Overwatch Reviews

Overwatch is ranked in the 99th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
Aug 23, 2016

Whether you're getting mowed down by Bastion, or invaded by Hanzo's dragons, it's important to keep track of where Overwatch deserves some brownie points.

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9 / 10.0
May 24, 2016

Overwatch is unlike anything else on the Xbox One and PS4. Yes, Battleborn exists and I've enjoyed that game for what it is and even reviewed it positively (you can read that here) But it'd be incredulous to not admit that Overwatch just brings something 'special' to the genre that makes it stand out from other shooters of a similar nature. Personally, I'd even go as far as calling it the most enjoyable multiplayer shooter on console to date. That's not to say that other multiplayer shooters have been bad; they certainly haven't but the Pixar-grade visuals mixed with everything else that makes Overwatch so great just puts it above the fray compared to other shooters. If you're looking to get some genuine fun out of a multiplayer game then you can't go wrong with Overwatch.

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May 30, 2016

Overwatch is not typically my kind of game. Not by any measure. But the fact that I've been having so much fun with it that I've been playing it over some other games that I worship (but can't quite mention yet) is testament to just how well Blizzard has done with this one. Bravo guys – someone has finally created a shooter I care about enough to actually want to play after finishing the review.

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10 / 10.0
May 26, 2016

Overwatch is a carefully curated ship in a bottle made from some of gaming's best new ideas.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Jun 3, 2016

Overwatch has all the glitz and polish expected of a Blizzard game, with all the usual underlying quality. It is highly unlikely that this game will go under or stop being supported, as well. However, its volume of content is a bit questionable for a game that costs $40 to even play. With that said, every other aspect shines, and is helped heavily by its unique MOBA-esque character system and the ability to switch in the middle of a map. It has been said that new champions and the like will be free, and if that's true, Overwatch will only climb uphill.

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9.5 / 10.0
Dec 6, 2016

Overwatch is a punch to the face for multiplayer shooters. It mingles quick-fix, objective-based gameplay with a deep tactical core and intelligent meta, forming a game that is simply perfect in short bites and thoroughly satisfying to play for hours on end.

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10 / 10
Mar 4, 2018

Go and play Overwatch! It's a great game that does something really different with the genre creating a really cool unique experience that somehow feels different everytime you play.

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Jun 4, 2016

Easily this summer's must play game, Overwatch has something for everyone.

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9 / 10.0
May 24, 2016

If you have online capabilities and don't own Overwatch, you're missing out! Simple as that.

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Jun 1, 2016

With Overwatch, Blizzard looks poised to lead a new wave of other similar first person shooters to come.

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81 / 100
Aug 15, 2016

Overwatch is an addictive and well designed team-based multiplayer game with a bright future featuring a remarkably diverse set of classes, though competitive mode currently undermines the light-hearted nature of the game.

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9 / 10
Jun 3, 2016

Sound design is at it's best when you don't really notice it, you just absorb it – and that's exactly the case with Overwatch; I'd go as far to say that its sound design is revolutionary

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9 / 10.0
May 27, 2016

Overwatch is an extremely polished Hero Shooter and looks absolutely lovely. Teamwork is important and encourages interaction with your teammates. With Overwatch, Blizzard has delivered another masterpiece.

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8 / 10.0
May 30, 2016

All in all, Overwatch is a great first-person, online shooter that should satisfy every lover of the genre.

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9.4 / 10.0
Apr 8, 2021

Overwatch is a special game, and as Overwatch 2 is essentially a complete rework that will carry your progress over there is no reason to not give it a try if you haven’t already. It goes on sale for $20 in the US quite often and solo or especially with friends it will be well worth it. The mix of frenetic PvP and PvE content, wide variety of modes, and excellent roster of heroes have made this one of my favorite games of all time.

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83 / 100
May 27, 2016

Although its price may seem salty for now compared to its content, I believe that Overwatch will be very rich in content in the future. Even as we follow the story of the game from animations and visual novels, Overwatch, which comes against different and interesting heroes, is a must-experience work.

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Jun 6, 2016

Overwatch is everything I wished for since good ol' Quake & Enemy Territory: a fast-paced, straight forward team shooter with a great, quick gunplay and some objective-based team-action. Every hero has its purpose and should serve every skill-level ranging from shooter veterans to beginners. Thanks to free new heroes, maps, events and game modes, Blizzard also makes sure to keep long time players entertained and excited.

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5 / 5
May 30, 2016

Overwatch is brilliant at what it does and thrives on not only a unique style, but a fresh approach to team objective first person shooter games.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jun 11, 2016

Overwatch is a load of fun that anyone can pick up and play. It's one of the reasons that 9 million people played in the beta and are still playing now.

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9 / 10.0
May 31, 2016

If you are looking for a gorgeous game, with gameplay balanced for both casual and competitive play, look no further than Overwatch. Blizzard has succeeded with its foray into the FPS genre, creating another gem we'll play for many years to come.

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