Luigi's Mansion 3 Reviews
Luigi's Mansion 3 is yet another excellent Nintendo exclusive and is the perfect antidote to the doom and gloom that runs rampant in the horror genre these days.
Luigi's Mansion 3 is the best game of the series and the best game of Next Level Games. A great addition to the Switch's library of exclusives.
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Luigi's Mansion 3 is full of creativity and great details. But the control ensures frustration.
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Luigi’s Mansion 3 is a fantastic evolution for the series.
Luigi's Mansion 3 has some incredibly clever (and difficult) puzzles, featuring interesting new abilities and expanding on the series' classic gameplay. It's everything I wanted and more in a continuation of the franchise.
There are some shortcomings here and there but if you are a die-hard Luigi’s Mansion fan, you will adore this game. Heck, even if you’ve never played a game in the series and you own a Switch, do yourself a favor and check this one out.
If you are looking for a challenge then Luigi’s Mansion 3 might not be for you. The game is only mildly difficult but – for most – that won’t really matter. Luigi’s Mansion 3 is an absolute delight from start to finish, bursting with charm and re-playable mechanics.
Overall, I'm a little disappointed with Luigi's Mansion 3 - though that's largely down to my own expectations. It's an undoubtedly good game that's competently made. It oozes charm and is filled with clever puzzles and fun boss fights. It's just that all the bits between those start to become tedious before the game's end.
The exotic holidays of Luigi's Mansion 3 look like a phantasmagorical comedy, each floor from this hotel presenting a play of its own which revisits the classic horror movies themes, thanks to Next Level Games' fantastic imagination through mischievous stagecraft, wonderful riddles and stunning ectoplasmic battles. Beyond the already reinforced ghost hunter gear, such elements are combined marvellously, if not even better in duo, since the slimy characteristics of Gooigi both fluidify and enrich the whole experience. A team spirit encouraged by the terrific multi player modes, in particular the more stupendously trapped ScareScraper, bound to haunt the long hallowed eves slamming with friends endlessly.
Review in French | Read full review
There's plenty of action to keep the players around the screens and the omnipresent humour and marvelous looking visuals do wonders for the game's capital. It's true that its plot could use some reworking and its controls would improve with a bit of tweaking but Luigi's Mansion 3 is such an entertaining experience that by now, it only makes a fourth game in the series more desired.
Review in Portuguese |
I thoroughly enjoyed my time in Luigi's latest adventure. The Nintendo Switch is already home to plenty of great games, but Luigi's Mansion 3 falls under the "absolutely essential" category. If you own a Switch, you simply have to give this game a whirl.
Luigi's Mansion 3 is incredibly charming and the best evolution of the series to date. Every corner of the Last Resort Hotel has secrets and the gems can be incredibly difficult to find. If you're coming for the hilarious cutscenes, you'll stay to explore every floor of what this game has to offer.
Fun puzzles and some truly spectacular designs for each of Luigi's Mansion 3's hotel floors make it a fun title for any Switch owner. It's also visually spectacular, but the combat is a bit bland and multiplayer offers no fun.
I do wish there were more to Luigi's Mansion 3, that the controls were tighter and more precise, but I also find myself wanting to play it more despite these problems. I don't know that I'll pick it back up when my partner and I finally collect every last gem, and suck out every last coin from every possible hiding place. But the liveliness and charm of its world, the bizarre questions it doesn't ask but gestures to, and the happiness I've had playing it with my partner on the couch will likely stick with me for quite some time.
Luigi's Mansion 3 has some flaws but don't let them scare you away. This is another gem for the Switch and was a joy to play for someone like myself who adored the original.
Time and again over the years, the lesser-known of Nintendo's iconic Italian duo has made his mark, demanding to be given the recognition and love that he deserves, but never before has he been the star of a showing as excellent as Luigi's Mansion 3.
Luigi's Mansion 3 is yet another game that makes the Switch worth owning. Returning fans will have a wide variety of elements, both new and old, that deliver a spooky flare. This does not come at the cost of enjoyment, as it's just as charming and fun as ever before. For the third time in the row, Luigi has proven that he can be the star in his own game and more than just Mario's brother.
It’s hard to say anything more about Luigi’s Mansion 3, other than “it’s cool.” Not everything works perfectly, but it definitely is a very good game – weird, but good. It brings fun, but not emotions. It’s memorable, but it doesn't make for a good game to talk about with friends. Still, if you own a Switch, you should be happy with the purchase.
Review in Polish | Read full review
Luigi's Mansion 3 is a graveyard smash you don't want to miss!