernobylite is a good option that you will never regret experiencing.
Review in Persian | Read full review
While stunning visually, with impressive textures and world building, Chernobylite tends to think of itself as a hodgepodge of genres.
Chernobylite delivered a lot more than I originally expected. The story is great and keeps the player wanting to find out more. The gameplay adds unique elements to the normal first-person shooter and horror genres. The option to go through a game non-lethally is not a new concept but adding the insanity aspect adds layers to this already complex game. For lovers of games like Metro and S.T.A.L.K.E.R., this will be a welcomed treat. This emotional and complex trip through Chernobyl is well worth the price of entry. All the different aspects implemented into Chernobylite can lead to hours of entertainment.
The Farm 51 understood everything about the setting of Cherobylite, which the nail incredibly. Sadly, their inability to stick to a solid gameplay plan means the overall experience is bloated with pointless systems which just pull the whole experience down a level.
Chernobylite is a good alternative if you are tired of STALKERs but you want to feel some Chernobyl radiation.
Review in Turkish | Read full review
Even tho comparing Chernobylite with titles like Metro and STALKER seems inevitable, in order to really feel and connect with Chernobylite you'll have to judge it on its own merits. Chernobylite is not a 1st person shooter and if you expect action packed gameplay with tons of firework from it you will be disappointed. But if you are looking for an atmospheric adventure survival game where every choice makes a difference, Chernobylite will definitely satisfy you.
Review in Persian | Read full review
Chernobylite is a pass for The Farm 51, allowing the home team to enter the major leagues. The post-apocalyptic title taking us to the exclusion zone is unique and given the low price, it is the responsibility of every game fan to read Igor's story.
Review in Polish | Read full review