Secret of Mana HD Reviews

Secret of Mana HD is ranked in the 20th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
60 / 100
Feb 24, 2018

Why on Earth would you keep the gameplay totally intact when it's so terribly flawed?

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7 / 10.0
Feb 21, 2018

A remake only makes sense when it truly enhances the original game. Guess what? This is not the case. For lack of a better option, it's best played on a Super Nintendo Classic Mini. The best way to describe this remake is "unnecessary", and it could be worth your time only if you don't have any other way to play the original.

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8 / 10.0
Feb 20, 2018

Conventional wisdom would say the new Secret of Mana isn't a great remake. It doubles down on the stuff that already works while leaving the original game's most glaring flaws mostly untouched. That said, I still enjoyed this new package. Secret of Mana was always about charm and personality over polish. Yes, the game remains a bit of a mess, but that special spark at its core burns brighter than ever. If you loved the original game, or are just in the mood for something light and quirky, this remake strikes true.

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6 / 10
Feb 19, 2018

This Secret of Mana remake feels like a missed opportunity. It could have been a chance to tweak a few systems, strip away any outdated elements, and add in a few basic improvements. Overall the game is good but only because the original Secret of Mana was good; this remaster doesn't add as much as it could and, if anything, removes some of the magic of the original.

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Emma Schaefer
Top Critic
5 / 10.0
Feb 27, 2018

While there's plenty to love about the original Secret of Mana, this remake manages to kill off most the game's charm while failing to modernize the parts of the game that actually need updating. Awkward animations, impenetrable menus, slow combat, and repeated random crashes add up to a game that, with 25 years of technological improvements under its belt, may actually be worse than the original.

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Feb 26, 2018

Unfortunately, everything is wrong with this remake of the classic SNES game. From shoddy voice work and pedestrian graphics to janky combat, the experience is nearly ruined, and a classic game's reputation is forever soiled.

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68 / 100
Feb 20, 2018

This remake of Secret of Mana allows us to enjoy one of the classic RPGs from the SNES once again. But at the end, it feels like a missed opportunity of what could have been the definitive version of the game.

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5 / 10
Feb 19, 2018

By chosing to apply a 3D mask taken from any random mobile game on the 1993 original, Secret of Mana delivers a remake that will satisfy no one. None of the bugs has been fixed, even though this translation finally gives us a closer glimpse of the scenario. But with such a price, its lazy artistic direction and wrong remixes will crush your childhood memories for good.

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7 / 10.0
Feb 16, 2018

It honestly pains me to say this as someone who continues to be a big fan of the original. The problem with Secret of Mana HD doesn’t lie in what the developers changed as some might believe. It’s what they did not change. I almost hate myself for saying this but one of the key parts of Secret of Mana — its combat — just don’t hold up as well today. I’m still a big fan of the game. But my view of it is now a more tempered one as opposed to the blind devotion I had for it before I replayed the original game and played its new HD version as well. It’s still a solid game but also feels a bit more flawed.

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Feb 16, 2018

I hate to be a downer on a classic RPG, especially when Secret of Mana can be so charming and it's still clear why it was such a well-loved game. Yet this remaster doesn't work.

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69 / 100
Feb 19, 2018

Although the technique is functional and some elements have been made worse, the remake of the remake still looks like the original.

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7.3 / 10.0
Feb 15, 2018

Secret of Mana's remake is fun because Secret of Mana was fun. However, Square could have done a lot better, especially with a beloved classic such as this.

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7 / 10.0
Mar 3, 2018

There is a lot wrong with this remake and a lot of missed opportunities in terms of updating a game for the modern age, but at its core, it is still Secret of Mana and that is a game that everyone should play at least once.

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Sep 22, 2023

Secret of Mana is a monumental JRPG that deserves your respect—just not your time.

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Top Critic
Mar 20, 2018

If you can get your hands on a Super NES Classic, you may be better off playing the original instead.

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6 / 10.0
Feb 5, 2018

All in all, this Secret of Mana HD remake is a mixed offering.

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5.5 / 10.0
Mar 4, 2018

This time Square failed in making a remake - we've got castrated mechanics, many serious bugs, ugly graphics and terrible remixes. If the original NES version wasn't so hard to get, I'd recommend ignoring Secret of Mana on PS4 altogether.

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RPG Site
Top Critic
6 / 10
Feb 19, 2018

This transition from 2D to 3D feels clunky and uninspired, but it still has a few bright spots.

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Top Critic
3 / 5.0
Feb 20, 2018

Nostalgia purists wanting to play Secret of Mana in 2018 are recommended to pick up a SNES Mini and enjoy the original in glorious HD. There’s not enough in the way of improvements in this remake to warrant the attention of the old guard.

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6 / 10.0
Feb 21, 2018

Curiously lean on the magic that made Secret of Mana a seminal classic, this remake is serviceable in a pinch, but revisiting the original is probably a better use of time.

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