Shadow of the Colossus Reviews
Shadow of the Colossus is a must buy for everyone with a PlayStation 4 console, no matter if you played the original one or not. Thanks to the huge improvements in the graphics, this new version is on a same level with most of this generation titles and it's quite a different experience from the one which was remastered for PS3.
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Perhaps the only drawback in the game is its short duration, although this can be ignored in this price zone. I can not think of a flaw in this game and I am convinced that this is one of the games that any game lover must try and acquire.
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This is easily one of the finest remakes by Bluepoint Games. The improved visuals elevate the experience to a whole another level that is unmatched by even some of the more recent open world games.
Whether you have played the original version of the Shadow of the Colossus or not, the PS4 version is a must have experience. so never doubt paying 40$ for this beautifully crafted experience.
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Shadow of the Colossus embarks you on one of the greatest adventures you could ever imagine. May it be the remake, the remaster, or the original, Shadow of the Colossus is an unforgettable video-game masterpiece that lives on forever.
Shadow of the Colossus on PlayStation 4 looks amazing and the modern control scheme makes it more playable than ever.
Shadow of the Colossus PS4 still holds up today thanks to outstanding game design years ahead of its time. The soundtrack, story, and gameplay can easier be mistaken for a brand new modern release, and those who never played the game should add this to their PlayStation 4 library.
Shadow of the Colossus is a good game that is a great and memorable experience. The production has been well adapted to modern standards. Beautiful graphics, atmospheric locations and epic moments mixed with really touching and in a sense personal moments, are what distinguishes this title from many games.
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When you are at the shore and see hundreds of pebbles. You will recognize one specific pebble that is brighter than the others. That pebble is Shadow of the Colossus.
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So, overall? I thought Shadow of the Colossus was fun, once I got past the several issues I felt I had with it. Each Colossi I killed was fairly satisfying, even if the method boils down to the same-y “stab in the head” route. Yeah, I would probably shadow a Colossus again.
Shadow of the Colossus has proven to be a timeless classic and one which deserves to be played by nostalgic fans and first-time players alike. Although the concept appears to be repetitive, the story is powered forward by the player's desire to slay the sixteen colossi and bring back Wander's sleeping love. The final moral twist and the emotional conclusion to the end of the game is powerful, and memorable and it helps elevate Shadow of the Colossus to the highest standard of storytelling.
Shadow of the Colossus is a brilliant remake and is by far one of the best looking games to date. This is a classic that should be experienced by everyone.
This version of Shadow of the Colossus is still one of the medium’s most singular experiences revamped and revitalized for 2018. Whether or not it will go down as the definitive way to experience the game remains to be seen, but it is still a wholly unique must-play for anyone interested in what games can be.
As its own scenario, its own experiment, it’s own idea of how to raise tension and adrenaline. Outpacing giants on horseback, tricking monsters off ledges or into traps, and weaving through the woods and mountains and deserts and piecing together what once was, is just as magical as it ever was. Bluepoint found one of the most unique atmospheres of isolation in exploration in gaming, and managed to keep it intact as they rebuilt Shadow of the Colossus; by mountain, by forest, by titanic hulking beast.
Now that I have finally played and enjoyed Shadow of the Colossus, it would be easy to say I regret not playing it all those years ago. I'm not sure that's true. This remaster is sublime and—as I can attest—no nostalgia is required to appreciate it. This is almost certainly the definitive version of the game and I’m thankful I finally got to play it. I highly recommend you do the same.
I am surprised that teh_interweb knows this as one of the best PlayStation 2 games ever made and can see past this game’s glaring faults despite the immense line-up of titles it competed in
As mentioned earlier, we honestly cannot wait to see what the future holds for the talented team over at Bluepoint Games. But at the same time, we can’t help but to wonder what may be next for Fumito Ueda and genDESIGN. The recent teases from Ueda himself certainly have our collective minds pondering the possibilities, but one thing is certain. Whatever it is, will be worth the wait.
Shadow of the Colossus on PS4 may be a remake, but it’s easily one of the best remakes ever released. Shadow of the Colossus is one of the best games ever made and it deserves to be experienced in the incredible form Bluepoint Games has delivered.
Shadow of the Colossus is one of the most critically revered games of the PS2 era, and with this remake, Bluepoint Games have shown that it can stand head and shoulders above most games that are released today. A wonderful experience from start to finish, and a game that is considered to be a landmark in the medium, and with good reason. A phenomenal game that has not only stood the test of time, it has become an absolute must-play in anyone's PlayStation 4 library through a simply staggering amount of work from Bluepoint. A seminal game that should not be missed.
Shadow of the Colossus is a must-play game, one that anyone unfortunate enough to have missed this title back in its day needs to play immediately. Just make sure you look out for that endgame – it’s a doozy!