Monster Hunter Stories Reviews
A great spin off for one of the most beloved franchises in videogames.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
Monster Hunter Stories is a refreshing take on the popular series that is a surprisingly fun romp. Certain aspects can feel repetitive and drawn out and the campaign can feel rushed and tropish at times. A fun monster-raising mechanic, however, combined with plenty of stuff to do, makes this a solid JRPG for folks of all ages. If you like a more RPG-ish take on Monster Hunter or enjoy games like Pokemon, this is one spin-off game that you’ll want to ride on.
Monster Hunter Stories is a delightful little JRPG that makes a big splash with its adorable visuals and addictive battle system. Performance problems aside, this is a great introduction to Capcom's beloved franchise.
Monster Hunter Stories embodies all the good things about the Monster Hunter saga and presents them in a monster RPG package. The game is very rich on content to explore and its amazing visual details and challenging combat system will keep the players entertained for many, many hours. Monster Hunter Stories may not be full of unexpected surprises but it is full of reasons to wander into it.
Review in Portuguese |
Monster Hunter Stories is a delightful game that surprised the hell out of me. It's pretty, it's fun, it's fresh, and a real departure from the original series but still retains elements to keep it familiar. If you like JRPG's or monster collecting games like Pokemon, Monster Hunter Stories is a must own. Just don't go into the game expecting a traditional style, and you will be surprised with how good it is.
Capcom's monster-collecting Monster Hunter spinoff manages to set itself apart from the crowd.
Monster Hunter Stories is a Monster Hunter game distilled down to a more simple level, but still retains what makes the games fun.
It's hardly unique in gameplay and story, but what it lacks in uniqueness it makes up for in execution and presentation.
Monster Hunter Stories is turn-based RPG spinoff of the main series, taking place in its own world with its own expanded lore.
I saw this experience as Monster Hunter meets Pokemon (which are two of my favorite series.) and if you consider yourself a fan of either of these, then you will probably find joy in giving this title a try no matter what age you are.
Fans will appreciate the new take on time honored series mechanics in Monster Hunter Stories, while newcomers will find a more accessible and inviting game than the franchise has ever had before.
While I never expected to say it, I may actually play a Monster Hunter game to completion, because Stories is the perfect storm of keeping the nuggets of the series I like while abandoning literally everything else about it.
With the 3DS nearing the end of its lifespan, games like this are often left to the wayside; but for loyalists and those not quite ready to upgrade, Monster Hunter Stories is definitely a game worth picking up. With a fun battle system that doesn't rely on grinding to level up, and a bright and open world to explore, Monster Hunter Stories takes its namesake in a completely different and impressive direction.
A top notch creature collecting RPG that does the Monster Hunter name proud.
Being able to adapt the heart of Monster Hunter into a turn-based RPG is Monster Hunter Stories' biggest success.
It's far too easy and its combat system seems to be too much dumbed down, but we've had a great time with Monster Hunter Stories nonetheless. We can't stop farming eggs and monsters, and we're doing it far after the campaing was over.
Review in Italian | Read full review
Monster Hunter Stories is that rare and magical opportunity to befriend your favorite monster and ride it into battle.
If you go into Stories expecting a true successor to previous Monster Hunter games, it may not impress. However, it’s a solid RPG with a younger demographic in mind. This certainly isn’t to say that an older fan won’t enjoy its charming story or gorgeous graphics, but it’s obviously intended as an introduction to the wider Monster Hunter world.
Whether you enjoy raising monsters, slaying them, or adventuring across vast lands with your pals, you'll find something to hold your attention in this game, and who knows? You may even come to find yourself loving every little bit of this adventure.
You are asked to make a boring leap of faith in the hopes of finding rewards. Everything else about the game works. Exploring the world hasn't been better than this and the style just pops on the Nintendo 3DS. Newcomers and veterans alike will find a lot to love, but also need to go in with lowered expectations about the combat.