MediEvil Reviews
The MediEvil remake will delight nostalgics by being a game that copies 1: 1 much of the original game and adding a good graphic and sound remodeling. Perhaps the control seems too simple and outdated for new players, but still we have a game that, twenty years later, is still fun and varied.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
We've seen so many remakes over time. Many successful, but others to be completely forgotten. MediEvil 2019 contains no news, but despite everything is cool, pleasant to play. The developers have brought back to life, in 4K, a game that has nicked the hearts of gamers and left a permanent mark.
Review in Italian | Read full review
It’s certainly a juxtaposition in what would and could be for gaming. MediEvil translates what gaming was for golden-era of gaming, smaller development teams with an audience that had a bigger tolerance for a certain standard of gaming, and that’s something I can definitely appreciate when revisiting this title.
The developers at Other Ocean handled this remake with great care, respecting the source material and bringing the graphics to today's standards. Ultimately, MediEvil reminds us the more innocent gaming past and is a great nostalgia trip.
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A very faithful remake.
Having said all this, Medievil is a remake that'll almost certainly split opinion. On the one hand, the game perfectly captures everything the original did right, with faithful level design and updated visuals, whilst consequently carrying over all the baggage too, including the questionable camera and dated controls. As a fan of the franchise, I loved playing through this 6+ hour adventure again and the waves of nostalgia hit at every turn. As an introduction for newcomers in 2019 though, Medievil is a game that shows its age at almost every turn, groaning and bemoaning its luck much like our plucky hero Sir Dan.
A competent (and definitely faithful) remake that fails to communicate why the original game was a hit when it came out.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
MediEvil might not be perfect, but there’s plenty of old-school fun and value to be had with Sir Daniel Fortesque and his road to redemption
A classic brought back from the dead with too much baggage from the past, there is little room for MediEvil’s dated design.
For as long as I recall, MediEvil has been a crucial part of my gaming upbringing. It was the first game I ever played; I remember spending long weekends with my dad trying to beat a level. I remember using our horrible dial-up internet to look up cheat codes. I even remember going around the school playground shouting at the other children and muffling my voice like Sir Dan. This is for the fans and it’s not very accessible to anyone outside of that circle. Regardless, it was a big treat to see Sony has not entirely given up on the franchise, and if there’s enough interest, may consider developing a new game altogether.
An remake that is perfectly enjoyable but that is something far from what, in fact, we should consider remake.
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As a time capsule it’s wonderful but the 1998 issues it brings with it can’t help but relegate this 2019 take on Medievil to the middle of the pack.
Sony has once again chose the right horse to bet on. Modernizing the legendary MediEvil has simply been a great idea and the title hasn't lost its magic even after the two decades since the original game came out. Sir Daniel Fortesque has never looked better and his adventures have never played better as well.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
MediEvil presents itself on the ps4 as solid remake that probably won't draw some new fans to the classic psx game but will definitely please every fan of the original. The new character and level models look amazing and make for the biggest changes together with some new recorded dialogues
Review in German | Read full review
As a remake, MediEvil does exactly what it wanted to achieve and has brought Sir Dan’s adventure back to life for a new generation to experience. It is a game drenched in nostalgia that doesn’t shy away from what it is, all delivered with a beautiful and colourful new coat of paint that fans of the original and newcomers will enjoy.
MediEvil is an enticing game, but one that hasn’t aged too gracefully and there are some issues present within this remaster.
With the remake of 1998's MediEvil, Other Ocean has done great work bringing the PlayStation title in 2019. Visually, this game is a winner. The problem is the decision to keep the gameplay largely the same. MediEvil's combat is muddy and its level design lacks any sense of exploration. This needed to be a more extensive remake. As it stands, it's only for those with heavy nostalgia for the property.
Developer Other Ocean Emeryville captures the heart of the original classic with re-recorded orchestral music that swells dramatically alongside the sounds of crows and thunder cracking under a gloomy night sky. The graveyard, castles, gargoyles and even your one-eyed protagonist, Sir Daniel Fortesque, all look fantastic.
MediEvil is a loyal remake to the 1998's classic, and with that fidelity comes several issues from the PS1 era, like the aged camera and platforming. Yet, there's at least 8 hours of fun to be had with its simple combat and charming atmosphere. Which makes it a must buy for the fans of the original work.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
A gorgeous display of creative affection for a series limited by its original console confinement.