Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure Reviews
A Cthulhu Adventure is a real treat, and one of the most enjoyable games of its genre and textual influence I've played in a long while. It isn't the longest game by any means, but there are many Easter eggs and cool horror references hidden away to find.
A solid first effort from the Romanian outfit, a good narrative just let down by some overly simple puzzling
Gibbous: A Cthulhu Adventure is a classic humorous adventure that parodies numerous mystical stories with a touch of Romanian self-irony. Of course, the authors noticeably fall short of the standards of Monkey Island, but they try very hard to please their gamer. In any case, the cat Kitya is one of the most striking characters, which we shamelessly forgot, summing up last year.
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Gibbous skews its Lovecraft origins to comic effect, though it would have benefitted from more testing puzzles and less obvious humour.
Gibbous – A Cthulhu Adventure injects a dry sense of humour into classic Lovecraftian horror and absorbs you into the mystery through a beautifully animated point-and-click story.
With a beautiful art style and a great cast of characters, Gibbous – A Cthulhu Adventure could be a modern day point-and-click classic
It can be an alright introduction to the genre for people who haven’t experienced old school adventure games and don’t want to use walkthroughs. Anyone else will find a title that’s pretty, fluid, and underwhelming.
It isn’t groundbreaking in any way, but did anyone expect it to be? It’s just yet another very good entry into a genre that remains ever popular.
All in all, Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure is a game that no self-proclaimed point-and -click fan should overlook, as it will definitely find a place in your gaming library, comedy movie collection, and finally, your heart.
Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure is a quality title which offers engaging story, wonderful visual design, and most importantly remains loyal to its source. Obviously some issues and problems are here and there that might hurt the experience a little especially for hardcore adventure fans, but overally I would definitely recommend it.
Review in Persian | Read full review
Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure is a nice and easy adventure where a lot of emphasis is placed on the story. You will go through a large number of interviews. If you're an undemanding gamer who doesn't mind these "stories", you can't go wrong with this title. On the contrary, players of more action genres may suffer in places. Even so, Gibbous is worth trying and preparing the field for the sequel, because the ending is open.
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I’m pretty much always a sucker for the classic noir detective style, and when a game instead chooses to skewer it a bit with humor as well it tends to make me laugh...
I haven’t shouted, cheered, or laughed this much at a point and click adventure in a very, very long time.
Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure is a nice package for anyone who wants to try a new old school adventure game. It pays homage to the classic LucasArts era games which makes it a great nostalgia trip for lifelong fans and the easy puzzles, great visuals and top-notch voice acting makes it a great starting point for new adventurers.
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It doesn’t have any radical ideas (or much to say about the radical idea of its inspiration). But, fans of old LucasArts adventure games will find a lot to love (and laugh at) in Stuck in Attic’s debut.
Although its story lacks focus, Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure is an enjoyable point-and-click adventure that mixes lovecraftian horror with comedy and a snarky talking cat.