Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King Reviews
Whether you're scouring the overworld for secrets or delving into the dungeons, Blossom Tales is a delightful take on a beloved genre
The decision as to whether or not Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King should be checked out boils down to the answer of a single question: does the potential buyer desire a new Zelda of the old school style? If the answer is yes, then this game is a must buy.
Judging a game on its own merits is very important. However, when a title happens to borrow just about every aspect of its design from an iconic game series, it's hard not to acknowledge. Claims could be made that a game like this is nothing more than a shameless clone, but thankfully in the case of Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King, the developer has intentionally crafted it with a sense of love and admiration of classic Zelda games. While it's not as flawlessly executed as the series it draws inspiration from and it doesn't add anything particularly groundbreaking, it's still a heartfelt tribute to the earlier entries in Nintendo's long-running series.
If I'm being honest, Blossom Tales might be a bit heavy-handed in its homage to the Zelda games of the past, but it brings a certain charm and fun to the Switch library. It also makes for a pretty good substitute as long as I still can't play A Link to the Past on my Switch.
Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King is another indie game which feels right at home on Nintendo's platform, despite also being available on Steam. The game will appeal to those looking for a bit of classic dungeon crawling, and it will be sure to please those that have missed top-down Zelda adventures. With a lovely kingdom to explore and a varied range of objectives, Blossom Tales shows us that this genre is still very much alive.
Blossom Tales scratches an itch I have of wanting to venture through Link to the Past once a year. It is well-designed if not a bit cliché in its approach. Still for those with the same nostalgia for Link's SNES adventure, there are few games that capture it as well as this one.
If you are looking for an Adventure game that follows the top-down Zelda formula closely, there might not be a better game for you on the Nintendo Switch eShop than this one.
Blossom Tales achieves with flying colors a synthesis of what used to make a 2D Zelda a great game, while adding enough ideas to satisfy the old-school fanatics. Thanks to a charming art direction, Castle Pixel's second game will please most of nostalgic gamers. But such reverence to the original Zelda series will not come along with many surprises, even with such a short length.
Review in French | Read full review
Blossom Tales proposes a wide world to explore, full of content and with enjoyable gameplay, not to mention a marvelous visual style. While the game may be trying to reach a higher status than it can, Blossom Tales certainly provides for a good adventure and exploration experience in the Nintendo Switch and it's yet another welcome addition to its growing catalogue.
Review in Portuguese |
Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King does a great job at paying homage to the Zelda franchise, and though a few things were found to be annoying at times, it's still very much a great game to play and definitely worth your time.
While Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King does skew a little too close to its inspirations in places and it can be a bit too easy, it still gives players a delightful, lively world filled with secrets and silly characters.
Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King is a great zelda-like game that reminds masterpieces like A Link to the Past. It fits perfectly for the Switch and is funny and entertaining.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Its clever storytelling, vast and diverse overworld, challenging boss battles, and abundance of side-quests make it a winner.
If you’re looking for a classic top-down Zelda experience on Nintendo’s new console, you really don’t need to look any farther. Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King is a pitch-perfect homage to the SNES/Game Boy era Zelda games, and it also manages to stand on its own two feet by the end of the adventure. Would we have liked some more surprises out of Blossom Tales? Surely. And hopefully that’s what’ll come in a sequel. Grandpa has more stories to tell! And the best part? No breaking weapons!
Blossom Tales is a really fun little adventure. Fairly strong presentation, and very fun gameplay that any fan of 2D Zelda games can easily get right into. Despite the similarities to Zelda, I don't feel it lives in its shadow, but instead took the core of what a 2D Zelda game is, and managed to make it its own. I'm genuinely impressed, and happy this game turned out to be so fun.
This is the perfect Zelda clone that has inspiration from the classic Zelda games, with a well told and charming story that can be enjoyed by everyone.
Blossom Tales successfully accomplishes it's goal of recreating the tried and true simplistic gameplay found in the classic action/adventure genre, but also adds a bit of its own personality as well. By adapting new mechanics for a more fluid experience and combining that with the charming story-telling narrative, Castle Pixel has created an elegant love letter to one of Nintendo's most cherished and beloved titles. So if you yearn for a polished Zelda experience, look no further - Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King is a beautiful homage.
While it may be easy to disregard Blossom Tales as a simple Zelda clone, the amount of charm and effort put into making it wholly unique, while honouring its inspiration, is both admirable and deserving of attention.
Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King is a solid homage to The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past which also improves on the formula and ends up doing its own thing. Lily's adventure is packed with several sidequest, plenty of enemies, lots of collectibles and a fun story, so you'll definitely be coming back for more and more until the end. A small adventure this is not, so expect to spent around 12-15 hours with the game, which makes the game definitely be worth its asking price. If you're looking for an epic and fun adventure on Nintendo Switch, then Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King is exactly what you need.
Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King is an excellent game that is console exclusive to the Nintendo Switch, and one that is a must-play on the hybrid console. Castle Pixel and FDG Entertainment have done a great job developing the game, giving us a very polished adventure with a ton of content to enjoy at home or on the go.