Past Cure Reviews

Past Cure is ranked in the 1st percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
3.5 / 10.0
Apr 16, 2018

Past Cure is many things: technically infuriating, a slog, and thematically inconsistent. While one can appreciate the effort of a small team trying to craft a game that does many things, it can't seem to do any of them well enough to warrant any attention. With a glut of better games that tackle similar elements on the platform, it's very difficult to recommend Past Cure to people, even as a quick diversion.

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1.5 / 5.0
Feb 27, 2018

Phantom 8 Studio shouldn't be discouraged from future attempts at delivering a cinematic experience of a game on par with triple-A output, because they still have some neat ideas and directions to take.

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3 / 10
Feb 26, 2018

Past Cure is a bad game. It's bad bad. But it's also the best kind of bad game, in that it's not for a lack of effort or that the team were bereft of ideas that the finished product doesn't come together. If anything, the game is too ambitious, with too many ideas, and it inevitably crumbles under the weight of numerous poorly implemented gameplay styles and a total lack of a cohesive identity. It's a bit like when your mum tries making Baked Alaska for the first time – sure, the end result is a sloppy mess, but you've got to applaud the audacity to try it in the first place.

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Feb 23, 2018

There's always a temptation to cut indie studios some slack. Clearly, Past Cure has a much lower budget than most action games, and it's refreshing that the team didn't use crowdfunding to get their project off the ground.

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3 / 10.0
Mar 6, 2018

Past Cure is a hodgepodge of stealth, action, and drama that reaches for the stars and falls somewhere far below.

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3 / 10.0
Feb 22, 2018

So awful yet so boring that one can neither get too mad nor fall asleep, Past Cure is simply a Frankenstein of poorly implemented, cliched ideas and story beats.

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3 / 10.0
Feb 24, 2018

Past Cure is a prime example of the adage “never judge a book by its cover”. The trailer had me interested enough to play it so that you don't have to.

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Mar 1, 2018

We were promised a unique, "award"-winning storytelling experience. Instead, we received a convoluted mess that isn't sure what game it wants to be.

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3 / 10.0
May 21, 2018

I've read scarier issues of the Beano in this clunky, buggy mess of a wanna be Deadly Premonition.

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3 / 10
Feb 26, 2018

A psychological thriller with stealth seemed right up my alley, which made it all the more disappointing that it wound up primarily a mediocre cover-based shooter. But hey, my achievement progress for the game is at 69%, and it’s going to stay that way. Nice.

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3 / 10.0
Mar 28, 2018

Don’t think that Past Cure will become the next cult classic, like Deadly Premonition. This is a whole different level of bad. Past Cure attempts to be too many things at once. The developer’s ambition outweighs their ability to execute it effectively. The game’s lofty aspirations are commendable and, at the very least, it is playable. Still, it is a shame that Past Cure doesn’t amount to the titles from which it poorly borrows so many of its ideas.

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Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
2 / 10
Mar 2, 2018

One of the worst games of the generation, but at least it's an interesting failure – with almost comical attempts to mimic everything from Max Payne to Silent Hill.

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2 / 10.0
Mar 5, 2018

Past Cure wants to be something great, and that ambition is the only thing it has on its side. This is a game that is flawed to its core. The mangled story and shoddy design prevent any single aspect from ever sticking out as something special. Don't even risk taking a bargain bin flier on this one. You'll only end up frustrating yourself.

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2 / 10.0
Feb 22, 2018

The only positive thing I can say about Past Cure is that I've taken this hit and played the game for you so that you don't have to. In a time where I believe games are better than ever, I implore you to spend your hard-earned free time cozying up to literally any other game — even Superman 64. Past Cure is not just the worst game I have played over the past few years; it's now on the shortlist of worst games I've ever played in my life.

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Feb 22, 2018

Past Cure is an aggressively meaningless story broken up by astonishingly pedestrian gameplay.

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2 / 10
Feb 24, 2018

Let's get to the point : Past Cure is an atrocious video game, bad at every level. That's all you need to know about it.

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2 / 10.0
Feb 27, 2018

Past Cure is the worst game I’ve played this year, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. The whole experience feels like a fan game made by someone really into Silent Hill, Metal Gear Solid, and Quantum Break as it desperately tries to combine elements from all those games but fails to capture what made those games great.

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1 / 5.0
Feb 22, 2018

Past Cure is a broken and generic third-person shooter that lets its hints of originality drown in its cliché, unexplained story and its painfully glitchy gameplay.

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Mar 6, 2018

The team at Phantom 8 should be proud of what it has achieved in terms of atmosphere and core gameplay. Past Cure, similarly to Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice before it, is a testament to the idea that small indie developers can produce a quality of content matching that created by blockbuster studios. However, the excellence of these aspects makes the flaws in design, audio, and storytelling more glaring. What looks like a sterling experience feels amateur. Past Cure is ambitious, which can be a fantastic quality, but the developer's effort is misplaced, leaving the game incapable of surviving its own confusion.

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1.5 / 10.0
Mar 5, 2018

There's no denying that Past Cure is born from lofty ambitions. Regrettably, those ambitions are not joined with the necessary skill or understanding needed to make Past Cure anything close to a competent, coherent experience. A messy bore of a game that vomits its incoherent nonsense on your shoes as it rambles on mindlessly for ten minutes about why that's important.

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