Tales of Hearts R Reviews

Tales of Hearts R is ranked in the 71st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2014

Tales of Hearts R has some fun moments wrapped in a solid battle system, but it’s far from the best Tales adventure

3.5 / 5.0
Nov 10, 2014

Tales of Hearts R is a straightforward RPG with a heart of gold.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 20, 2014

Tales of Hearts R doesn’t have the most original story and the characters are mostly well-meaning but occasionally stereotypical. The game’s localization feels a bit lacking without an English dub as well, considering the amount of work that was clearly poured into the translation. However, the beautifully remade visuals, stellar combat and development system and on-point voice acting more than compensate for the admittedly superficial shortcomings. If you own a PS Vita and are on the lookout for a great new game to add to your library, Bandai Namco has a lovely polished gem for you to purchase.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 11, 2014

Tales of Hearts R isn't going to shatter anyone's perceptions of the genre. But it isn't trying to do that either. It's a solid, traditional experience that should satisfy fans of classic JRPGs.

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Nov 10, 2014

Aside from some outdated appearance issues, JRPG cliches, and forgettable music, there isn’t anything terribly wrong with this game. The characters are charming, exploring is satisfying, the action is fast and engaging… this may not be the title that gets the Vita flying off of store shelves, but Tales of Hearts R is definitely worth adding to a pre-existing library. I may be one of the few still really happy with my PSP’s titles, but I’m growing quite fond of my PSP’s bigger little brother now.

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Nov 13, 2014

Despite a few issues, Tales of Hearts R wholeheartedly lives up to the pedigree of the Tales franchise, while remaining playable in a convenient portable experience. Tales of Hearts R is a worthy portable edition that fans may enjoy.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Nov 12, 2014

Still, at the end of the day Tales of Hearts R is a testament to the fact that with enough care and attention to detail, a venerable series can make the transition to the portable market with great success.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2014

Forget about graphic fidelity, and find a strong narrative and character development alongside a universal combat system that Tales of Hearts R can only deliver to the PlayStation Vita.

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8 / 10
Nov 14, 2014

Tales of Hearts R starts strong, and only gets better as it progresses. The cast may not be the best in the series, and the random encounters do feel a bit dated, but this is an overall top-notch production, which we’re thrilled has found its way overseas at last. If your Vita’s barely murmured over the past few weeks, then this is the blood that’ll bring your system back to life – and it’s a release that no self-respecting JRPG fan should bypass.

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Nov 25, 2014

The game's progression, while unhurried in nature, stays true to the orthodox route of the conventional JRPG, keeping things engaging primarily by way of its kinetic, multi-faceted battle system.

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Nov 26, 2014

Tales of Hearts R isn't the pinnacle of Tales games, but it is a lovely re-imagining of a classic entry. The iffy 3D combat may be a put-off for some, but the new anime sequences, improved graphics, and extra content all work together to make up for it.

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RPG Site
Top Critic
5 / 10
Nov 11, 2014

An entry that takes a few steps backwards

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95 / 100
Mar 13, 2016

Wow. I haven’t enjoyed a game as much as I am enjoying Tales of Hearts R in a long, long time. It has all of the classic elements of RPG gaming that the genre’s fans love, and an incredible battle system that stands high as a possible industry standard. The story is more than passable and the world is a large one, rife with discovery and exploration. There is nothing to not like about Tales of Hearts R, so I didn’t want to complicate the matter by rating it “appropriately” due to its being like so many games from before. This game is absolutely great, and everyone who loves RPG games should play it, without hesitancy. I hope that young gamers find this game at their local retailer and take a chance on it. Everyone should have the pleasure of enjoying this game. Without a doubt, this game deserves to be recognized for what it is: an absolute masterpiece.

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Nov 11, 2014

A competent, if unspectacular, RPG for your Vita

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7 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2014

If you just want to scratch the JRPG itch while on the go, this is your game.

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8.8 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2014

A great fit in any Vita library that would benefit from an excellent JRPG.

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Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Nov 25, 2014

Tales of Hearts R is not a bad game. It's just not a good one either. It just is.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2014

After six years of pleading, North American players finally get Tales of Hearts—previously a Japan-only gem in Bandai Namco’s flagship RPG series. The wait was undeniably worth it, since this entry features some of the best storytelling, characterization, and pacing in the franchise—though the combat doesn’t make the smoothest of transitions from the DS version. Those who never played the original Japanese release won’t know what they’re missing, of course, but it’s frustrating that this undeniably excellent game isn’t quite all it could’ve been on the PS Vita.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Nov 28, 2014

That said, these are niggles that are more than made up for by a stellar battle system, a breadth of great content, and the Tales series’ trademark vibrant, anime-like art style. Tales of Hearts R won’t convert anyone, but fans of Japanese RPGs would do well to pick this up.

3.5 / 5.0
Nov 13, 2014

On one hand, Tales of Hearts R is a paint-by-numbers game that does little to stray outside of the usual series boundaries. On the other hand, the strong character dialogue, dungeon puzzles, and Chase Link combat system inject a lot of energy and entertainment into the title. It's not a video gaming masterpiece, but its fun to play. As long as you're tolerant of the lack of English dub and don't mind the anime style and plot, it's an RPG that's very much worth picking up.

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