Vampyr Reviews
Vampyr is a dialogue heavy ARPG, and it's these interactions that make the game truly shine. Excellent voice acting and interesting NPCs have made for a truly memorable experience. Unfortunately, Vampyr is also plagued by various bugs and a general lack of polish. While most of these problems are very minor, they are numerous enough to impede the player's experience. Should you choose to look past these issues, you would find Vampyr's dramatic world enjoyable and entertaining.
Review in Persian |
Rarely are games as beautiful and lovingly crafted as Vampyr. Jonathan's quest to find his place in a world gone mad is haunting and worthwhile, in spite of a combat system from the bowels of hell.
Vampyr is a game that's mainly focused on telling a good story and developing its characters, which it does respectably. That being said, things such as combat, mission variety, and even hardware, end up getting put to the wayside. All in all, it's a rather bleak experience.
Vampyr is vampire game that we've longed for some time and it is one of the best games of the year. I just wish the combat system was a bit more polished. Then I could've said that we were facing a true classic.
Review in Turkish | Read full review
Vampyr is the vampire story that I've waited for many, many years for.
When it comes to feeling like being a Vampire, Vampyr really shines. Story is great and NPCs play a huge role in gameplay. But the problem is that Vampyr tries to be an all-around, perfect game, and that’s where it starts to fall through, as lame combat and graphical and technical issues prevent it from becoming a hit.
Review in Persian | Read full review
VAMPYR without a doubt is one the best action RPG that I’ve played in this generation and it is like a hope light for gamers that are really care for deep and amazing story telling in video games. VAMPYR tells you a unique beautiful deep story and it is the best game that has ever made with the vampires subject. VAMPYR is a mixture of amazing story-telling with various and fun gameplay elements in a dark world. VAMPYR is all about choice and consequence, good and evil, black or white, but in the end you see that everything is gray and maybe it’s all about choose between bad and worst. London is beautifully created in this game and you feel dark and heavy atmosphere of this town and miserable life of its people in every step of the game. VAMPYR also has some graphical issues and long loading pages that may hurt your experience a little bit but in the end, all of this issues are forgivable because VAMPYR has a very long list of amazing and positive points that make you one of your best adventures that you had in an action RPG game with great story, unique art style, replay value, fun gameplay and combat and various gameplay elements and features. VAMPYR is absolutely worth your time and money, So Go drink some fresh blood!!
Review in Persian | Read full review
Vampyr managed to create a rich story, but it falls short when it come to translating it to fun gameplay. Which makes me think how the game will be if it just focused solely on the story.
Review in Arabic | Read full review
Vampyr is a collection of wonderful ideas held back by a limited budget and a dated engine. The lack of expression and emotion on the faces of London's many characters, and often disjointed lines of dialogue, plague any hope of being fully immersed in this dark re-imagining of London. A fluid and well designed combat system, alongside the infinitely appealing aspect of battling with morality as a creature of the night, offer plenty for those looking for a new angle on the vampire story, but for those wanting a more complete experience, it may not make the mark.
The most troublesome thing is that the game has big and great chances of success, but it is killed because of some laziness or attention to the side and neglect of another side, maybe if the Combat System was good and fun to describe this game as one of hidden gems of 2018, Although the Social Link is one of the best systems I have ever seen and which competes with a system like the Nemsis System, but like in Shadow of war it has been corrupted and placed in a weaker form that does not rise to its level
Review in Arabic |
Vampyr is an ambitious action RPG that manages to sell its basic premise really well. It offers good world building and lore but a weak combat system gets in the way of its compelling story and characters.
Vampyr is a rough but interesting game. The story starts off in an intriguing manner, and the character interactions show that Dontnod still knows how to make them the most compelling part of any game. The quandary of whether to give in to your base desires seems like a good moral dilemma, until you realize that the combat heavily favors you upgrading early to make the progress less of a grind. That means the game leans heavily toward an evil ending before you attempt a good one. Due to the lack of good vampire games in the market, Vampyr is worth a look, but don't expect a masterpiece out of the gate.
Vampyr is an excellent game. It manages to place RPG and adventure elements together in a good way, and delivers an interesting story, giving an idea of how the life of a vampire in a doctor's body would be. Although it has problems, they are not so significant to make the player put the game away. Vampyr is not going to be the game of the year, but it truly deserves your attention.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
"Victorian vampires have never been so intriguing and exciting as they are in Vampyr."
Vampyr is a bloody good time that is marred by some tedious mechanics and some technical issues.
Vampyr is a smart action game that poses regular moral dilemmas as you decide to either heal or kill characters in a wonderfully dark city. With decent melee combat and an interesting story, there are not many vampire games that taste as sweet.
Although flawed and at times painfully inconsistent, Vampyr manages to offer relatively engaging gameplay in spite of a lack of overall polish. Combat is stiff and quite mindless, but Jonathan's progression deeper into Vampiredom is handled well and the abilities at his disposal go a long way towards masking some of the more mundane aspects of the battle system. It's more whether or not Jonathan decides to prey on the people of London, and its consequences, that keep the experience fresh. There's a trade off between making Jonathan and keeping districts stable, each one offering their own benefits. There are technical issues, and the performance is lacking on every front, but Vampyr has enough going for it conceptually that it's worth sinking some time into, if only to be a vampire in 20th century London.
Overall, the game is enjoyable when you don’t encounter the game breaking bugs which more than often happens and it can be frustrating when they do. Even in the current patch when I tried to update the game, those bugs have still not been quelled. I hope that in the future that they can fix the PlayStation port because I feel like they did not really give that much attention to it and just focused their resources more on the PC release.
Vampyr is a dark and appealing RPG with a strong storyline full of mystery and exploring London such dark times was a delightful scare visually and through the game’s sound effects. As you learn new abilities you will become the ultimate killer and master the game’s simple combat system in no time.
Vampyr is a pretty good detective adventure game with a very good story, gloomy atmosphere and difficult moral decisions. It is an original idea, but the developers could have gotten more out of it. Maybe next time they won't focus on the spasmodic inclusion of LGBT people, which some proud representatives of this community have objected to in the Steam discussions, and will also focus on the gameplay mechanics.
Review in Czech | Read full review