Lumo Reviews

Lumo is ranked in the 60th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Jul 27, 2016

Lumo is a very fun and visually stunning game. The controls work flawlessly, the game offers plenty to, the puzzles are a good mix of easy and nerve wreacking, but they’re never frustrating. The difficulty curve is just right. I had a great time doing this Lumo review, and I’m sure you’ll have fun as well as you work towards unlocking its shiny Platinum trophy for your collection!

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9 / 10.0
Jun 8, 2016

Lumo is a classic game that stays up to date with modern tools. The game's charming adventure easily bridges the gap between retro and modern.

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Adam Riley
Top Critic
9 / 10
Nov 20, 2017

An absolute classic, in all meanings of the word; Lumo tugs at the nostalgia heartstrings, and proves to not only look and feel as good as the '80s and '90s Commodore 64 and Spectrum golden oldies, but plays far better than the majority actually would if dusting off the old systems nowadays. Highly inventive, with secrets galore packed in, plus dastardly puzzles that provide a fantastic challenge - it is the sort of title that just keeps on giving and giving, and it is hoped that more Lumo is on the way in the near future.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 19, 2017

Lumo succeeds as a new entry into a genre that had been lost in time. It delivers an experience that feels retro while including the option for modern gaming conveniences to take a genre that would likely be unapproachable for newcomers to a worthwhile experience for anyone who is willing to try something challenging and new.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
8 / 10
May 25, 2016

A loving tribute to isometric adventures of the Spectrum era, that does just enough to ensure new fans can enjoy it as well.

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Top Critic
May 26, 2016

Lumo packs many different challenges and puzzles into its oldschool isometric 3D platform adventure format. It can be tough at times, but it's nevertheless thoroughly enjoyable - riffing on many classic British games of the 80's that you mightn't know, but will enjoy discovering.

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May 24, 2016

While the score below is very much based on my experience (duh), you can knock this grade up a half point if you love games that revel in challenge and restarts. Lots and lots of restarts. Regardless, this is a well-priced indie with a lengthy, ten-hour campaign. I also suspect that there are players out there who might end up loving the idea of Lumo more than the execution. That said, if the controls could be made less frustrating I would love to see a sequel.

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4 / 5.0
May 24, 2016

Lumo is a big, puzzley, dungeon-romping love letter to the history of gaming, filled with references to a huge number of titles but still more than able to carve out its own identity.

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8 / 10
Nov 20, 2017

Lumo provides a modern isometric platformer, offering (as you'd expect) improved audio-visual presentation over the classics of the genre, whilst still providing the same kind of entertainment. There's fun from spotting the references to old and obscure games (like Jack the Nipper) and other things ("Take your brain to another dimension. Pay close attention"), but it's the gameplay that's the biggest source of entertainment here. Many rooms serve as mini challenges as you attempt to clear obstacles and avoid dangers, flick a switch to activate something somewhere else or perhaps stop for something that requires a bit more thought, such as pushing mirrors about to redirect some laser beams. Occasionally the fixed camera makes progress through a room more difficult than it should be, and there are moments in the ice zone where the game moves from "tough-but-fair" to "ruddy annoying". There's also the old school mode for those seeking a stern challenge, or there's fun to be had replaying the regular mode as you go seeking out more hidden items and bonus games.For retro kicks with a modern feel, or for those curious about this genre and the experience it offers, this is certainly an enjoyable adventure.

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8 / 10
May 24, 2016

LUMO is a surprisingly fun throwback to a genre of puzzle adventures lost to the winds of time, and also a loving nod to the career of its creator. It's an enjoyable dungeon crawler with some fiendish puzzles and punishing death traps.

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8 / 10.0
May 26, 2016

Lumo might not be perfect, but in resurrecting a very specific sort of puzzle adventure that the industry has seemingly forgotten, Gareth Noyce’s heartfelt love-letter to the past succeeds in weaving a yarn which manages to feel both fresh and compelling at the same time. This is the isometric platform puzzler you never knew you wanted.

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Justin Celani
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Jun 2, 2016

Lumo has a heart. It’s filled with a charming aesthetics, classis retro style gameplay, fun references to other franchises, and just offers a solid good time for platforming fans. It has a moody if somewhat chill soundtrack, a simple yet fairly pleasing visual design, and it just makes me smile every time I play it.

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8 / 10
Dec 2, 2017

Lumo brings back the isometric platform genre in an experience that fits right into the Nintendo Switch catalog. Thanks to its well implemented difficulty curve and to the immense amount of references to retrogaming classics, Lumo is certain to gain a place in the heart of many players, even if its fixed camera may occasionally cause some issues but overall, this is a pleasant and praiseworthy game for all.

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8 / 10.0
Aug 26, 2016

Lumo is an enjoyable puzzle platformer. Putting aside the isometric perspective, the challenges feel right, and it's satisfying to solve each one of them. It is enough to offset the humor if you don't get the references, and the challenge lasts long enough without feeling tiresome. Even though the UK players will get the most out of the title since it's tailored to their retro scene, it is still fun for everyone and well worth owning if you're a fan of something different in puzzle platforming.

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Nov 29, 2017

Lumo is a wonderful little platformer that celebrates its heritage without relying on it too much. Players of any ability will find plenty to enjoy here, and slight issues with the perspective does little to diminish such a charming, engaging experience.

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8 / 10
Jan 19, 2018

Imperfection does not readily detract from the successes that Lumo achieves, a heartfelt love letter to the revered golden era of gaming that has been created with thoughtful ingenuity. The isometric camera angle can frustrate in how it can lead to imprecision, but it’s hard not to come away charmed by the game’s enchanting design.

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79 / 100
May 30, 2016

Lumo is the Finnish word for ‘enchantment’ and that is exactly what the game is – enchanting.

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7.9 / 10.0
Nov 29, 2017

Lumo definitely caters to specific crowd and may not be for everyone, but it's easy enough for anyone to be able to play. It creates isometric gameplay which is forgotten in this day & age. Lumo offers a pick-up and play experience and has collectibles worth seeking for those who enjoy going after them.

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76 / 100
Nov 21, 2017

Lumo is a game with something for everyone.

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Andy Kelly
Top Critic
75 / 100
May 24, 2016

A fun, imaginative platformer that’s full of ideas, but prepare to die, a lot.

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