Unravel Reviews

Unravel is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8 / 10.0
Feb 10, 2016

That being said, fans of great visuals, physics-based puzzles and cute characters can overlook the game's ‘basis’ and jump in and enjoy a game that truly delivers in its core elements.

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3.9 / 5.0
Feb 13, 2016

Unravel isn't a bad game on any level but it can be frustrating and the margin of error is not very forgiving for some of the puzzles. Nonetheless, it does have its moments of glory which did keep me interested and motivated to finish the game. Graphically, it's a beautiful looking title on the PlayStation 4 but at times it is hampered by the puzzle mechanics but its story without words is a combination of melancholia and hope.

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Top Critic
9.5 / 10.0
Feb 8, 2016

Unravel is something special, that everyone should experience.

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games™ Team
Top Critic
7 / 10
Apr 7, 2016

Its puzzles frustrate for the wrong reasons

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Feb 9, 2016

If Unravel gains strength from its single-mindedness, it also never succeeds at becoming more than what it seems: a modest, melancholic but ultimately heartwarming effort.

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Feb 20, 2016

EA/Coldwood's charming adventure comes apart in the gameplay.

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7.5 / 10.0
Feb 22, 2016

Ultimately, Unravel presents itself as an unspoken story of lost love and a yearning for the past. Protagonist Yarnie is instantly loveable and is possibly one of the most likeable videogame characters in recent memory. The game shines through its stunning visuals, heartfelt soundtrack and unique platforming elements creating a truly unforgettable experience. Unfortunately, gameplay does lack substance, as it can be completed in just six hours and lacks any real replay value. These criticisms fortunately fail to tarnish the beauty and tranquility that is forever on display.

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Alec Pearce
Top Critic
Mar 3, 2016

Unravel is a fantastic and adorable sidescroller that looks amazing on current gen consoles and PC.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
Jun 2, 2016

Everything is great except for when it is time to get to the actual "game" portion, and here Unravel sort of, well, unravels.

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Mar 19, 2016

Unravel is a flawed but beautiful game that provokes some thought and always remains endearing.

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4 / 5.0
Feb 29, 2016

Unravel is absolutely gorgeous to behold but it is held back by its simple gameplay design. Yarny is great and the game does a remarkable job of building his character and making players care for him.

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74 / 100
Feb 15, 2016

With a delightful main character and tight-knit platforming mechanics, Unravel is a simple adventure that is worth playing.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 27, 2016

Ultimately, Unravel might not be everyone's cup of tea but its gorgeous environments, challenging puzzles and heartfelt story definitely make it worth for anyone that wants to sit back and 'experience' a video game of true craftsmanship. Unravel was a joy to experience and if you can put down a couple of hours for a game made by some passionate developers then your money will be well spent on Unravel.

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9 / 10
Feb 12, 2016

Despite some flaws, Unravel is an injection of warmth and love, providing an incredible storybook adventure that's filled with wondrous memories that people can relate to.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
May 28, 2016

While the minimalistic and allegorical storyline isn't a traditional one, Yarny's fairytale-ish adventure will surely touch the hearts of most people, and the audio-visuals will leave them breathless, since they aren't fantastic just when compared to the indie gaming world, but fantastic, period. Unfortunately, and although Unravel has a couple of good things going for it, the element of gameplay didn't receive the same love as the rest of the package, as it constantly goes from fun to boring, and from boring to irritating.

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Feb 19, 2016

Unravel is truly something special, and full credit to both the developer, and indeed EA, for stepping back from the blockbuster nonsense to back a more personal, artful project. It's a beautiful game about human emotions and memories, and while I hope there's never a sequel, I cannot wait to see what this team comes up with next.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 9, 2016

Unravel is pure charm from start to finish. It's not going to redefine the platformer genre, but it's a wonderfully atmospheric and enjoyable title with solid gameplay and delightful visuals. Sometimes, a heartfelt game is enough to make you smile. A short length and some annoying quibbles detract a bit from the experience, but it never lingers on any one idea for too long. Yarny is one of the most adorable game characters, and his adventure is certainly worth experiencing for gamers of all ages.

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Aug 16, 2016

Unravel tries desperately to create an emotional and impactful indie experience, however it's confusing narrative and irritating puzzles hold it back from greatness.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 8, 2016

Coldwood Interactive has managed to generate a refreshing new take on the puzzle platformer, starring an endearing protagonist that will steal your heart. For those looking to scratch that puzzling itch without having to bite of something as overwhelming as The Witness, this will prove to be a more than adequate salve. As long as you are not a fan of scissors, that is…

55 / 100
Feb 9, 2016

Despite all of its cutesy posturing and promises, Unravel is still looking to fill some kind of void. And I'm not sure if that void is its shortcomings as a mood board, as a videogame, or a cloying digestible basket of "feels" for EA.

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