Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle Reviews
If the game was considerably cheaper you could potentially justify a purchase for having quick, easy-to-set-up fighting rounds; as it stands, though, this may well be best left alone.
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle is the worst Touhou game I've played and one that you should avoid unless you absolutely must own everything Touhou.
I'm trying my best to think of some kind of clever joke or metaphor about Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle, but I don't even think the game deserves that kind of effort on my part. Burst Battle is an awful video game. Without a tutorial, learning to play is no fun at all, and I had an equal sum of zero fun playing it when I actually knew how to play. If you're itching for a Touhou fighting game, run to your PC and download one of the official 2D fighting games from the main series. Never touch Burst Battle. Learn from my errors, and live a long, healthy, fulfilling life.
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle features poor batlles and a serios camera issues that erase the fun of the fights. Very few game modes and a dull story mode are the reason that this game is no good for any fan of this genre.
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It's not often that I walk away from a game without a few positives from the experience. Typically even when things go awry there are good ideas underneath the flawed execution, and I can see what the studio was going for. That isn't the case with Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle. Everything from its presentation to the gameplay seems poorly thought out. This is one worth avoiding by all, as there's not even any enjoyment to be had in a "so bad it's good" sense.
I can't totally ignore the flaws present, and I suspect that many potential players will not be able to either. But this is a rock-solid title nonetheless. If you know the Touhou name, or even if you know the masochistic joy of bullet-hell gaming, Battle Burst is worth checking out.
Fans of the main Touhou games may find this an amusing diversion but there is very little of worth to recommend this to anyone else. Ultimately, unless battling stunted characters with clunky 3D models in sparse arenas is your idea of a good time, Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle is a deeply unnecessary title to invest in.
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle could have reached something with its interesting idea of playing a story with different characters and their own perspectives but the combats quickly become repetitive and underperforming. While the Arcade and Score Attack modes are challenging, the audiovisual component seriously needs a brush up and the game just doesn't perform the way it should.
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It's sterile, incomplete and just broken. It's not entertaining to play even in the slightest.
Story and the characters are right there, and there are some adorable yuri moments that will make fans blush, but that is all the quality that there's to be found in Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle, as the gameplay is sluggish and too simple for a modern 3D fighter. It is easy to take such gameplay for granted, but Burst Battle shows the danger of doing that. It could have done decent as a shorter visual novel, but sadly the action part cannot be saved by a couple of adorable moments and pretty art.
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle originally started out as a PlayStation Vita game, and would have released there a few months ago but for NIS America's desire to do a simultaneous multiplatform release. A game of this quality wouldn't have been acceptable on the Vita, and being on the Switch is only serving to expose its myriad flaws to more people. If you need to see girls beat the snot out of each other on the Switch, there's already plenty of better options.
In the end, Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle is a fun fighter with some depth past the bullet-hell nature of its battles. Sure, the graphics are nothing to write home about and the game's music could have used some extra variety, but battles (especially against human opponents) are interesting and different from other games out there. In the end, this is a budget release at $29.99, and it offers more than enough content to justify that price tag. If after checking out the game's trailer and reading this review you think the game is not for you, then it's probable that nothing will change your mind.
The main issue is lack of of modes, variety and repetitiveness, question is is it worth the $60 price tag? Well i would only recommend the game to hardcore Touhou fans, who know what to expect and could get far more enjoyment that a non fan would. That aside the game is flawless, no bugs and glitches, i don't think i've seen any problems in past NISA games as far as i can remember so that is a big bonus!
Sadly it does miss the mark on this one.
If you like retro games like Virtual-On and you like collecting Touhou doujin titles, in general, this might be up your alley. Touhou Gensou Rondo: Bullet Ballet is recommended if you specifically want an arena fighter with Touhou characters. Overall Touhou Kobuto V just doesn't offer enough content to have staying power, but can be enjoyed for what it is.
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle is a tough game to recommend.
Fans of Touhou games may find more enjoyment than others with Burst Battle. If you are looking for a hard-core fighting game with solid controls, a deep story and a very active online player-base then I wouldn't say this game was for you. If you don't mind clunky controls and a serious challenge in completing everything game has to offer, then this one may be for you.
Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle is one to give a miss, then. That’s something that I take no joy in saying, either, as I had looked forward to checking it out when NIS America had announced that it was on the way to Nintendo Switch. There are certainly flickers of magic to be found, but this is a game that feels a generation or two behind where it needs to be.
If you like the previous 4 games I will have to trust your recommendation as I do not know how this game relates to the others. But this is not a game I will be recommending to anyone. This is not a series worth new investment. It is at best incomplete and at worst an embarrassment of a game in its current state. Tohou Kobuto V: Burst Battle is an unnecessary game, a game which is not worth getting.
Despite accurately interpreting a respected franchise and having solid foundations for a fighting game, Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle delivers a slither of content that is not only disappointingly lacklustre. but also unwelcoming for newcomers and littered with inconsistencies and glitches that further hinder the quality of the experience. Local multiplayer is where this may redeem itself, but even that's stretching it for a retail game. For the price, it's not something I'd recommend.