Little Dragons Cafe Reviews

Little Dragons Cafe is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Top Critic
6.4 / 10.0
Sep 3, 2018

With a breezy pace and a comically weird story, Little Dragons Cafe is a unique take on farming sims. While I loved cooking meals, establishing my inn, and the anxiety-free pace, its management mechanics have been watered down just a bit too much and result in stakes so low that much of it becomes meaningless. Without making important decisions or a wealth of more interesting side-quests to capture my attention, I eventually ended up bored by the repetitive tasks.

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5 / 10.0
Aug 22, 2018

Little Dragons Café is a tedious, charmless bore that plods along at an unforgivably slow pace

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6 / 10
Aug 31, 2018

Little Dragons Cafe's charming world and cafe management are enjoyable, but it's held back by significant pacing issues.

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4 / 5.0
Aug 22, 2018

Little Dragons Café first appears as though it requires constant attention to every little detail, but actually makes for a relaxing time.

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5 / 10.0
Sep 23, 2018
Little Dragons Café - Easy Allies Review video thumbnail
Nintendo Life
Austin Voigt
Top Critic
7 / 10
Aug 29, 2018

Little Dragons Café is an endearing feast for the eyes – and extremely unique in its concept – but can lose some of its charm after too much time spent waiting on technical issues like load times. Hopefully, some of these problems can be fixed with a future patch or update. Still, Yasuhiro Wada is the master of turning a simple game into a living, breathing story – and you can expect to experience that same level of care and detail in his latest adventure. It feels as if he is inventing a brand new genre of game all over again – just as he did with Harvest Moon. For those who seek a laid-back experience on the Nintendo Switch, this game will lovingly fill the void, even if it's a little rough around the edges.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 24, 2018

This feels like a golden age 3DS game. I hope patches address the Switch version because portable play definitely works best for these kinds of games. The PS4 version based on our time with it is a lot better in terms of visuals, performance, and load times

6.8 / 10.0
Oct 15, 2018

Yasuhiro Wada shows his new creation with this easy game that everyone in the house can afford to play. We expected much more from the Harvest Moon and Rune Factory creator, and at least we wanted something more of management in a game that is supposed to let us manage our own cafe. But we have a dragon.

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7 / 10.0
Aug 23, 2018

Even with its technical flaws and progression structure problems, I still can't bring myself to dislike Little Dragons Café. When Little Dragons Café hits its stride mid-game, it is indeed a beautiful, relaxing, and wholesome experience that I would recommend to those looking for a more laid back title to cleanse their palette before this busy fall season. That being said, enough problems did persist to still make it a tad disappointing. Little Dragons Café may be worth waiting on until some technical issues are fixed and the price drops if the incentive of raising a dragon isn't enough for you.

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Steve C
Top Critic
4 / 10
Oct 29, 2018

There is almost nothing here to recommend.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 23, 2018

Little Dragons Café is the type of game I walk away from feeling more hopeful in the world. Each chapter ends on such an earnest note that it raises my spirits. Sure, it doesn't have the deepest mechanics, and it's not the most polished title I'll play this year. But it has a soul and a kind heart that uplifts the basic gameplay to a place that makes Little Dragons Café an easy recommendation to anyone looking for a soupcon of positivity in their life.

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8.5 / 10.0
Aug 23, 2018

Little Dragon's Café is a unique and utterly delightful adventure. There is no better way to unwind then adventuring with a dragon, while helping people solve their life problems, and indulging in a little bit of cooking.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 2, 2018

With its compelling story and characters, and engaging exploration mechanics, Little Dragons Cafè is a worthy spiritual successor to the original Harvest Moon, introducing some new mechanics that spice up the experience without doing away with what makes the series great. Some technical issues like bad performance and unresponsive controls, however, prevent the game from reaching its full potential. If you can look past them, however, you will find a surprisingly interesting adventure that it's more than worth the time of those looking for something relaxing yet involving.

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6 / 10
Sep 20, 2018

Little Dragons Café can be fiddly and repetitive, but it's not all together awful. A host of interesting, well-rounded characters provide an engaging story as you raise the world's cutest dragon. It might not be the most taxing game, but it provides a cathartic experience with its simplistic approach to café management.

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78 / 100
Aug 23, 2018

Would I recommend you buy Little Dragons Café for a child at its current price point? Absolutely not. There is plenty of content and it's a decent game, but there are a lot of other games that are on-par with this one that are selling for less than half the price. Until the price comes down, I can't in good conscience recommend that you buy it, and that's a shame.

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7.5 / 10.0
Aug 31, 2018

Little Dragons Cafe is an adorable game that has Harvest Moon creator Yasuhiro Wada's DNA all over it. A charming world and characters give the game the kind of warmth one would expect from a Wada game. At the same time, its multiple gameplay elements can lead to haphazard focus at times. It doesn't mean using multiple mechanics is wrong. Like any dish with multiple ingredients, it just needs extra time in the oven for all those extra components to meld into one delicious whole.

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Aug 23, 2018

Little Dragons Café's adorable premise of owning a pet dragon can only distract from the slow pacing and repetitive gameplay for so long.

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6.5 / 10.0
Aug 23, 2018

Little Dragons Cafe is an incredibly unique, genre-blending experience that suffers from performance issues and some overall rocky gameplay.

3.5 / 5.0
Aug 23, 2018

From exploring different areas to serving customers, there's always something to do in Little Dragons Cafe. The Nintendo Switch is also the perfect platform for the game, letting you pick up and play after a long day. While it definitely isn't Harvest Moon or Stardew Valley, Little Dragons Cafe manages to stand on its own and offer a simple, charming experience that's easy to love in spite of the technical issues.

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6 / 10
Feb 26, 2019

Little Dragons Café has the advantage of a more free structure, without the pressure of having to fulfil objectives at a certain moment and its open world adds up to its qualities. However this is not correctly used to deliver a fun, enjoyable experience, as the game gets repetitive too quickly and the free nature of its structure becomes void of a sense of direction, leaving the player without a proper guidance.

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