Toki Reviews

Toki is ranked in the 30th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Metro GameCentral
Top Critic
6 / 10
Dec 3, 2018

A labour of love that few are likely to appreciate – but if for some reason you did want a hand-drawn remake of Toki then this is your lucky year.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 16, 2018

Toki isn't a perfect game -- hell, I'm not sure it's even a great arcade game. But it really hit me in the nostalgia-feels. It's a fantastic remake from a technical perspective, even if it's totally lacking in extra features. If you like good old-fashioned arcade games, you can do a whole lot worse than this one. Just make sure you temper your expectations, as a lot has changed in the gaming landscape in the 30 years since its original release.

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70 / 100
Nov 24, 2018

A beautiful remaster of the original Toki, with the same great elements and flaws of the 1989 arcade. Short, difficult and fun. We love the retrocollector edition, which includes a wooden cabinet replica.

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6.2 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2018

The new Toki is exactly the same old Toki. A rather hollow experience for 2018 players.

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6 / 10
Dec 4, 2018

Toki is an absolutely beautiful remaster, with fantastic hand-drawn backgrounds, brilliant character animation and impressive boss designs. Aesthetics only go so far, though, and while the game itself is fun to play (if a little cheap with its deaths at times) the reality is it's an arcade game at heart. As such, its six stages won't last you too long, especially if you're the target audience – someone who remembers Toki back in the day and has continued to play platformers for the three decades that followed – and once it's done there's no real replay value.

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7 / 10
Nov 22, 2018

Toki is a visually successful remaster of a game dear to a lot of quite old gamers. It hasn't changed a lot, which can be good for arcade pasionnates but frustrating for those who are not receptive to the proposition, and offers nothing more but it's fine.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2018

If you enjoy the old-school nature of Toki and are willing to explore every nook and cranny, then this is a remake very much worth your time

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7 / 10
Dec 9, 2018

Toki is back in a remake of the arcade classic which now lands in the Nintendo Switch and it brings with it a marvelous audiovisual rework that gives it a gorgeous overall presentation. It's also clear that this remake is mostly targeting its original audience, as little else seems to have changed, including a difficulty level that is all but inaccessible for more recent players and a lack of additional gameplay components.

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6.4 / 10.0
Dec 20, 2018

Toki is amusing for a few hours, before the poor level design and the repetitive combat system comes to light.

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4.5 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2019

After all is said and done, Toki is a labor of love taken on by Microids to refresh and rebrand a game that's been largely forgotten.

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Jan 2, 2019

Toki is a true to form remaster of the arcade classic with updated graphics, music and that ever growing death tally.

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7 / 10.0
Dec 5, 2018

Toki is back and he is in a really good shape. But the game is insanely short, and there is nothing more.

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7.5 / 10.0
Nov 30, 2018

The different difficulty settings allow players to tailor the experience, which is good, but I don't see myself often trying something other than Easy since this is an updated arcade title. Some of the general flaws can be attributed to the original game, so the developers actually did nail it when they made this updated version. That said, Toki fans will get a kick out of this remaster and if you like weird, old arcade games you probably will, too.

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Dec 13, 2018

Toki is one of those games from the past that doesn't hold up very well today.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 28, 2019

Toki would have been a much better game if it had a normal save system and some other aspects worked out a bit better. That does not alter the fact that the game itself has enough cool things to offer: challenging gameplay, cool bosses, changing environments and beautiful graphics.

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Apr 10, 2019

Relive the adventures of Toki again in this remastered version of the popular arcade.

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7.5 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2018

If you’re a fan of the original Toki, or at least classic arcade-style games, this gorgeous remaster is pretty easy to recommend as long as you keep in mind that it’s a visual overhaul on an old game, flaws and all. A few new wrinkles of issues with differentiating foreground from background have been added in places but otherwise this game looks outstanding and plays faithfully to the original at the same time. As long as you keep your expectations in check and appreciate older arcade quarter-sucking sensibilities it can be a good time, for a little while at least.

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7 / 10
Dec 2, 2018

On the whole, I found Toki to be much more playable and enjoyable than I had initially expected. The gorgeous new art direction and classic level design suits its resurgent makeover to stay fun even after nearly 30 years. However, pushing this remaster out the door with no original arcade addition as well as reflect on its steep price point does make a purchase harder to recommend.

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Dec 18, 2018

Toki is a fun way to kill some time, and will certainly appear to retro arcade fans. The artwork, animation, and music are all amazing, but the sometimes unfair difficulty and lack of extra game modes means the game is an unfortunately brief experience that probably is not worth revisiting once completed. The Retrocollector Edition redeems the game somewhat with some great extras, particularly the mini arcade cabinet, but unfortunately the game itself does not have quite enough substance.

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Jan 30, 2019

Toki is a remake that nobody should have been waiting for. As wonderful as the graphics are, as well as the sound sounds, so annoying is the gameplay. The character dies quickly, often and unpredictably. The hero does not mind and at the same time moves slower than a snail. My recommendation is not to get the game!

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