Marvel's Midnight Suns Reviews
A unique take on the tactical turn-based strategy genre, with peculiar RPG traits. The game is fun, well-designed and compelling thanks to its mechanics and a solid narrative. It's a bit too repetitive to become a masterpiece, but it's definitely a game worth checking out by anyone remotely interested in the genre.
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Marvel's Midnight Suns is as good of an RPG as it is a strategy game.
Marvel's Midnight Suns has fantastic card-based combat, something it shares in common with Marvel Snap, along with excellent social features and deeply fascinating Marvel lore. It can engross you for dozens of hours with brilliantly layered, unique gameplay featuring just enough variety to make each battle run differently. But this doesn't mask its fatal flaws, namely some game-breaking bugs that'll prevent you from finishing a game with a clearly established ending.
Midnight Suns is easy to recommend for fans of comics, strategy, and roleplaying games. While Firaxis does go overboard with the base-building and crafting side of the game, I did enjoy getting to know my heroes better. This game truly shines thanks to its unique and memorable combat system. Thanks to the mission structure and DLC on the way, it feels like a game I’ll revisit again and again.
Making good use of the comics, this turn-based strategy games gives players satisfyingly fiendish challenges – and room to chillax afterwards
Marvel’s Midnight Suns combines addictive, deep strategy gameplay with a cast of characters that make the moments outside of the action just as rich and enjoyable as those in it. A lengthy campaign packed with missions to go on and relationships to form with Earth's Mightiest Heroes make Marvel's Midnights Suns a modern strategy classic and one of 2022's biggest surprises.
All sorts of fun tensions arise from these groups interacting, all supported by some really strong writing. The only thing that lets it down is the sometimes janky production values, and we often felt like particular lines or moments would have been better delivered in a single comic panel with a distinct facial expression, rather than Midnight Suns’ middling character models. If you can look past this, though, then you get some really funny moments with a cast of characters that genuinely feels like it’s been assembled with care – a feeling which extends throughout the entire game and which is a welcome surprise for this big-budget IP-driven title.
I can’t say enough good things about Marvel’s Midnight Suns, while I knew this was going to be a strategy game of sorts, I was pleasantly surprised with how deep its systems got for those that really want to dig in. The way that characters can be equipped and built out offers so much flexibility for players it is really astounding. And all of that directly corresponds with the relationship/friendship system. As players continually build those relationships they will be rewarded with various attacks, and buffs when using that hero. Not to mention the fantastic story that is built here, and while some will find some of the social elements a bore there is a payoff for a great deal of the interactions. Marvel’s Midnight Suns is a game that will demand your time and attention, its not a quick experience but it is just that, an experience one that is nicely balanced in its fantastic story and above average action for a perfect melding of what makes superheroes so cool to being with.
If not for a rather significant bug that dragged back my progress, Marvel's Midnight Suns would have been an absolute joy from start to finish. A nice twist on the RPG format that lets you get up close and personal (platonically) with some of the biggest names in the Marvel universe.
Marvel's Midnight Suns is a hero on the battlefield, where its card-based combat is a hit. The release's more adventurous social aspects are conceptually interesting, allowing you to candidly interact with a spectrum of personalities, but the writing and cutscene direction simply isn't up to scratch. It means that you'll spend long stretches of gameplay itching to get back to the action, but the lure of the tactical battles with pull you through. It's an unusual, unfocused title at times, but one with character and ambition that's easy to appreciate.
While there's a lot to love about its RPG elements and card-based gameplay, Marvel's Midnight Suns ultimately frustrates too much to be considered a true genre great. Its compelling supernatural premise and gameplay are undermined by MCU-style snark and a disappointing lack of polish, making it land with the impact of a low-charge Iron Man repulsor blast and not a well-timed hit to the face from one of Ghost Rider's patented Hellfire chains. Firaxis Games' title may be fun to play, but its story serves as a disappointing reminder of how Marvel's identity has been homogenized by a decade of formulaic silver screen dominance.
Complex beast, Marvel's Midnight Suns. Overall, I have enjoyed it a lot; so much that I found its defects even more annoying, especially considering they are related to design choices around combat missions. Still, this game is an epic adventure, truly worth of Marvel's lore.
Review in Italian | Read full review
The ability to partner familiar Marvel superstars with a hero of your own creation is just part of Midnight Sun’s appeal. The card battle system perfectly balances easy-to-learn with tough-to-master. With a heavy emphasis on narrative and character, Marvel’s Midnight Suns is much more than an X-COM clone. The Marvel gang feels right at home in the tactical RPG genre thanks to the game’s smart mechanics. Fighting alongside iconic Marvel heroes never gets old.
Marvel's Midnight Suns is a strong tactical RPG that feels like something that wouldn't be amiss in the MCU. Some elements can feel a little bloated, but it's a very strong game. The characterisation is top-notch, with some excellent scriptwriting and voice-acting to support it. Outside of the RPG aspects, combat is fun, engaging, and challenging - particularly at higher difficulty levels. I've had a lot of fun with the game, and I'm still having fun with it, and I can't help but think that fans of the genre - and Marvel - would enjoy it as much as me.
Marvel's Midnight Suns shines brightly in a year full of excellent strategy RPGs thanks to a heartfelt love for the license, and a huge roster of fantastically realized characters to go along with a unique card-based battle system. While there's definitely some filler to be found within the walls of the Abbey, this is an interesting new take on Marvel's mystical side, and one I can't wait to see more of.
The weirdest Marvel game is also one of the best. With an enormous number of complementary systems, a simple but deep combat system, and a mountain of delightful character moments to explore, Midnight Suns shines a brilliant light into one of Marvel's lesser-known corners. This is a huge game, but also a comfortable and warm game for strategy and Marvel fans alike. Possibly the best release of the holiday season, and one of the strongest games of the year.
Marvel’s Midnight Suns is a lot of character and base building built into a unique deck building Strategy RPG. There are some story pieces that just aren’t entirely enthralling, and you may find the exploration to be lacking. What Midnight Suns does happen to do exceptionally well, is provide a purely satisfying strategy game, once you wade through all of the monotonous upgrades to get you to the combat. With plenty of characters to unlock, and multiple difficulty levels to amp up the strategy required, this is one of the best Marvel games to release in years. The best part is, whether you’re a Marvel fan, or you’re just a strategy buff, Midnight Suns delivers. Do not make the mistake of passing on this one.
Venom has finally joined Midnight Suns, and this take on the brain-munching symbiote is a comic book fan's dream. He's a great addition to any combat team, but one new character and three missions don't seem like enough given the asking price.
Midnight Suns’s biggest payoff comes in its final mission, which ties together all of your efforts at The Abbey and in previous combats. Forcing players to utilize their least played characters is particularly telling of the game’s design philosophy, for the success of your multipart battle proves that Midnight Suns is only as strong as its weakest links—and, consequently, so long as you’ve been paying attention, there are no weak links when it comes to the game’s combat.
Midnight Suns is possibly the best Marvel superhero game thanks to the great work of Firaxis, who reinvents its formula of success and presents us with an ambitious title with a great turn-based combat system based on cards and skills.
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