Child of Light Reviews

Child of Light is ranked in the 89th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
7 / 10.0
Apr 30, 2014

Gorgeous to see and hear and engaging as far as gameplay is concerned, Child of Light is an excellently built game with a forgivably wonky augmentation system but an underdeveloped narrative. Its artists very clearly knew what they wanted it to be, but couldn't quite manage to orchestrate effectively. Play it, soak up its beauty, but expect a jejune take on fairy tale yarn-spinning.

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10 / 10.0
Apr 28, 2014

The visuals, the gameplay, the music, the story, and everything else — when all of these elements come together perfectly and form a true world. A world that takes no effort to get lost in, a world that takes you far away. Individual parts of a game are huge, to be sure, but it is a world that we as gamers truly crave, a world that takes us to an experience beyond anything we previously could have imagined.

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9 / 10.0
May 9, 2014

Considering the beauty that surrounds Lemuria, getting lost within Child of Light's lands is far from boring.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 29, 2014

Finally, a sidescrolling platformer for people who don't like sidescrolling platformers.

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8.5 / 10.0
Apr 28, 2014

Child of Light's water-colour fantasy is beautiful to behold - but it's the constantly rewarding, explorative gameplay that's keeps it enchanting.

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9.3 / 10.0
May 6, 2014

Child of Light is an excellent mix of nostalgic RPG gameplay and modern art with a story that's accessible to pretty much anyone.

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Top Critic
Apr 29, 2014
Child of Light Review video thumbnail
8.2 / 10.0
May 3, 2014

Child of Light is a beautifully rendered, fun, and fairly engrossing RPG that every fan of the genre should try. It does enough different to stand out from the pack, and I'm talking about more than its artistic styling. It won't drain forty plus hours of your free time, but for $15? Yeah, this one's worth the three Starbucks coffees it'll cost you and won't leave a bad taste in your mouth in the process.

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5 / 5.0
May 2, 2014

It aims to plunge you into a charming and childlike fairytale world where you battle the darkness to save the light. With the subtle and soothing melodies of its outstanding soundtrack and the lovely visuals, I'd say this game has accomplished exactly that. Child of Light is a solid coming-of-age bedtime story for both children and adults alike. It's just simply enchanting, is what it is.

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RPG Site
Top Critic
9 / 10
Apr 28, 2014

A wonderful little title definitely worth your time.

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Apr 28, 2014

Child of Light does exactly what it wants to do: tell a beautiful story in the shell of a JRPG.

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Apr 27, 2014

Ubisoft Montreal has conjured a fairy tale world that you'll enjoy spending time in, a wondrous RPG adventure with its own line in rhyming. Child of Light is a glorious game, short and yet sweet, memorable, gorgeous; an incredible feat. And for the small price you'll be paying, Child of Light is definitely more than worth playing. So buy it.

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9 / 10.0
Apr 27, 2014

Child of Light is a delight, one of those games that comes along with a nice budget price tag but nothing within could be considered 'budget'. Bursting at the seams with creativity, an excellent fantasy based story, silly yet entertaining script and a fine battle system make for an engaging if not truly taxing adventure. If you like a fantasy rich turn based RPG you'd be an absolute fool not to buy Child of Light.

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Top Critic
6 / 10.0
Apr 30, 2014

There are the makings of a better game in here, and the combat is reliably entertaining throughout, but Child of Light never quite rises as high as its untethered protagonist.

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4.5 / 5.0
May 3, 2014

Child of Light is a beautifully created game that looks like some lost fairy tale come to life. The UbiArt Engine really enhances the gaming experience, especially the stylised character design and wondrous environments. For a game that appears to be a platformer, Child of Light is definitely not but rather creates an engaging minimalist RPG title. The skills available for your characters are interesting and it's great that it does not limit what your character has access to. The turn based mechanics are solid and I love how Igniculus has the ability to disrupt your enemies turns. Most gamers should be able to polish off this game in around 12 or so hours but if you fight every battle, this will take longer.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Apr 28, 2014

Child of Light isn't the type of game we're used to from Ubisoft, but it's the type of game this industry needs. It's hard not to look at the game and admire its beauty, but underneath the gorgeous visuals is a thought-provoking story that'll draw you in. All of this rests on top of polished gameplay with enticing mechanics.

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9 / 10.0
May 6, 2014

Child of Light is everything you ever ask for in an RPG platformer and oh so much more. Whether it appeals to you or not, you owe it to yourself to visit Lemuria.

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8 / 10.0
Apr 28, 2014

Child of Light is one of those games where the less you know about the plot, the more fun it is

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7.8 / 10.0
Oct 18, 2015

Child of Light offers so much more value than the price tag denotes. The bittersweet story is articulated in an incredibly innovative way, the art-style and animation are striking, all topped with a hauntingly beautiful soundtrack, and elegant combat system. There are lots of 'full-price' games out there that have embarrassingly less to show. I don't think you could want much more, this is unless you're partial to the more typical titles under Ubisoft Montreal's belt.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
May 5, 2014

I suppose, if I was trying to find a flaw and be picky, I would say that Child of Light feels like an incredibly good mobile game. But really that's such a minor criticism, I can't even put any weight behind my statement.

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