Strike Vector EX Reviews

Strike Vector EX is ranked in the 51st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Oct 26, 2016

I really liked my time with the game. Playing this one for my Strike Vector EX review was a blast (no pun intended!) and I'll certainly keep coming back to the Campaign and Multiplayer modes so that I can continue to unlock more trophies for my profile!

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9 / 10
Sep 19, 2016

Strike Vector EX is a strong game. You will spend most of your time in the multiplayer mode, as the single player campaign doesn't do much besides teaching you the basics. Hopefully, the game can soon build a strong multiplayer community and stay strong. I enjoyed my time with the game for my Strike Vector EX review and I certainly recommend that you give it a go.

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8.3 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2016

Strike Vector EX is such a solid game that it makes me wonder why more developers aren't exploring the genre.

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4 / 5.0
Aug 23, 2016

It's impressive how good Strike Vector EX really is.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 29, 2016

If you've been pining for an arcade flight combat game that will test your skills, Strike Vector EX is going to sit right with you. Controls are tight, though they do have a decent learning curve and a new way of thinking about an aerial combat game. Maps are wide open and yet provide for intense, close combat. While the campaign feels like a write-off, the multiplayer boasts six fairly varied modes to choose from, and there are decent unlocks for your player profile as well as your aircraft. Not a bad use of $14.99 USD (launch price).

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8 / 10
Aug 31, 2016

Strike Vector EX delivers fun and frantic airborne mech combat action, and while it is only a short lived diversion in single player, it really shines in multiplayer. This one's packing a ton of customisation and an addictive core battle sensibility that will keep you engaged, and it represents a great alternative shooter to the likes of Call of Duty or Battlefield.

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8 / 10
Sep 14, 2016

Strike Vector EX is an enjoyable and thrilling multiplayer game when both sides are equally matched. Sure, at times you'll join a one sided match, but that's just the nature of online competitive games. The single-player narrative is serviceable, but feels like a side attraction to the main dish; which is the online multiplayer. Now excuse me, while I chase after this one pilot that consistently relies on dropping stalker mines.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Sep 12, 2016

The Vector movement capabilities are so well-tuned that you can never blame the game for a miscalculation

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8 / 10.0
Sep 12, 2016

Für den Startpreis von knapp 15€ bekommt ihr von Strike Vector EX durchaus einiges geboten. Die Steuerung ist etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig und braucht etwas Einarbeitszeit, was jedoch von dem Singleplayer Modus auf eine relativ kurzweilige Weise ermöglicht wird. Der richtige Spaß kommt allerdings erst im Multiplayer auf, in dem Fans von klassischen Weltraum Schießerein garantiert auf ihre kosten kommen werden. Auch das designen und ausrüsten der Vectors macht Spaß und insgesamt gibt es eine gewisse Langzeitmotivation, sollte man sich alles freischalten wollen.

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75 / 100
Aug 23, 2016

Strike Vector EX is a whole lot of fun to play with friends, but is held back by a few multiplayer issues and an entirely fruitless campaign. If you're interested in immediately diving into multiplayer and murdering a bunch of people in cold blood using a giant robot, then this game is for you…just be prepared for the occasional headache when your buddies accidentally blow you into tiny pieces for the fourteenth time.

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71 / 100
Sep 6, 2016

Strike Vector EX not only finds an exquisite balance of features in its futuristic dog-fighting, it excels at it.

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Aug 23, 2016

Nevertheless, Strike Vector EX is still a blast to play! Newcomers who pick up the console version will surely benefit from practicing in both Campaign and Skirmish mode before heading online. In addition, several new levels and online modes help to reduce the repetitive nature of gameplay. While it's not the next CoD, it's still a fun way to pass the time in between playing infantry-based shooters.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 7, 2016

Strike Vector EX is a small game with a lot of heart. While the campaign is sub-par and it doesn't offer the depth or longevity or other titles, what's there is fun, fast, and wild. Released at a discount price, this is definitely a game to rope one or two friends into buying with you so you can always have a wingman (or nemesis) on call on and seed some multiplayer action.

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7 / 10.0
Sep 3, 2016

Strike Vector Ex features precise controls and high speed action packed gameplay but has not got enough people play the multiplayer mode, so bots fill in their places in empty lobbies

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Top Critic
6.8 / 10.0
Sep 6, 2016

This is a multiplayer game, not a single player one. Cruising through the skies against a squadron of human pilots is frantic and enjoyable. Anything else is not worth your time.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Sep 8, 2016

At its root, this is a very cool game, but all too often it gets in its own way with poor choices in weapon balance, exploitable map pickups, and all too often luck-based gameplay. At its peaks, it's a great experience and it brings a genuinely interesting twist to the genre, but when it's at its worst, the flaws rise to the surface and become so much harder to forgive.

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5.2 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2016

I would love to see this universe expanded upon. Put this level of gameplay mastery into a world that's as interesting as say anything Gundam or Evangelion and Ragequit Corporation could have a manifesto on their hands. In its current state though, Strike Vector EX will sadly be forgotten, only to be remembered years from now on a "Top Ten Obscure Games" list.

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5 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2016

Strike Vector EX's single player content ranges between okay and actively bad. It really needed an active multiplayer to save it, but it seems that the player base has already ejected.

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