This Is the Police Reviews

This Is the Police is ranked in the 25th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
PC Gamer
Top Critic
65 / 100
Aug 11, 2016

This Is The Police looks and sounds gorgeous, but becomes dull and repetitive after the first couple of hours.

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5 / 10.0
Aug 2, 2016

This is the Police is far too long for the amount of content it provides. Only true believers will make it within shouting distance of the ending

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7 / 10
Aug 2, 2016

This Is the Police is an enjoyable but flawed management sim that gives you a taste of what it's like to be the chief of police.

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Aug 16, 2016

It’s a bit of a mixed bag. If you’re happy to sit idly waiting for balloons of jobs to pop up, and take each day as slowly as it comes, then you’ll probably get a lot more out of this tale of corruption and downfalls than I did. But if you’re interested in deeper systems and micromanaging your officers, forget it, it’s Chinatown.

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7 / 10
Oct 29, 2017

This Is The Police asks players to step into a career that's already on the rocks, in a city beyond saving, and then demands that you try and make things right regardless. It's a mature, compelling experience that combines elements of strategy, resource management and text adventure games, while telling a gripping story of corruption and withered hope - albeit with some muddled attempts to deal with real world issues. The meat of the game is solid, if extremely repetitious after some hours, so we can't help but feel if it was a shorter, more tightly focused game with a bit more variety, it would have felt more satisfying overall. As it stands there's hours of gameplay here for any budding cop, it just outstays its welcome a little.

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6 / 10.0
Mar 31, 2017

A decent, gritty and stylish cops-n-robbers strategy game that offers just enough variation to keep you interested.

IGN Italy
La redazione
Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Oct 2, 2016

An excellently acted story. Really puts you in the unconfortable shoes of a jaded knight who triest to believe in good in a world where at most you can sail on a sea of shades of grey.

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4 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2016

This is the Police presents situations that aren’t deep enough to invoke social commentary, yet it still takes the opportunity to arbitrarily throw them out in the open. It’s missing key storytelling elements that allow for that kind of messaging, and in the mundane yet slur-sprinkled missions those ideas fall apart. However with its interesting gameplay mechanics, pretty packaging, and plans for a sandbox mode it has a lot of future promise which I hope they deliver on.

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7 / 10
Aug 2, 2016

This Is The Police leans on cliched scenarios and characters, but it represents some of the real struggles a police force has to deal with, like budgets being cut and a city with a lot of social problems. While Weappy states that the events of the game aren’t inspired by recent events, some of things that happen are rather poignant when viewed in that light. At the same time, This Is The Police is a tough game to get to grips with and there are certain annoying limitations.  like not being able to reroute police to another call feel like annoying limitations rather than part of the challenge. A sandbox mode will help to keep things fresh when it is released, but even now This Is The Police is a decent simulation title.

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6.5 / 10.0
Mar 21, 2017

This Is the Police will most assuredly find an audience. There is a tinge of Tharsis in the way that difficulty is handled – the world is out to get you, and things only get worse as you lose more and more resources. Most people won’t like this approach. But for those of you who enjoy having the odds stacked against them, for that one triumphant run in which luck is finally on your side and you come out of it all bruised, battered, but ultimately victorious, then This Is the Police may be right for you.

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Top Critic
Sep 21, 2016

Playing through This Is The Police made me think about morality, bigotry and oppression more than any other video game

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6.5 / 10.0
Mar 24, 2017

When looking at the entire package, This Is the Police is a decent way to kill time in short bursts, but anything more than an hour at a time just feels like a chore. Despite the awkward political moments and somewhat monotonous gameplay, the skewed perspective of good vs. evil makes for an engaging story.

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70 / 100
Mar 29, 2017

The excellent visual novel-style, animations, and minimalist character designs give off a surprising amount of personality, and the voice acting is, once again, top notch.

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7 / 10
Mar 21, 2017

An interesting genre mash-up that offers noir adventure and city management in bite-sized chunks. An expertly crafted atmosphere can't hide some rigid storytelling and shallow systems, but fans of cop movies and resource management should give this one a go.

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6 / 10.0
Nov 4, 2017

This is the Police isn't a bad game, but it feels like the game could have been much more interesting with a little more variety in the actual gameplay. Managing your cops can be fun, and some interesting things happen throughout the course of the game, but a little more variety to keep things fresh throughout would have went a long way with the game. As it stands This is the Police is a decent game that, for many, will overstay its welcome.

7.8 / 10.0
Sep 27, 2016

This is the police is a bold game, innovative and creative. It has an impressive style and a compelling narrative.

Review in Italian | Read full review

Jul 26, 2016

Accessible and routine, This Is The Police is simultaneously a rich video game and a poor depiction of its subject matter. Whether the game's creators welcome it or not, at times like these, when police officers in the US are under intense scrutiny, This Is the Police's representation of their work bears similarly close examination. By that measure it falls short of relevance and borders on removed.

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5 / 5.0
Aug 4, 2016

All things being equal, I’m hard-pressed to think of a game that more exceeded my expectations than This is the Police. A fully-formed, engaging story that’s tied together underneath a solid and demanding simulator game is certainly something I’ve never seen before, and it’s all handled excellently.

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Aug 1, 2016

This Is the Police is mechanically sound on the surface, but digging deeper leads to disappointment in the randomized events and a lack of meaningful decisions to make.

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Top Critic
Jul 27, 2016
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