Super Mario Maker Reviews

Super Mario Maker is ranked in the 98th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Sep 11, 2015

The ability to muck about with our most powerful memories and experiences is bewitching and almost unthinkable, but that's the core of Super Mario Maker. It's exactly as good and as bad as you think a Super Mario level editor would be, and that's entirely subjective upon your own thoughts and opinions.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 2, 2015

Though surely there's plenty of room for additional features and improvement, Super Mario Maker is a user-generated content experience assembled with the wisdom and mature philosophy of gaming's finest.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 11, 2015

On the surface, Super Mario Maker is not an easy product. There is no classic mode with consecutive levels between them, and there is only a handful of levels created by nintendo's team. It's all about the creativity of players who, thanks to a powerful and incredibly easy-to-use editor, can really make this game a small pearl of the gaming landscape.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 29, 2015

Super Mario Maker is a beautifully crafted and unique game and it feels like Nintendo have put honest time and love into creating it. Other than the fact that timing a jump on the springboards is still horrifically challenging (but it has been for as long as I've been playing Super Mario), you simply cannot fault the meticulous production quality. The simplistic charm and fabulously colourful world will keep you coming back for more, but for how long is really dependent on the player and the reasons they love Super Mario in the first place.

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Sep 2, 2015

I wouldn't call a game like Super Mario Maker a system seller by any means, so if you don't own a Wii U yet, I'm not sure that this game will make you change your mind, however for those that love Mario's 2D adventures and always wished they could create their own level creations that could potentially outshine Miyamoto-san himself, then this game was literally made for them.

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9 / 10
Sep 11, 2015

An outstanding piece of creative software

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4.6 / 5.0
Sep 14, 2015

While you're reading this, I'm probably playing Super Mario Maker. I'm hooked. You could be too.

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4.1 / 5.0
Sep 2, 2015

Super Mario Maker plays a Warp Whistle directly to the right hemisphere of the brain. With fond memories of Mario platforming and an ingrained understanding of its elements, whether you're piecing together a masterpiece on the GamePad or concocting design ideas when not playing (which will happen, I guarantee), it's hard not to imagine yourself as the next Shigeru Miyamoto.

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9.5 / 10.0
Sep 2, 2015

Super Mario Maker delivers everything you could want from it's endearingly simple concept and it's likely a gift that will keep on giving for years to come.

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Sep 9, 2015

As both a user experience and dream fulfillment, Super Mario Maker is far from perfect, but it is still hugely charming and packs a copious helping of fan service for longtime Mario aficionados. Its greatest accomplishment, though, is showing how such a simple collection of toys can be used in so many different ways. With an active and passionate community, Super Mario Maker could very well be the last Mario game we ever need.

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9.5 / 10.0
Sep 11, 2015

In a world where I started to find too much simplicity and repetition in Mario, I have had my mind turned upside down thanks to Mario Maker. Where I desired difficulty, I received it. Where I asked for more Yoshi, I got it. Where I asked for an endless amount of Mario to play, I have obtained it. And something I thought since being a small child was realized as well. I get to make Mario, the way I want to play Mario.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2015

Super Mario Maker has many faces. It depends on whether you play or create, which mode you prefer and what you prefer. However, each component of the game is entertained for a huge number of hours, during which you let go of your imagination, but also get carried away by memories and nostalgia.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2015

A nostalgic journey into the world of Mario, fulfilling children's dreams. Fans of the universe will be delighted, but they have to take the immensity of the fact that it is primarily an editor.

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8.5 / 10.0
Sep 2, 2015

Super Mario Maker is not the ultimate platform game tool (that would be learning real code) but it is the best platform game creator commercially available to all audiences. It's also an excellent anthology of Mario levels, with endless potential for growth and expansion.

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83 / 100
Oct 6, 2015

As I argued before, I think it's still likely that Nintendo will profit from the intellectual labor players invest in Maker, and that we'll see the fruits of the community's work in the next Mario game. That said, Nintendo isn't Facebook. Maybe it's better to think about it in terms of participation and collaboration than the work of the many in thrall to the few.

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4.6 / 5.0
Sep 9, 2015

Super Mario Maker isn't much of a 30th anniversary game; it's more of a tool. A tool that takes advantage of the most iconic mechanics from an entire genre's 30-year heritage.

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86 / 100
Oct 12, 2015

Super Mario Maker provides endless fun, heavy doses of nostalgia, and a superb level creator that makes it easy to play the role of amateur game designer. A must have for any Wii U owner who is even mildly interested in Mario games and/or likes to create.

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Sep 12, 2015

Buy this game. Buy it now! I cannot stress this enough: if you don't have a Wii U, but you love - or loved - Mario games, buy a Wii U and this game now! This is the game you have dreamed of, and more!

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Adam Riley
Top Critic
7 / 10
Sep 3, 2015

For all its drawbacks in terms of relying on the gamer to actually put in the effort to enjoy the experience, Super Mario Maker is a fresh approach to the old 'RPG Maker' mould, taking the key elements that any 'build-a-game' title requires and then making sure that there are sufficient in-built goodies to give those less inclined to while away the hours making new content a sense of value for money. Additionally, the online element for stage sharing, as well as potential for new extras to be unlocked via DLC, ensure that Nintendo's anniversary project will certainly not be resigned to a fate of 'dust collector' or 'drinks coaster' anytime soon.

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Sep 18, 2015

Budding game designers would do well to take advantage of Mario Maker's suite of tools, but even the most uncreative of players will be able to mine hours of playtime and fun from the work of others. Now stop reading this and go buy the thing, already. It's a keeper.

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