The Inquisitor Reviews

The Inquisitor is ranked in the 9th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
79 / 100
Feb 5, 2024

The Inquisitor is a grim yet strangely gripping dark fantasy story, memorable if a little rough around the edges.

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Phil Hornshaw
Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Feb 5, 2024

Playing a medieval church cop hunting a vampire is a great concept, but blurry choices, weak combat, and a ton of handholding keep The Inquisitor from leading a compelling inquisition.

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40 / 100
Feb 6, 2024

The Inquisitor fumbles what could have been the premiere mystery game of 2024. Despite the strong setting and cast, the mystery rapidly unravels into nothing but noise, and the gameplay is bereft of difficulty. The never-ending stream of bugs means that whatever joy you can find in the game will most certainly be derailed.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Feb 7, 2024

The Inquisitor is a very curious low-budget project with a fascinating plot. However, the developers overestimated their capabilities and budget constraints.

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3 / 10.0
Feb 15, 2024

Praying in Vain

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5.5 / 10.0
Mar 18, 2024

An action-adventure set in the medieval inquisition and with a touch of the supernatural has enough potential. It's a shame that the authors didn't use it.

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50 / 100
Feb 11, 2024

The Inquisitor has nearly endless potential to be great, but it’s so damn hard to get into the story, even if is based on a set of stories from a Polish author. It’s got a solid base, interesting mechanics, and brilliant voice acting, but the execution seems to need some work, and this detracts from the game in all the worst ways. However, if you have the patience or several shovels of salt, there is some good intrigue to the story that might keep you interested. Sadly, without a major visual and story overhaul, there might not be much hope for this release.

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3.4 / 5.0
Feb 12, 2024

The Inquisitor is definitely worth your time, with a chilling story, a likable protagonist, intriguing features, and gameplay mechanics. Unfortunately, the issues mentioned earlier knock this game down some excellent points. Nonetheless, the game has just enough to be an enjoyable post-medieval-era experience. Also, in case you aren’t aware, The Inquisitor demo is available to try out for yourself.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 19, 2024

The Inquisitor is actually often like a car crash that you simply can't look away from. But as you look further, there is always a real sense of wonder at the twists and turns in the story, a fresh setting and fun ideas. The battles are as bumpy as Mordimer is grumpy and the Unworld is full of frustration and yet you still want to keep going. If you are not opposed to the bizarre, you should definitely give the title a chance. Otherwise, let the vengeful Jesus come for you!

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4.3 / 10.0
Mar 6, 2024

The Inquisitor had some real potential to it, an intriguing concept that’s let down by crippling performance issues among many other bugs.

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5.5 / 10.0
Mar 10, 2024

I cannot stress how disappointed I was with The Inquisitor. It’s all due to how much I wanted to love it. Its setting and premise are downright amazing. I loved Königstein and the mysteries haunting it. I wanted to know what would happen next in this crapsack world. Sadly, that required playing the actual game, which ended up being janky, messy, and full of questionable design choices.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 29, 2024

Unlike its peers, The Inquisitor isn’t an instant classic. Instead, this game does enough to make you smile. The blend of mechanics is enjoyable, and the setting is uncomfortable and interesting to explore. Moreover, I liked the seamless transition between realms and the challenging boss encounters. If you then consider the pleasant cinematic and interesting characters, this was a fun game to play. Accordingly, I enjoyed it and I recommend buying it here! Can you solve the Vampire problem? Question the locals, take down the bosses, and survive The Murk.

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