LocoCycle Reviews

LocoCycle is ranked in the 6th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Nov 28, 2013

There may be a good idea buried somewhere within LocoCycle, but what Twisted Pixel delivered disappoints on practically ever level.

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4 / 10
Nov 17, 2013

Ultimately, the whole thing is depressing more often than it's annoying. Twisted Pixel's lineage suggests that LocoCycle is made by talented and creative designers who had a handful of potentially entertaining ideas to play with. The implementation is rushed and slipshod, however, ignoring fundamental problems and expending limited energy on the wrong things. What you're getting for your money feels a little like somebody else's office in-joke: you can sense the well-intentioned laughter, but you can't really join in.

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Top Critic
6.4 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2013

LocoCycle earns its name with a metric ton of crazy, but its inconsistent, monotonous gameplay ultimately derails it.

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Nov 17, 2013

Plays like a torturous yet incredibly entertaining fever-dream. The humor makes a playthrough worthwhile, but the clunky mechanics are a real detriment to the overall experience.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2013

You can tell that Twisted Pixel had a great time making Lococycle. It's a fun, quick experience, but not one you're likely to repeat

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4 / 10.0
Nov 20, 2013

LocoCycle represents a complete failure to communicate

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6 / 10
Nov 17, 2013

Its situations and story are riotous, but LocoCycle can't translate its fun humor into fun gameplay.

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2 / 5.0
Nov 25, 2013

Even looking fantastic wouldn't save how inane, silly and not fun Twisted Pixel's latest effort is. A generic voice and personality for IRIS, a weird twist in the form of Pablo, and tired vehicular combat do not make for a fantastic Xbox One debut.

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2 / 10.0
Dec 9, 2013

The fact that Lococycle was intended to be an Xbox 360 game to begin with is quite clear, as it does nothing to take advantage of the new power that the Xbox One affords it. Despite a mixed bag of launch titles on the console, this is by far the biggest disappointment, as Twisted Pixel have delighted us so much in the past.

5 / 10
Nov 17, 2013

At times enjoyable, LocoCycle is still a very by the numbers XBLA title.

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2 / 10
Nov 20, 2013

It's almost impressive that the bottom of the barrel has been established this early on in the Xbox One's career, but that's the only achievement of note for this wretchedly awful racer.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2013

LocoCycle tries a lot of new things thematically, while simultaneously paying homage to classic arcade racing shooters. It doesn't succeed in everything it sets out to do, but if you're looking for a decent arcade shooter to toy around with on your new Xbox One, LocoCycle is it. For everyone else, you'll have to wait until it hits the Xbox 360.

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4.2 / 10.0
Nov 17, 2013

If you're picking up an Xbox One and you're hard pressed on deciding which launch game you should pick up, we'll make it easy for you; give LocoCycle a pass unless you really want to spend a few hours playing a game that's memorable for all the wrong reasons.

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3 / 10
Nov 18, 2013

Ever watch a movie that's so bad... it's good? Twisted Pixel attempts the same with LocoCycle, but ends up with a game so bad... it's bad.

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40 / 100
Dec 3, 2013

The whole experience frustrates me. Driving at insane speeds on a wise cracking sentient motorcycle should be gaming nirvana, but the writing, mechanics, and design of Loc0Cycle are subpar. It's not worth the price of admission, and is one of the Xbox One's weaker launch titles.

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Ken McKown
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Dec 5, 2013

I wanted to love LocoCycle, but in the end, I just liked it. It has moments where I had a lot of fun with it, and others where I was forcing myself to play another level. This is probably my least favorite TP game to date, and that is depressing.

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6 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2013

LocoCycle is an out-of-the-box title, as original as twisted pixel's old works. But both The Gunstringer and 'Splosion Man worked far better than this irreverent "combat racing." Here the team tries to mix dicks, high-speed sprints, quick time events and absurd Live-Action skits. The result intrigues and entertains for a few half hours, but then begins the "descending phase" of the Parable of LocoCycle and the last part of the short adventure is too equal to itself and very tired in terms of playful solutions.

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Nov 26, 2013

By no means is LocoCycle a great game. Hell, I don't even know if I can call it a good game. But if I told you that I didn't have fun while playing it, well, I'd be lying.

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4.5 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2013

If you ever have friends over and they say something like "Oh is that the Xbox One?" And you want to show off the system to them, Lococycle should be the last title you would ever want to consider playing. But if you have children who wouldn't know any better, then yes, Lococycle would be for you.

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5.5 / 10.0
Dec 20, 2013

While its arcade-style gameplay is enjoyable, LocoCycle is wrapped in racist, lowest-common-denominator presentation that doesn't succeed at being funny or scandalous.

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