LEGO Jurassic World Reviews
Just like the game part, LEGO Jurassic World's entire presentation - its cinematics, its atmosphere - is predictable. Good enough, but incredibly safe, and definitely a factory line production that inspires little other than blandly trundling through the game, chuckling a bit at some jokes and ignoring most of them.
Part of the addictiveness is opening up as many characters as possible and coming back to each level to access areas you couldn't before. As much as I enjoyed this aspect I found something new that overshadowed it, and it was playing as some of the dinosaurs in the game. You can play as some of the famed movies dinos as part of specific levels, but you can also hunt for amber stones and open up other dinosaurs for play later. You'll get to relive that famed scene from the original Jurassic Park movie where the T-Rex fights off a pack of Velociraptors in the park's visitor center or take on the role of a Triceratops and help Ellie and one of her friends get back to safety as a storm hits the island. Playing as a dino is fun, and adds a bit more to the game's overall experience.
There's lots of enjoyment to be had here, but it's also cruel reminder that the LEGO franchise needs something new to break out of its now conveyer-belt approach.
One of the best additions to your Lego game collection.
The name of the game pretty much spells out exactly what you can expect: LEGO Jurassic World. It is the traditional, Travelers' Tale LEGO experience that is becoming all too familiar, set in a Jurassic Park setting. Nothing more. Nothing less.
LEGO Jurassic World para Nintendo Switch es el mismo juego de 2015, pero con todo el DLC. La implementación de dinosuarios como perosnajes jugables, y el enfasis a los puzzles hacen de esta una entrega unica en la serie. Pero los probelmas tecnicos y el debil uso de la serie de Jurassic Park hacen de esta entrega una de las más debiles.
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LEGO Jurassic World is true to its source material and easy on the eyes, but underneath that shiny exterior lies dated and far too familiar gameplay.
Using the tried-and-true gameplay mechanics and bringing the one-of-a-kind "Jurassic Park" and "Jurassic World" stories to life with the Lego series firmly attached, "Lego Jurassic World" is so much more than a kid-friendly romp through one of the biggest film franchises of all time.
There are also quite a few memorable moments throughout the game, but when you're playing through the fourth or fifth chase scene or big dinosaur fight those initial flashes of brilliance lose their luster.
To put it more succinctly: after careful consideration, I've decided to endorse this game.
Lego Jurassic World isn't a high point for the Lego series, but it's more enjoyable than last year's Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham, despite the absence of exotic alien worlds and a slightly dull cast. It doesn't stop the feeling that things need shaking up in the world of Lego games, but it still delivers what matters most: strong co-op gameplay, plenty of laughs, some engaging puzzles and a smorgasbord of silly slapstick fun.
LEGO Jurassic World recreates several scenes of the Jurassic Park series in the LEGO fashion that we've got to know and this game features a healthy amount of humor and good co-op mechanics which will suit younger players and family gaming sessions perfectly. While it doesn't feature any groundbreaking new features, there's enough in LEGO Jurassic World to keep players entertained across different ages.
Review in Portuguese |
The comedic lengths the game goes to make the series's trademark wanton cruelty palatable is impressive.
If you’re a LEGO or Jurassic World fan, then it is easy to recommend LEGO Jurassic World.
Still, with the control issues aside, LEGO Jurassic World manages to be another solid addition to the LEGO family of games. Four amazing films transformed into some really fun gameplay that put you right into the center of the action.
The game is not without fault. It lacks the polish and scope of some of the previous LEGO games. But if you're a fellow dinosaur nut and eager to indulge in some relaxed puzzle solving, collectible hunting or need to add something new to your Jurassic Park collection, then I'll gladly recommend LEGO Jurassic World. If none of this resonates with you… give it a wide berth.
Lego Jurassic World gives families four dino-filled adventures to romp through in the increasingly familiar Lego template.
Overall, LEGO Jurassic World continues to employ the same familiar features seen in the LEGO series with a few additions to change things up. The changes may not be major enough for folks who want a completely new experience. For fans of the series or people looking for a family-friendly game, however, LEGO Jurassic World just might scratch and claw that itch.
Lego Jurassic World is full of nostalgia for fans of the franchise, while still highlighting the new film. It is the most refined Lego game and even with its downfalls it is still full of fun and charm.