The Last of Us Part II Reviews

The Last of Us Part II is ranked in the 100th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10
Jul 15, 2020

What The Last of Us Part II accomplishes is quite interesting: in the middle of this audiovisual masterpiece hides an extraordinarily dark, increasingly intense and at the same time extremely touching story, which - instead of luring with superficial themes - reveals a cycle of playable self-destruction, from which the player has to liberate himself together with his character. Exciting, right down to the last minute.

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Jul 21, 2020

How far would you go to get revenge? How much would you sacrifice for forgiveness? How do you deal with guilt when it eats you from inside? Is there a line you won’t cross, or is everything fair game to make someone else pay for your pain? None of these are easy questions with simple answers, and The Last of Us Part II doesn’t really offer a definitive answer, either. It can’t, and if it did, it would ring hollow. Instead we’re left with the wreckage of two lives spurred on by vengeance and the hope that, maybe, there is closure for the worst of us.

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10 / 10.0
Jul 27, 2020

It had been 7 years to get the follow up to TLOU and this was absolutely worth the wait. The leaps that Naughty Dog took with the story makes you feel almost every emotion you have ever felt in your life. It was hard to put this game down sometimes because I was always wanting to know what was around the next corner. I am also super impressed that Naughty Dog did so many things to make this game accesibile to anyone that wanted to experience it. I love that we are seeing more and more studios doing this and Naughty Dog knocked it out of the park with their effort. Also, just remember, this is only a game. It’s fine to not like it because you didn't care for the story and such, but to hate it for sexual preferences of certain characters, or other outlandish things, is ridiculous. If you find yourself getting frustrated, you could always go to your closest driving range and work on that short game. Enjoy.

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100 / 100
Jun 12, 2020

The Last of Us Part II does an incredible job of letting you know the world is a lived one, where people exist, and animals and places have continued on with or without the protagonist. However, with all of these things going on in the background and the world, it ensures you know you are living every single moment of Ellie’s journey. You get to experience her meeting new people, learning to trust these people, and eventually love these people. You get to see her memorable moments with Joel, and how she managed to grow up into a young woman capable of doing the most perilous of tasks herself. You also get to see the slower side of her life, where she sits down and reflects, where she plays the most beautiful acoustic cover of Take on Me on the guitar, and how she sits on a balcony and stares out into the sunset. This is Ellie’s journey, and it is one of the most beautiful, aggravating, heart wrenching, entertaining, fun, and riveting stories I have ever played (and enjoyed). It may not be perfect for all types of gamers, especially those who might get irritated during sections where the combat will result in Ellie’s death; but it is perfect, beautiful, engrossing and gorgeous in every other way! Although a new decade has only just begun, The Last of Us Part II is already at the top of “absolute must play titles” for the decade ahead.

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10 / 10.0
Jun 12, 2020

As with “The Godfather Part II”, Druckmann's holy grail, those looking for the "how" in The Last of Us Part II will surely be entertained to the fullest. But those who understand the "why" will experience one of the best games of all time.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jun 29, 2020

The Last of Us Part II is a slap in faces rarely hitted by Game Industry.

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7.5 / 10.0
Jul 7, 2020

Ultimately, The Last of Us 2 is a must-play title on the PS4. The sheer quality of the game on a visual and technical level all but guarantees that. I was amazed at what was possible on base PS4 hardware. The shortcomings of the story as a whole, especially in the denouement, left me with a feeling of disappointment. I am grateful I undertook this journey with these characters but in the end, the pay-off doesn’t live up to its predecessor and the ending, in particular, does not stick the landing that Naughty Dog intended.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jul 26, 2020

The Last of Us Part II is a technical marvel, one of the best looking games of this gen with a phenomenal soundtrack and sound design and a gameplay loop where every encounter is suffocating and extremely satisfying. Its narrative doesn't always stick the landing, however, it is still a memorable tale about conflict and bonds between flawed human beings on a world which lacks humanity.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

Jun 24, 2020

The Last of Us Part II is an action-adventure. Set five years after The Last of Us (2013), offers to the players a great history, but a slightly innovative game mechanics. We will enjoy a story throughout its 11 chapters, which will put our feelings on the surface for about 25-30h. Despite its lights and shadows discussed throughout this analysis, Naughty Dog has made a very good game that makes us see different points of view and empathize with different situations.

