Pokémon Sun and Moon Reviews

Pokémon Sun and Moon is ranked in the 96th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Nov 22, 2016

For the first time in years, the newest Pokémon games find a flavor all their own.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 16, 2016

Simply put, Pokémon has never felt more alive to me than it does in Sun, and while I did have high expectations coming in, I can't say I saw that coming. This series is catching up with our imaginations.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 15, 2016

For every issue I found with Pokemon Moon, whether it was an old problem that just caught up with the series or something new -- I found solace in the indomitable likability of a cast member, or the thrill of finding another party member that I would battle with for years to come. I'm already seeing myself playing for several hundred hours before the end of 2016, and I haven't even fully experienced all of the online features yet. Such is the power of Pokemon, and I hope we get to see Alola's influences linger as Game Freak gears up for its next adventure.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 27, 2016

Despite my grumbles, I have to admit Sun and Moon gets its hooks in even if it’s tough to get into at first. Once it clicks, it can instill obsession as well as any prior game, and that’s before getting to the new minigames and features that only serve to make the adventure more rewarding.

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Nov 29, 2016

Pokemon Sun and Moon are a fantastic new addition to the storied franchise. They make improvements in a ton of key areas, shaping the experience so that it is more fun, less frustrating, and just overall more enjoyable. The new mechanics, such as Z-Moves, range from good to great, but the lack of some older features might annoy a few players. There are alternatives though, so this is still a top notch entry, even for longtime fans. New players shouldn't even wonder, they should just go buy this game today.

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Top Critic
Nov 16, 2016

It’s clear how much the team behind Sun and Moon care about their players and their experiences, and it really makes a difference.

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Nov 18, 2016

A show of further things to come for the franchise, and an enjoyable game, though perhaps not the blow-away title of 2016

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Drew Leachman
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Nov 23, 2016

Any RPG fan and Pokémon player will have a pretty fun time exploring the Aloha Region, and the improvements to the quality of life make it a fun, simple, and pretty enjoyable Pokémon experience that can easily last players a good 30 hours

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Oct 8, 2016

Pokémon Sun and Moon is the ultimate Poké adventure. It manages to introduce a lot of new features that greatly enhance the gameplay experience, but retain enough of the original DNA to make sure it doesn't feel totally alien to players who have been Pokémon trainers since 1996.

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Top Critic
7 / 10
Mar 9, 2017

Pokémon Sun & Moon feels like a few steps back for the series. The game presents many irregular, but largely disappointing decisions, which replaced the convenient functionality of past releases.

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9 / 10
Nov 30, 2016

Pokémon Sun and Moon are the best Pokémon games since Gold and Silver. Game Freak has built a solid ground for the future.

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Dave Aubrey
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Dec 6, 2016

Whether you're an old Pokémon fan or a brand new one, there's loads to love about Sun and Moon. These might just be the very best mainline Pokémon games ever.

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90 / 100
Nov 15, 2016

Pokémon Moon is a wonderful experience and will satisfy both new and old players alike.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 21, 2016

Pokemon Sun and Moon are solid entries into the Pokemon series.  While there are a couple of things to nitpick here and there, as any Pokemon game will have, the difficulty is easy enough for new players to get into the series, while more experienced players might find things a bit too easy at times.  The trials are also a nice change from the standard gyms and no longer needing specific Pokemon for HMs was a welcome addition.  Pokemon fans should definitely enjoy the seventh generation.

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Nov 15, 2016

Pokémon Sun and Moon hosts welcome changes and annoying tweaks, though it's an adventure I loved having.

Nov 15, 2016
Pokémon Sun & Moon - REVIEW (3DS) video thumbnail
8 / 10
Nov 15, 2016

Pokémon Sun & Moon are among the best entries in the series and while it doesn't break any significant new grounds, Game Freak's latest opus adds an additional layer of strategic planning to the gameplay and features a beautiful audiovisual environment topped with the series' best plot so far. It's not very clear where Poké Finder fits in and the performance is less on par in the original 3DS but the Pokémon series is definitely showing that it's still alive and kicking...and worthy of the players' attention.

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8.5 / 10.0
Nov 15, 2016

Although the design of the new creatures does not shine, and the 3DS starts to show some limitations, Sun and Moon can be seen as the ultimate experience for any Pokemon fan.

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8.5 / 10.0
Dec 1, 2016

Pokémon Sun and Moon may take its sweet time getting you hooked on its battle monster formula, but once they’re in they’re never coming back out again. Even after twenty years of Pokémon games, Game Freak still has a few surprises and tricks up their sleeve with their most vibrant Pokémon game to date.

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Will Greenwald
Top Critic
Nov 30, 2016

The newest Pokemon generation, Sun/Moon for the Nintendo 3DS, tweaks and polishes the series' core concepts and remixes enough ideas to feel fresh without making any wild, polarizing changes to the formula.

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