This Is the Police Reviews

This Is the Police is ranked in the 25th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
6 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2016

An intriguing concept hindered by too much going on. There are plenty of details throughout, but few received the attention they deserved.

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60 / 100
Aug 1, 2016

This Is The Police is a challenging portrayal of law enforcement that falters when it comes to meaningful commentary. While it constructs a good form and addresses topical concerns, it fails to say anything definitive. Starting a conversation is worthwhile, but that only carries the game so far before its menial nature drags it down.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jan 18, 2017

The first five minutes of This is the Police will no doubt hook players into the world they’re about to step foot in. Unfortunately, the only way to progress through the story is to grind through the gameplay, which at times can slow the game to a screeching halt. This is upsetting due to the game’s fantastic storytelling. There will be people who will pass through the gameplay with ease and find enjoyment in it. However, in my case, it provided me with a negative experience. This is the Police is by no means a bad game, it just fails to hold up after the player starts the gaming sections. There will certainly be those who enjoy the gameplay and find it thought provoking, however, if a player wants something more involved, they might be disappointed.

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6 / 10.0
Apr 17, 2017

This is the Police is simple but highly addictive if you have the time to dedicate becoming more invested in Jack Boyd and his personal chaotic life.

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6 / 10.0
Mar 29, 2017

This is the Police is quite pleasant and original title, but because of its humdrum gameplay, it fails in an attempt to keep the player near the console for londer sessions.

Review in Polish |

6 / 10
Mar 28, 2017

Although Jon St. John (known for voicing Duke Nukem) is the voice of Jack Boyd, I found myself not genuinely caring how the narrative played out. I thoroughly enjoyed the management sim portion of the game and could see myself play through a sandbox mode for quite some time, if one is ever added. Add randomized cases and crimes, and it could be something special, but as it is, the lack of true freedom in the narrative holds the game back. Having your playthrough cut short after only a handful of days because you wouldn’t listen to the mayor’s racist request is something that should not happen. Don’t give the player a false sense of choice when in practice there is only one way to play the game.

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3 / 5.0
Nov 11, 2017

The controversial content (racism, sexism etc.) may be a bit hard to swallow but it certainly adds to the story of police corruption and gives the game a different edge. I would say it is good value for money for the crime buffs among us, but not a must play title. [OpenCritic note: Lyla Saudi reviewed both the PC (3.9) and Switch (4) versions. Their scores have been averaged.]

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2.9 / 5.0
Aug 28, 2016

This game reached its peak (for me) about half way through when it started to become a little too repetitive and tedious.  The decisions you make do shape the story (initially) but only to an extent as you are basically forced into becoming a corrupted cop anyway. Instead of it being ‘choice driven’, I found this game to be more about skills management and balancing resources (no matter how corrupted you are) to make sure all parties you interact with are happy. The controversial content (racism, sexism etc.) may be a bit hard to swallow but it certainly adds to the story of police corruption and gives the game a different edge. I would say it is good value for money for the crime buffs among us, but not a must play title.

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5 / 10.0
Aug 12, 2016

A promising premise but falls short of its full potential by overreaching itself.

7 / 10
Jul 27, 2016

The question of morality seems to be at the heart of This Is The Police, but the game doesn’t always seem to understand exactly what it’s trying to say

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7 / 10
Nov 2, 2017

There's still a lot to admire here, especially the attention to sound design – from the satisfying clink of the cuffs every time you apprehend an offender, the patter of rain on windows and the windows themselves being drawn, and the jazz offering that accompanies and soothes you as you try to put an end to gruesome happenings. Unfortunately, once those turn into background wallpaper, the omissions only hurt more.

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Apr 13, 2017

I’ve really enjoyed my time with this very unique game. Yes there are pacing issues and it does outlive its welcome once we get about two thirds in, but for the price, there is a lot of game on display here.

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75 / 100
Mar 28, 2017

This is the Police has a very charismatic character, well written and hilarious dialogues. The most strong point is a very interesting story to play, along with a pleasant soundtrack and peculiar art style. But, in most of the game, the strategic gameplay of the police, becomes tiresome after a few hours. Even so, it is fun to have an experience of the police routine.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2017

Gamers who have a genuine interest in police shows, movies and/or books will find a lot to love about this simulator. Those looking for more of a quick fix thriller might want to keep investigating.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 6, 2017

If you don't mind a drip feed of soul-crushing events, then This is the Police will work for you. The actual gameplay is littered with questionable content, but the core is engaging for both quick and marathon sessions. The story is what holds things together; the many twists are fascinating, and the presentation is charming due to its artistic simplicity. It may not be for everyone, but for those looking for something a little different, This is the Police is worth a shot.

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Digitally Downloaded
Lindsay M.
Top Critic
Apr 5, 2017

Taking over the role of police chief to run Freeburg would have been a great simulation/management game on its own, but then add layer upon layer of villainous folk and reasons to go over to the dark side, and the game becomes a fully immersive experience that requires great difficulty to put down.

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Top Critic
5 / 10
Jan 27, 2018

This is the Police is basically a visual novel disguised as a strategy videogame. Apart from a lack of any depth in its mechanics, choices don't really matter, as almost everything happens no matter what you do. The story section is a lot better, and the audio-visuals even more so, but these won't be enough to satisfy strategy enthusiasts.

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Nov 14, 2017

While every moral conundrum gave me real pause to think, too often I thought my emotions were being exploited and toyed with by a game that was going to play out the same way regardless.

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Nov 17, 2017

This Is the Police is one of the best simulators I have played this year: it's engaging, fun, and it never gets boring. It's the perfect game to play in handheld mode since it's a release you will want to play at all times. Download the game today!

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 6, 2017

This Is the Police is a pretty interesting management simulator with an engaging plot and tackles issues that feel all too relevant in today's society, despite it taking place thirty years ago. It gets kind of repetitive at times and the issues brought up don't go that deep, but I still found it to be a competent management simulator with a unique aesthetic and gripping plot.

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