MediEvil Reviews
For those entering in here for the memories of a beloved game, I don’t want to knock the experience for you. This is the game you love! But unlike aforementioned remakes, nostalgia seems like a necessity to enjoy MediEvil rather than just being a bonus. Let all brave knights beware.
Medievil's biggest downfall is its rigid adherence to its source material, anachronistic gameplay elements and camera controls included. As much as I wanted to enjoy my time within the charming limits of Gallowmere, all too often I'd find my enthusiasm dampened due to the imprecise combat and clunky controls.
MediEvil on PlayStation 4 is history that repeats itself. An independent developer who has an idea or a mission big enough to make them overcome the low budget with creativity and love for their work. A faithful remake with interesting solutions to make an old game live in 2019, but also with limitations that stop it to be the best one on this generation. It’s also doubtful that this game will be able to draw new players because of its inexperience and rigidities that directly came from the 90s. But this MediEvil remains to praise because it brings back not only Sir Dan, but also his message: sometimes motivation could everything you need to achieve something great. Because in the end we are all Sir Daniel Fortesque.
Review in Italian | Read full review
im Burton-esque charm and the fine Lazarus job done on the visuals can only go so far. In the end, these old bones just creak too much.
This faithful remake of a PlayStation classic is a fun trip down memory lane despite feeling a little dated
Sir Daniel Fortesque looks great after so many years; for players looking forward to jumping back into those bones, they surely won’t be disappointed.
MediEvil 1998 was not perfect, and so many of its imperfections are still present in the remake. For some people, it is only the graphics that matter. This kind of shallow attempt at remaking a classic makes for an underwhelming experience.
It is skeleton from cabinet of Playstation. Still charming, but mostly for old players, maybe accompanied with children.
Review in Slovak | Read full review
Everyone was optimistic about the return of the MediEvil series especially after the great success achieved by Crash N. Sane Trilogy and Spyro Reignited Trilogy, but unfortunately MefoEvil for the PS4 is mediocre at best .
Review in Arabic | Read full review
MediEvil is a remake that should have taken more chances. Specifically, the gameplay needed to be reimagined for a 2019 audience. Instead, it just feels dated and obnoxious in a way that spoils its redeeming qualities.
MediEvil is a rare bit of whimsy from modern Sony, and so while it plays a little bit too much like an artifact of yesteryear, it still got me smiling.
MediEvil is a good way to remember the PlayStation classic. The game is basically the same, with a great new paint layer, freer camera control and a few extras. However, besides being relatively short, MediEvil has a considerably high number of collision bugs and the new camera is not very good in many moments.
Review in Portuguese | Read full review
Ultimately, MediEvil doesn't have much going for it except for nostalgia. Everything about it is unexceptional, and it feels lackluster when compared to similar recent attempts to update PS1 classics. Without a fondness for Sir Dan and his antics, I'd be hard-pressed to say why MediEvil is worth playing. It's a game for fans, but little has been done to make this offering stand out. Perhaps it would've been better if Sir Dan had been left to his peaceful rest, but we can hope for a genuine next-gen MediEvil someday in the future.
With so many retro remakes that feel like fresh experiences in this day and age, it's disappointing how dated MediEvil is.
MediEvil is a faithful remake but suffers from outdated gameplay mechanics. While fans may appreciate it, newcomers should approach with caution.
Review in Italian | Read full review
This MediEvil remake is an incredibly faithful recreation of the original game many fell in love with in 1998. Fans of the original are going to get a massive nostalgic hit and will love travelling through Gallowmere again. If you haven’t played MediEvil before and really want to, this is the version to get in this day and age. The game’s presentation looks better than ever and much of the sound has been completely recreated. Just be prepared to deal with some issues we haven’t had to deal with in recent gaming generations, as this game certainly plays like a product of its time.
It's not like MediEvil is bare bones in terms of the improvements on the original. It will be the perfect revisit for fans who have fond memories, but the actual experience of playing it -- especially for new players -- is another thing altogether. For better or worse, MediEvil's PlayStation 4 outing is faithful to the past.
Even in 2019, it remains a good and very fun action adventure game, but its flaws create an irritating feeling on the whole experience, something that will cause doubt regarding the original game to those who are playing it for the first time.
Review in Greek | Read full review
Medievil is a fantastic remake brings us back the first story of Sir Daniel Fortesque, a courageous warrior who will fight with the bones on the air against waves of zombies and demons led by terrible wizard Zarok. This game is what Medievil would have been if you had all the technical possibilities.
Review in Spanish | Read full review
There is a lot to like about Medievil. It features a likeable, if slightly dimwitted, protagonist who is doing his best to right the wrongs of the past. The visuals, voice over work and audio are all representative of a title crafted in 2019. Even so, it does a wonderful job of pulling all of the right nostalgic strings for gamers of the 90s who enjoyed the original. Unfortunately, it is this very same nostalgic charm that serves to hamper the experience.