Deceive Inc. Reviews

Deceive Inc. is ranked in the 48th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
82 / 100
Apr 26, 2023

A creative blend of sneaking and shooting that will have squads coming back for more.

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Top Critic
Mar 28, 2023

Despite its bugs, Deceive Inc. is fun enough that I immediately started asking my friends to play with me. Nobody has taken the bait yet so I haven’t tried the multiplayer mode, but solo mode is fun enough that it’s tiding me over. Here’s hoping that the game fixes its many bugs quickly, because there’s plenty else to love about this game as long as they build on the base they’ve started with.

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7 / 10
Mar 28, 2023

Outside of some bugs, Deceive Inc. is a multiplayer game like few others right now and it's a refreshing change of pace from the usual deathmatch shooter. It's creative, both visually and conceptually, and something worth watching, because its best days may be ahead of it.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 13, 2023

Deceive Inc. strives to distinguish itself from the mass of competitive multiplayer with a more stealth approach. The formula is successful and the matches are a lot of fun, however more content and a premium season need to be added to offer the same variety as the kings of this genre do: the premise is great, but only time and players interest will determine the game's success.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Apr 5, 2023

Deceive Inc has a new and unique premise and an engaging gameplay loop but its lackluster combat which is going to be inevitable in each match just pulls this otherwise killer spy simulator and sends it out to Die Another Day. While it has the benefit of being unlike any of the other hum-drum deathmatch games out there at the moment, I just hope that it can find a large enough player base to stand the test of time.

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6 / 10
Mar 28, 2023

Still, the core of Deceive Inc. is good; deducing who might be an opponent while trying to blend in is a tense, fun experience. It's in need of some updates before it reaches its full potential — adjustable text size would be nice, and it's going to need a wider variety of maps and modes going forward. It's a solid starting point with a great premise; hopefully it can evolve into something really worthwhile.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 28, 2023

If you're looking for an engaging multiplayer spy game, Deceive Inc. is hiding in plain sight. It has some issues that mar an otherwise solid experience, but it's difficult to fault it for those since it will only run you $20.

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Mar 30, 2023

There are things to love about Deceive Inc., but it has one crucial thing holding it back.

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75 / 100
Mar 28, 2023

Deceive Inc. delivers fun matches in a scenario of spies against spies in an online multiplayer environment with some quality. The lack of content is worrisome and is the biggest downside here, forcing the player to have some hope for more in the future.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

7 / 10
Apr 4, 2023

Deceive Inc. is a great surprise that could start a new Battle Royale game. Most of the time, the game will push you to the following goals. And you will feel like a real agent who needs to steal a valuable item. With so many options, the game will keep you entertained, and you will want to play repeatedly, trying different strategies and discovering the agents' abilities. Fresh from release, the game still needs more content. But now, something new is coming, so hopefully, the developers won't fall asleep.

Review in Czech | Read full review

Jun 29, 2023

Go undercover as the world’s greatest secret agents in this multiplayer game of social stealth and subterfuge. Disguise yourself as anyone to blend into the crowd, deploy high-tech gadgets to gain the upper hand, and extract the package before the competition takes it for themselves! No trick is too dirty when you work for DECEIVE INC.

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89 / 100
Apr 17, 2023

Deceive Inc. is a joy of a game to play and is definitely something that will keep you coming back for more and more. While it does subvert from the typical FPS formula of bust in guns blazing. Deceive Inc. is a game that makes you think about your actions and what you do and forces players to think creatively but still not get caught. This game is definitely not for someone who was looking for a simple Overwatch clone, but it is for someone who wants something different and definitely something cheesy.

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3.5 / 5.0
Apr 11, 2023

Despite launching in a state that could really use an injection of some new content already, Deceive Inc. is a genuinely fresh and fun take on the asymmetrical multiplayer space. The tension and paranoia of the opening stages of each match are unlike anything else offered by the genre right now, and even though the tension of those initial moments is belittled slightly by the frequently chaotic endings, the gameplay hook remains strong enough that I’m keen to keep playing and getting familiar with the rest of the roster of agents. If you can look past the cash shop and are okay with buying a product on the basis that it serves as a strong foundation for something that could become pretty special, then Deceive Inc. might just be worth your time.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2023

Deceive Inc. isn’t merely the umpteenth Among Us clone, as it picks a setting that is prone to suspicious stealth action and camouflage and adds the gadgets and panache to it. Although there isn’t much to praise on the shooting aspect and the low number of maps is disappointing, this is a game that works when you find a group that plays by the rules. The more enthusiasm and immersion the better, and it is very enjoyable when that happens. But find a few ruthless players who will just try to botch your efforts and barely move, and things take a turn into frustration avenue. Still, this is a clever and engaging game that deserves a shot if you enjoy the garish style and multiplayer shenanigans. Even though some repetition sinks in, the concept is fresh and deserves a look – to paraphrase what that legendary spy once said: Yeah, baby!

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Apr 5, 2023

Deceive Inc is brilliant, even though the combat can be a bit clunky with aiming and firing the guns however the developers have addressed this and are working on lots of updates. I still cannot get over that a team of just 18 people can produce a game of this quality. It is either a game that you are going to really enjoy or simply not get on with. I am firmly in the enjoy it camp and for that reason, Deceive Inc gets the Thumb Culture Gold Award.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2023

Decieve Inc is a game I really wanted to like, but it comes into the camp of either love at first sight or a game you buy and forget and play with friends once in a while. My time with the game was enjoyable when it worked, but long matchmaking times, uneven and perplexing gunplay and unexplainable lag marred the enjoyment for me.

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8 / 10.0
Mar 25, 2023

Deceive Inc. is a great title that allows players to put their stealth and sleuthing abilities to the test in ways that feel really rewarding. While there are a number of bugs in the game right now and it’s still missing some major features, it will be interesting to see if and how this game is able to evolve as we get further out from the release date.

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