Red Dead Redemption 2 Reviews

Red Dead Redemption 2 is ranked in the 100th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
10 / 10.0
Oct 23, 2018
82 / 100
Oct 25, 2018

Red Dead Redemption 2 is an enjoyable sequel that builds on the foundation of its predecessor, with much to do and plenty to see, all wrapped up in some of the best visuals you've ever seen on a console. With great characters and satisfying action, it's a Wild West worth exploring.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Oct 25, 2018

While no single element of Red Dead Redemption 2 is revolutionary, due to its ambitious scope, it's greater than the sum of its parts. Few single-player experiences excel simultaneously at telling a deep and poignant story, whilst also providing the player with such a huge extent of freedom and possibility.

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8.8 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2018

Red Dead Redemption 2 is a gorgeous and enormous open world game that you can easily get immersed in while the hours tick away.

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Dec 6, 2018

RDR2 presents players with a huge, realistic and varied environment to explore, brought to life with the kind of weather, lighting, shadow and particle effects that its forebear could only dream about. And with Read Dead Online (a true MMO experience) due to launch soon, RDR2 should keep gamers busy until the next time Rockstar heads out west.

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9.5 / 10.0
Nov 10, 2018

Rockstar hit all the right notes in this sequel, bringing us the most detailed western scene to ever grace a controller.

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10 / 10.0
Oct 6, 2018

Red Dead Redemption II is a mind-boggling technical achievement. There has never been an open world video game crammed full of so much meaningful content, and one in which every facet is polished to such an exceptional degree. The outstanding mission design, consistently brilliant writing, and acting, and superlative long-form storytelling make this Rockstar's best ever game, and the defining game of the generation so far.

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10 / 10.0
Nov 8, 2018

Able to blend narrative intensity and gameplay like never before, and to propose what is undoubtedly the best open world ever, Red Dead Redemption 2 is a mammoth work, impressive from all points of view.

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Oct 28, 2018

Red Dead Redemption 2 studies the tired and tested genre of open world games with a keen eye before driving a hunting knife into the heart of it, rending it open and hanging its pelt on the wall with pride. It has mastered its prey and knows exactly how good it is, a sense of palpable confidence felt on every piece of ground you step foot on. This is a technical achievement for the ages, a mindblowing game, much like its predecessor that defines its console generation.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 15, 2019

Red Dead Redemption 2 on PC is everything that the console version was but better, although with some caveats. The controls are improved with mouse and keyboard, but are still a bit clunky. The graphics are breathtaking, but it does requires a beefy PC and there are some technical problems. If you can run it however, it's one of the best games the platform has to offer.

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Top Critic
9.8 / 10.0
Oct 25, 2018

‎Rockstar has delivered a of a game and that is fine, because after GTA V, the studio has not released a single game apart from the ‎‎L.A. Noire remaster‎‎. You can tell from everything that preceded the release of this action adventure game for many years of work. But as long as the development lasted, so many hours of fun you will have!‎

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Nov 23, 2020

Red Dead Redemption 2 feels like Rockstar has turned a corner, but it might not be the corner fans were hoping they would turn.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 13, 2018

Red Dead Redemption 2’s pacing might get to some players, that’s a given. The combat can feel a little wonky at times too. The overwhelming attention to the simple things might get the better of some players. Then there is the horse AI. But when all is said and done, this is a quality experience that I am glad to have played and found closure after so many invested hours. I can only fully recommend RDR2 to gamers who want a thoroughbred entertainment experience. That said, it comes with a cost of requiring some effort from the participant. Something players should most willingly provide.

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95 / 100
Nov 25, 2019

Red Dead redemption 2 is the same console game but even better. This new version comes with a lot of exclusive content and very juicy improvements like playing at 60fps, new accessories for the campaign mode, an improved photo mode or the possibility to use mods. Unfortunately the optimization is not as good as we would like and we will have to wait for a patch that solves it. Apart from that, this is a real masterpiece and one of the best games ever. It would be a total irresponsibility not to play it.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

Jan 9, 2019

Rockstar newest game is a masterpiece. Not only shows all the talent behind its San Diego studio, but also is a statement of how you can make an interactive world feel alive. Unfortunately, the game overstays its welcome with a filler episode and an epilogue that feels too long for its own benefit.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 12, 2018

Much like Grand Theft Auto 4 before it, Red Dead Redemption 2 is likely to be one of those games that's looked back on with a more critical eye in years to come. The story and visual design of the game is near perfection and those things cannot be overlooked. How much you get out of Red Dead Redemption 2 depends on your tolerance with the controls and how much weight you put on gameplay as a defining feature of a title. For a game that achieves perfection in so many areas, the linear structure of missions and frustrating controls make Red Dead a title that feels as stubborn and set in its ways as the gang you ride with into the sunset. If that isn't a bittersweet sense of irony, I don't know what is.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 7, 2019

With a wonderful cast of characters and a narrative that will hook you to the end, it’s a story well worth seeing to its conclusion and beyond. There’s a meaty post game to contend with that expands the story even more and you’ll find yourself with something to always do.

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10 / 10.0
Nov 14, 2019

Getting lost in a game has never been so easy, the universe of rdr2 is boundless and timeless. A joy for the eyes and the heart. Every gamer in the world should play with it.

Review in Italian | Read full review

Dec 5, 2019

ed Dead Redemption 2 is a true colossus with an unbelievable attention to detail, who qualities shine through despite the technical shortcomings of the PC version. One of the most memorable titles of the last few years definitely deserves your attention, even if you'll find out it's not your kind of game in the end.

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Nov 6, 2019

In a world where developers who design experiences for console and try throw them on the PC, Rockstar Games beautifully takes its time in creating a port that both serves the artistic purposes of the original while allowing players to run free in their best open world to date. Just make sure your PC is up to standard.

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