A Space for the Unbound Reviews

A Space for the Unbound is ranked in the 93rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
4.8 / 5.0
Feb 6, 2023

A Space for the Unbound's thoughtful narrative serves as a timely reminder of the necessity of making meaningful connections with other people via the words we choose to use. It may have some minor issues, but it features many positives for the players. Despite a few flaws, everyone should check out this title because of its compelling story and excellent visuals.

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Top Critic
8.8 / 10.0
Jan 28, 2023

A Space for the Unbound delivers its story of domestic/school violence (and overcoming it!) with its own imagination and well written characters. The tiny little details in the game that introduce Indonesian culture not only showed the developers' affection for their home country, but also made me want to know more about the country.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 28, 2023

A Space for the Unbound brings, with great charm and subtlety, an exciting story about the transition from youth to adulthood, traumas, personal desires and the consequences of intervening in the lives of the people around us, all with a touch of fantastic literature. Despite having some drawbacks, the game seduces with a well-crafted plot and a fantastic and immersive audiovisual presentation, making it an instant recommendation for fans of the adventure genre.

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8 / 10
Jan 29, 2023

Sometimes you come across a game that is actively striving to evoke emotions within you, and as mentioned above I think Mojiken did an amazing job in driving their intended point home. I truly found myself contending with some dormant feelings as I experienced A Space for the Unbound, and while it does have some things that bog it down (mainly just the long and repetitive fetch quests), it is certainly much more than its flaws. It trades off all the running around with a culturally rich environment/cast of characters, a realistic view into adult issues like depression, anxiety, loss, and loneliness, and for the price also provides pretty good replayability and entertainment value.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 27, 2023

I was surprised at just how tightly the narrative in A Space for the Unbound grabbed me, and it's sure to be either one of the indie hits of 2023 or one of the most under-played gems.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 26, 2023

A Space for the Unbound is a great coming-of-age game that presents difficult topics to players in a compelling way. The game’s art style is beautiful, with many detailed scenes clearly lovingly created by the artists at Mojiken. While there are moments where it feels slow, this is a game that will last with players for many years to come.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 26, 2023

A Space for the Unbound gently reminds us of the value and importance of human connection through our words with dream-like, mindful storytelling.

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Jan 25, 2023

A Space for the Unbound only looks pixels deep, but it is a masterpiece for its breadth of storytelling, its authenticity, and how it tackles difficult topics, from cultural expectations to mental health. As the game ended, it left me with a beautiful feeling of closure, accompanied by a hankering for cherry-chocolate-flavoured cake and Indonesian food.

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5 / 5.0
Jan 25, 2023

A Space for the Unbound is Mojiken and Toge Productions at their best. If you weren’t paying attention to this powerhouse team yet, correct this mistake now with the literal masterpiece that is A Space for the Unbound. It proudly stands shoulder to shoulder with the likes of To the Moon and Rakuen with its impeccably unique flair, ready to laugh with players during the high moments and cry with them in its lows. If you have a fondness for emotional narrative-driven games and have been even remotely curious about A Space for the Unbound, don’t wait a moment longer and get this game (and some tissues).

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Jan 24, 2023

A Space for the Unbound is one of the first surprises of the year, offering a powerful and heartfelt story in an Indonesian town in the 1990ss

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8 / 10
Jan 21, 2023

A Space for the Unbound shoots for the stars and lands in the Milky Way, making it a 2023 stand out already. Whilst the gameplay wanes in the final hours, the story, characters and plot conclude in an immensely satisfying and emotional way.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 18, 2023

A Space for the Unbound is a game that explores the theme of trauma and our need to consistently move forward. It is an exciting adventure and recommended for any type of player.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jan 18, 2023

Through the lens of magical realism, A Space for the Unbound takes a whimsical yet mature look at what happens when a community is under unexplainable distress. It shows you the effect one small action or one person can have. Factor in a beautiful art style, excellent storytelling, and a gorgeous soundtrack, and there’s no denying the superb quality of the content.

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Jan 18, 2023

A Space for the Unbound is a wonderful slice-of-life adventure that is sure to tug at your heartstrings and make you nostalgic for your high school days. It made me smile and cry, and any game that has the power to do that deserves nothing more than a two-thumbs up.

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Jan 19, 2023

A Space for the Unbound is a narrative adventure that tugs at your heartstrings despite its simple presentation. The soundtrack of the game is stellar and really elevates the experience, going well with the ongoing scenes. The game deals with mature themes that may turn away some players, but all of it is handled with care and isn’t forced upon anybody. While some sequences tend to overstay their welcome, it’s a minor issue that can easily be overlooked.

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90 / 100
Jan 19, 2023

Simply put: this Indonesian indie title is one for the ages (for 2023 anyway), despite that one problem which is honestly a genre issue. Hats off to the humble team at Mojiken Studios for finally releasing a huge passion project that puts a lot of big-budget narrative-driven video games to shame.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 18, 2023

A Space for the Unbound told a stunning, touching story about identity and finding yourself, even in the midst of trauma and crisis. By the end, your heart will ache for Atma and Raya, even if the “game” part of that story gets in its own way sometimes.

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