Bayonetta 3 Reviews

Bayonetta 3 is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
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9 / 10.0
Oct 26, 2022

Bayonetta 3 is one hell of a good time. There is never a dull moment in this action/adventure threequel that’s sure to take your breath away. Even if your only knowledge of Bayonetta is that she’s one of the many characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, now is the perfect time to see what this extraordinary franchise is all about. With polished combat mechanics, gorgeous visuals, and masterful storytelling, Bayonetta 3 is simply bloody brilliant.

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Oct 25, 2022

Thanks to excellent characterisation, a true understanding of how to work with both hyperbole and surrealism within a narrative, and a ridiculously complex, but rewarding, combat system, Bayonetta 3 has been well worth the wait.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2022

Bayonetta 3 is the kind of game that makes you wonder where a series could possibly go from here, because I can't imagine a sequel being bigger or better than this.

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9.5 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2022

Bayonetta 3 is a sexy, entertaining, but also touching action game that exceeds all your expectations and surpasses the previous games thanks to its story and ending.

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8.9 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2022

In defiance of a time when many game series are opting to mature, Bayonetta 3 raises a giant middle finger and that's awesome. Believe it or not, it's even more over-the-top than you'd expect so strap on some high heels and get ready for some action.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 25, 2024

Throughout my time with Bayonetta 3, it felt that the game was always on the cusp of setting my Switch on fire, but thankfully my house is still standing and the slick performance was intact. The story is as bonkers as the rest of the series, raising the stakes to a level that’s on par with the latest Marvel movies and while I do think that it is a little try-hard in some areas, we still have another great hack ‘n’ slash from Platinum Games. Bayonetta 3 might have taken a thousand years to arrive, but thankfully it's bloody good fun and is a fitting addition to the franchise.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 11, 2022

Bayonetta 3 is a great addition to the series, boasting intriguing gameplay changes and a solid overall experience.

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9 / 10
Dec 23, 2022

Bayonetta 3 brings a sufficient amount of fresh news, thanks to which it revives even a somewhat dying game genre. We recommend the title for 9 points out of 10, mainly for its excellent combat system.

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9 / 10
Nov 7, 2022

Bayonetta 3 is a case study of why a game that swings big and misses is often more worthy of your time than a 10/10 game that plays it safe. I just wish it could have stuck the landing story-wise.

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Dec 1, 2022

Hack-and-slash titles tend to drag their feet when it comes to keeping the gameplay loop alive. Bayonetta 3, however, manages to space things out perfectly between narrative-heavy segments, exploration, and quick three-to-four minute bouts of combat. Of course, it also helps that Baonetta is infamously hypersexualised and campy; the top-notch action and story are just a happy coincidence! When all is said and done, there is no denying how the game is worth its salt in playtime. While it is most certainly nothing new, long standing fans will find everything they have asked for here, and more. Newer fans might have a more challenging time getting to grips with it all, but this is Bayonetta at its best, and is a must for fans of the genre.

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8 / 10.0
Oct 29, 2022

If you liked the previous titles then you’ll like Bayonetta 3 because its more of the same with action set pieces ramped up to 11, while there are some behemoths when it comes to bosses, the game has enough leeway with dodging and health so things don’t get frustrating and average players should at least see a silver medal in most of their battles, while it’s difficult to tell what the future holds for Bayonetta, for now, it is always special when she finally pops around.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 31, 2022

The combat is jaw-dropping and stylishly energetic, never letting its foot off the brake. It also attempts to make the most out of its multiverse premise.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 27, 2023

This game may be the best of the trilogy in terms of the diversity of gameplay and fighting elements and presents many interesting ideas, but it lacks some of the touches that previously characterized the series and is not without flaws in several aspects, in addition to ending the story in a frustrating and hasty way.

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9 / 10
Feb 7, 2023

Everything that made the first two games unforgettable is here, as well as a very welcome set of new elements, such as new characters and mechanics of other genres which do an excellent job at helping the experience to remain attractive. The combat system keeps its long-running signature moves and it's accessible enough to welcome as many segments of the audience as possible, while the plot is fleshed out at a new level. Truly Bayonetta 3 is an exquisite work that is both fresh and reliable.

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8 / 10
Dec 5, 2022

Given the scale of the experience, the intensely satisfying gameplay that rewards experimentation, entertaining cut-scenes, excellent music, overall fun factor, and replayability, I’m impressed that Platinum Games has managed to cram so much into Bayonetta 3. Despite a general lack of polish, Bayonetta 3 delivers a breadth of content, provides a worthy conclusion to the epic saga, and leaves me hopeful for the future of the company.

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9.7 / 10.0
Nov 15, 2022

Bayonetta 3 is a refinement of Platinum Games iconic gameplay and formula. A game that pays homage to not only the team's mechanical expertise, but also Hideki Kamiya's excellent iconic directing style. A project that focuses on all of the team's success, and a testament to the fact that Platinum Games is still worthy of being among the best in action games

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Nov 15, 2022

Bayonetta 3 is an awful lot more, but it's also an awful lot more of the same. It's a game that revels in its spirited too-muchness.

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6 / 10.0
Nov 22, 2022

Bayonetta 3 makes me question its existence at every turn. For as much fun as it can be in a classic Platinum Games character action sense, there’s so much bs you have to wade through to get there.

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Nov 23, 2022

PlatinumGames’ Hideke Kamiya said before release that it would be better to play the first and second game before playing this one. He’s right—of course. If I hadn’t been writing this review very early on I’d have turned the game off and ordered its predecessors, so that I could enjoy the game to its maximum

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No Recommendation / Blank
Nov 24, 2022

Bayonetta 3 is a bittersweet return that will have its fans, but it also demonstrates the lack of focus of PlatinumGames.

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