Serial Cleaner Reviews

Serial Cleaner is ranked in the 56th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
Jul 16, 2017
Serial Cleaner Review "Buy, Wait For Sale, Rent, Never Touch?" video thumbnail
80 / 100
Jul 11, 2017

While occasionally frustrating and repetitive, Serial Cleaner is a violently fun puzzle game that provides hours of blood-filled entertainment and new challenges.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 11, 2017

Running with blood-soaked plastic bag on the shoulder and playing hide-and-seek with the police have never been that good. Original idea and equally original execution.

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Top Critic
6.5 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2017

I love the idea of games like Serial Cleaner, before this, I’d only ever seen Viscera Cleanup Detail. Where VCD followed in the footsteps of a hero, Serial Cleaner reminds me as though someone was following in the footsteps of all the carnage in games like Postal, Hotline Miami or Party Hard to bury the evidence. Unfortunately, that charm wears off quickly.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 10, 2017

With its thirty scenarios (twenty in the main story and ten films inspired by the cinema to be unlocked), the Serial Cleaner demonstrates how iFun4All knows how to build gaming experiences with a solid gameplay as a foundation. Additionally, the outline of the '70s is to create an interesting contextualization from the historical point of view, but above all as far as the stylistic one is concerned. Maybe they could have enriched everything with a bigger stage, with a checkpoint, or a little less chaotic gameplay, which at present can not be ruled perfectly by imprecise controls.

Review in Italian | Read full review

7 / 10
Jul 11, 2017

With its charming papercraft-like visuals and enjoyable 70s themed soundtrack, Serial Cleaner can be a lot of fun if you have the patience for it.

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Jul 10, 2017

Serial Cleaner is a very good stealth game. It controls well, the levels are well thought out and a real challenge, and the level of difficulty is just short of pad biting

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DVS Gaming
J.R. "Jasonator" Sommerfeldt
Top Critic
9 / 10
Sep 16, 2018

With just a few mechanical hiccups, this title makes a great addition to anyone's game library.

46 / 100
Dec 19, 2017

A polished, well-presented skin wrapped around thoroughly unremarkable stealth fundamentals. Serial Cleaner is not an actively antagonistic experience, just draining and unrewarding.

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8 / 10.0
Dec 16, 2017

The whole 70s aesthetic and music are fantastic and complement the small story set aside from the main missions. While the controls can feel inconsistent at times, the experience as a whole was very enjoyable. Sure, it's fun to bring on the onslaught - but who knew it would be so much fun to clean up after.

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9 / 10
Dec 1, 2017

Serial Cleaner is a very fun and addictive game that will keep you hooked until the end. The gameplay mechanics are simple and to the point, and the premise is so crazy it just works. Cleaning up murder scenes for the mob, down to the last drop of blood? Weird! Serial Cleaner is a great option on PS4 and one you should definitely check out.

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Digitally Downloaded
Brad L.
Top Critic
Aug 2, 2017

Serial Cleaner is one hell of a game. It captures the style and appeal of the seventies greatly, layering it with a surreal 'job' to do, and a solid sense of humour.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2017

Serial Cleaner is a fun top down experience that will give you a good fun few hours, collecting all the collectibles and completing all the bonus levels. For anyone that was a fan of Hotline Miami but would have preferred it to be a stealth game this title is for you.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 24, 2017

In the end, Serial Cleaner is a fun stealth experience. The focus on non-violence is refreshing, and while there are some bits that don't play out so well, the entire experience is fun enough that you'll be motivated to retry it almost immediately. The '70s presentation is inspired, but the bonus levels and challenges give the game some replay value. Serial Cleaner is certainly worth checking out.

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8 / 10.0
Jul 15, 2017

Fun stealth puzzle game with some great ideas and a really good execution. More dangerous enemies appear during last few missions, but Cleaner doesn't gain any new abilities, so the game may feel a little bit tedious near the end.

Review in Russian | Read full review

90 / 100
Jul 11, 2017

Bringing an unusual proposal of being the person responsible for cleaning the mess left by criminals, Serial Cleaner is an isometric stealth game well-polished and entertaining. Each stage has a clever level design, responsible for creating moments of tension and the necessity of a good timing in cleaning the scene while dodging the field of vision of guards. Besides the campaign, which holds a good story, there are also bonus levels and a variety of challenges, contributing to hours of fun. The soundtrack is amazing, with each level having a well-fit theme, wrapping up a highly recommended game.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

Jul 11, 2017

Serial Cleaner is a lot of fun, and its trophies are pretty straightforward, with nothing being missable due to how the game is structured. A bit of patience and a lot of practice is all that is required for eventually making that Platinum yours! If you're looking for a unique experience, then look no further because Serial Cleaner on PlayStation 4 is definitely worth your time and money.

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7 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2017

Serial Cleaner probably isn’t a game for those craving a chilled out few hours in bed with their Switch, but if you’re up for a decent challenge, the game’s addictive appeal, solid visuals and fun soundtrack add up to yet another fun addition to the Switch’s “Nindie” lineup.

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9 / 10.0
Jul 17, 2017

Serial Cleaner takes a humouristic, slightly macabre approach to its subject matter, and doesn't treat itself too seriously. Just take a look at the protagonist. He is a 30-ish man with a sharp sense of style and an iconic 70s look, complete with a moustache, large sunglasses, and tight pants. After saying all of that, what is it like to play? Let's take a look…

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Jan 1, 2018

Serial Cleaner is an immensely fun, innovative indie Switch title that will test not only your wits but your patience with its increasing difficulty and cleverly-crafted level design. With a great soundtrack, a pleasing aesthetic, and enough content to entertain players for hours, it's a must-have for anyone who enjoys a good puzzle and wants to prove their talent for making dead bodies disappear.

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