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10 / 10.0
Jul 2, 2020

The Last of Us Part II is a bold and successful return to this post-apocalyptic world, masterfully owning and working with decisions made with the first game. By refining the already great gameplay and moving it forward, we are before some of the most solid mechanics of this generation. The story will not please everyone, but there is no denying it is impacting, exciting and emotional, albeit being a bit too long in some sections. All this is partnered with phenomenal performances from the whole cast, and irreproachable when it comes to visuals, sound, and technical aspects. The Last of Us Part II is a masterpiece, Naughty Dog’s best work so far, and in contention for the game of the generation.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 22, 2020

The Last of Us Part 2 has a lot to say about us as people after we connected ourselves to these characters in the first entry. The journey is one that is not for squeamish, but it was one that deserved to be told. As the player, we must once again witness the reality of this harsh world and those who are brought up in it.

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10 / 10.0
Jun 12, 2020

Even after the first few hours of the game, I had the feeling that I was in front of a wonderful title; after reaching the end credits, that feeling was definitely consolidated: The Last of Us Part II is one of the best video games of this generation, the best Sony exclusive and the real link between video game and cinema. Naughty Dog's work is superior to its predecessor in every respect, and raises the standards to which, from now on, any videogame will have to adhere, and believe me when I tell you that even just equalling this title will be an immense challenge, even for the most talented developer. But The Last of Us Part II is not a mere display of technique: it is emotion made videogame, it is a journey into the darkest part of our spirit, the one that we do not talk about willingly and perhaps we are ashamed of, but that is one of the faces that defines our human being, imperfect and beautiful at the same time. The second part of this adventure will shock you, but it will imprint itself in your memory like a brand, leaving in your mouth that bittersweet taste typical of the great works of the intellect, the ones we will talk about today and, above all, in the future. To give a grade to The Last of Us Part II seems almost an offense, so great and out of scale is the work done by Naughty Dog, but since an evaluation must be given, it can only be the maximum possible. To conclude, I'd like to give you an advice as a passionate player as I think I am: enjoy this adventure in the same way as a fine liquor, slowly, one sip at a time, enjoying every nuance, because it will be a long time before you can put your lips back on such a delicacy.

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10 / 10.0
Jul 13, 2020

From now on the video game is already art.

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10 / 10.0
Jun 23, 2020

The Last of Us Part II is a complete package of AAA games. a bold Game that is emotional and deep and hard to miss.

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Ryan Lipton
10 / 10.0
Jul 8, 2020

The Last Of Us Part 2 is a spectacle of storytelling and conveys emotion in a way that few developers understand. This is a game that expectations were set so high that people were always going to be critical of it before it was released. It improved on everything from the first game and added far more emotional depth and makes players question everything throughout. The Last Of Us Part 2 truly is one of this generation’s best games.

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Jun 22, 2020

The player doesn’t play The Last of Us. The Last of Us plays the player, and it’s an amazingly unique experience.

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Lee Mehr
Top Critic
7 / 10
Jul 7, 2020

Ambition winds up elevating and harming The Last of Us Part II with respect to its expanded gameplay and uneven narrative.

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Jul 5, 2020

This is a must-play game for anyone who owns a PS4 and played the original.

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9 / 10
Jul 3, 2020

Collectively speaking, this game subverts expectations in ways that make it stand out head and shoulders above the rest. For that reason alone, you should feel confident that the money you drop on this game will be money well spent. The PlayStation 4 couldn’t have received a better swan song.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 26, 2020

“All I ask is that fans of the first one put faith in us and trust us. We’re going to do right by you.” When it was announced by Naughty Dog that they were making a sequel to The Last of Us, considered by many to be one of the greatest games of all-time, Creative Director Neil Druckmann offered the above quote. After spending over 35 hours on my initial playthrough, I spent the following couple of days reflecting on the game before sitting down to write this review. So in the end, did Druckmann and the team at Naughty Dog do right by fans? Yes….and no.

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