Chorus Reviews

Chorus is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2021

Chorus is a fun, fast-paced and beautifully designed space opera/science-fiction game that can keep you entertained for hours upon hours. The problem is that there are few activities to do in the game's big world besides the core gameplay and the plot isn't as engaging as expected for this kind of setting.

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3 / 5.0
Dec 3, 2021

There’s a solid space shooter buried beneath Chorus’ many bumps and bruises. Unfortunately, however, I’m not sure many players will be willing to dig beyond its myriad technical issues and more frustrating moments to find it. And honestly, that’s a real shame. Because with a bit more polish and refinement, Fishlabs’ latest offering could have been a space opera to remember with its unique story and exciting blend of sci-fi action and creepy occult mysticism. If you’re willing to overlook its problems, Chorus offers about a dozen hours of dogfighting action to keep you busy. But you’re going to need plenty of patience if you hope to break the Circle.

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9.5 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2021

Chorus is an absolutely excellent experience. Its story never felt dull. I loved watching Nara and Forsa mend their broken relationship and breathe in the excellently built zones and its deep lore. Despite not playing many games like it, the gameplay was accessible and enjoyable. The game is visually stunning with a soundtrack that meshes excellently with the setting of the game. If it were not for the one imbalanced boss, and the minor bugs I experienced, this would have been a perfect experience. Still, these are minor quibbles. Chorus is a game that should be on everyone’s radar heading into Game of the Year discussions. As only in Chorus will you be surprised and amazed by what the developers crafted.

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80 / 100
Dec 3, 2021

CHORUS is a great arcade in which we will control Nara and we will have to defeat the Circle. Perhaps its open-world structure and some repetition in its secondary missions dilute a story that hooks you from the first minute in a game with a bomb-proof gameplay.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2021

Thanks to the addictive gameplay, fantastic visuals, and interesting story, Chorus is easily one of my favourite games of 2021. The gameplay is solid, smooth, fast, and very exciting, hooking you immediately with the mechanics yet keeping you addicted via the engaging and intriguing story. Even if you’re not a fan of the dogfighting genre, or you’ve not played one before, if you have any interest in arcade-style combat enclosed within a mysterious and exciting narrative, then you’ll love Chorus.

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6 / 10
Dec 3, 2021

Chorus offers a fairly middling take on a space combat shooter. The gameplay is really where Chorus shines, when you combine piloting, powers, and weapons in just the right way, you can reach a sweet spot that makes the game a delight to play. It just takes too long to reach this point, so you'll likely lose interest before then. If you enjoy space flight games there is almost certainly something here for you to enjoy as the minute to minute action in Chorus is mechanically sound, it's just been done better elsewhere (see: Elite Dangerous, Everspace 2). The real shame of Chorus is that the story can’t match the excitement of the gameplay. Lacking any real characters, the game relies on Nara and Forsaken, and unfortunately, their dynamic is so underdeveloped that it makes the climax of the game feel undeserved. Nara’s journey to overcome her guilt is an interesting one, however, the game doesn’t do enough to capitalise on the promising premise.

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70 / 100
Dec 3, 2021

Chorus aims for the stars, and blasts it sky-high.

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9 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2021

Chorus’ fluid, fast and action packed combat is so satisfying and the visuals are stunning. As much as I enjoyed the main story, the side quests and random encounters helped me explore more of each of the amazingly detailed systems and find more component upgrades for my ship. I highly recommend this game for space combat shooter fans and PC players can play a demo on Steam or Epic to try it out.

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7 / 10
Dec 3, 2021

Chorus shines in its exceptionally fun flight chops and smooth handling. Dogfighting in space never felt so responsive or satisfying and the backdrops can be stunning. However its ambitious, heavy story and unsympathetic heroine will leave some cold, some confused, and others simply bored.

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Dec 3, 2021

Chorus has exceptional gameplay and a vast expanse to explore within the confines of its planetary system. It unfortunately suffers from a technical issues that hold it back from greatness. And while it may not have the best voice acting or story, it more than makes up for it with its space combat and freedom to explore through its design. Deep Silver Fishlabs have made gameplay the focal point, and it shows. Chorus is the kind of game you can’t get enough of, and have to experience everything as it’s so rich and engaging.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2021

Chorus is a slick, well made game and fans of the genre will find a lot to like, and perhaps even love here. It controls like a dream, looks gorgeous to boot and while the plot left me a bit cold at times, it’s hard not to admire the work and effort put in overall. If you want to become an ace pilot working with a surly sentient space fighter to take down an evil empire and free the galaxy this Christmas, you’d be hard pressed to find a better use of your time.

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70 / 100
Dec 3, 2021

Chorus brings back a lot of elements from games from the past that I loved. But just as many elements that I didn't want to see ever again. I see the game's qualities and think you could like it, in the end, I didn't really.

Review in German | Read full review

Dec 3, 2021

Chorus has some interesting ideas that the genre sorely needs but the dogfights in space can only go so far and generally drag the rest of the experience down.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 3, 2021

A space-faring tale of redemption that is built on a foundation of exhilarating combat and awesome powers, Chorus is one tune everyone needs to hear.

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