Serial Cleaner Reviews
Maybe Serial Killer is a great idea with appealing style, saddled with iffy design and insufficient flexibility. Walks the walk, but the talk's another matter.
Serial Cleaner is undeniably cool, but can be at odds with itself. On the one hand, the bitesized levels and whimsical humour should allow for a fun, pick up and play jaunt, but it is obstructed by a handful of small but significant frustrations. It's a game that both embraces the tropes of the genre and adds a neat little twist, but it won't be long before even the most persistent of players wished it was just a bit more lenient regarding certain elements.A neat if limited core concept, combined with some superb retro presentation, Serial Cleaner is held back by design choices that are at best curious and challenging, and at worst infuriatingly obtuse; as a result it is a good game rather than a great one.
If you've held off on Serial Cleaner, this is a fantastic port. I'd absolutely recommend this over the other versions as well for the convenience of the hybrid console. Serial Cleaner is well worth it on the Switch.
With its 70s setting and great soundtrack, Serial Cleaner is a unique blend of styles that might not be full of variety but it does offer a decent amount of fun.
A fun take on both stealth games and genre films, Serial Cleaner will be way more enjoyable if it can fix a bad lighting bug that made it almost unplayable.
Serial Cleaner is not a game that pretends to revolutionize a genre as it is the one of exploration and infiltration. In fact, he drinks a lot from classic sources. A very successful retro aesthetic that fits perfectly into a bulletproof gameplay. Passing a vacuum cleaner was never so much fun.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Serial Cleaner is a stealth game that nails its aesthetic, referential material (mildly related: there's an excellent Alien-themed bonus stage), and concept. It just doesn't nail the mechanics of being a stealth game. Developer iFun4all seemingly understands this judging by the copout way it implemented hiding spots. Serial Cleaner is neat, but it isn't always tidy.
Serial Cleaner is a stealth game with nostalgic influences. A very well polished game that has a powerful begining but a repetitive second half.
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Cleaning up someone else's mess has never been this much fun, and that's saying something when said mess includes pieces of evidence, corpses and more than a little bit of blood spatter. Serial Cleaner is easy to recommend as a quirky and fun stealth 'em up with a somewhat macabre sense of humour.
A simple, economical throwback to the golden age of stealth games, with fun presentation but a notable lack of depth and variety.
When it comes to pleasant surprises, Serial Cleaner ranks among my favorite indie releases of 2017. The simple to grasp mechanics yet surprisingly deep execution managed to take a genre that I traditionally loathe, and somehow deliver an immensely gratifying experience. Don't get me wrong, this will most likely not be winning any end-of-year awards, but it's a mess that's worth tidying up after. Who knew that obstruction of justice could be so much fun?
Serial Cleaner is a worthwhile purchase if you're looking for a light puzzle game to play in short bursts, because trust me, you will get mad at it here and there.
Serial Cleaner is a fun stealth game that doesn't hold one's attention for long.
Somewhat lacking the addictive qualities of some of the better games in the genre, Serial Cleaner still provides plenty of challenge and a decent amount of content for fans of stealth puzzlers.
Serial Cleaner shines like a freshly mopped floor in its challenge and 70s aesthetic, but basic gameplay elements suffer in the process.
Serial Cleaner is a fun little game which offers something that's both similar to other indie titles on the market and thematically unique for the stealth genre. Its difficulty and slight release content are offset by a number of options, a great premise, and some uniquely engaging gameplay.
While groovy from its soundtrack to its illustrated style, Serial Cleaner's ‘70s ‘stache and sharply defined stealth-action is often tiring. I'd rather have somebody else clean this up.
Serial Cleaner is full of humour and stealth action with a 70s-style ambiance all around it. An indie game that stands out in the Nintendo Switch catalog, Serial Cleaner also enjoys a marvelous audiovisual component and has all the conditions to be a very appreciated game in the eShop.
Review in Portuguese |
Serial Cleaner is engaging (and laughably gory) stealth game with an awesome atmosphere, easy to pick up and play. Too bad it lacks variety to feel great from start to finish.
Review in French | Read full review
Serial Cleaner is a brief yet surprisingly addictive blood-soaked stealth game, provided that you can survive long enough to get past its steep difficulty spike.