The Last of Us Part II Reviews

The Last of Us Part II is ranked in the 100th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
9 / 10.0
Jun 23, 2020

The Last of Us Part II is an excellent game overall despite some niggles and shortcomings in places. If you take things at face-value and lose your invested allegiances, there’s a clever tale here of two perspectives coming together under the guise of murder, horror and revenge.

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No Recommendation / Blank
Jul 2, 2020

It’s not as bad as people are making it out to be, but pacing issues, a lack of innovation in combat and storytelling well below Naughty Dog’s usual standard ensure that The Last of Us Part II doesn’t come close to its predecessor’s greatness.

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10 / 10
Jun 21, 2020

The Last of Us Part II is not only Naughty Dog’s finest work, but one of the greatest video game experiences I have ever had. It sets a new bar in terms of graphics, storytelling and presentation – while offering up so many different ways to play that it feels inclusive to all gamers (Over 18)

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4.5 / 5.0
Jun 30, 2020

My biggest issue, which I think universally everyone has, is the writing. Mostly, that though well-intended, the pacing is incredibly off for a videogame and takes too long to develop. Still, if you stick with it, it proves to be one of the most violent and emotionally exhausting games you’ll ever play. It makes me reevaluate the relationships that matter most in my life. Though mostly, it makes me just want to hug my dad.

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90 / 100
Jun 30, 2020

The Last of Us Part II is a game that marks an era, risky and with more than enough content. The little glitches he suffers from do not tarnish Naughty Dog's magnificent work in the sequel to what is his biggest game. One of those games that you have to play yes or yes.

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Brad Baker
Jun 29, 2020

Through its incredible acting, compelling dialogue, gorgeous score, subtle touches, and ever-flowing, easy to grasp gameplay, The Last of Us Part II will undoubtedly be vying for Game of the Year Awards – probably winning many of them – but its impact is greater still. This game will change the way storytelling is done in games forever. In the eyes of the mainstream, this has further legitimized games as a powerful tool to tell a deep, enriching tale that will stay with you days, weeks, even years later. Naughty Dog have outdone themselves once again, and given the PlayStation 4 the world-class exclusive it deserves to not only say goodbye to a generation, but provide the next one with the boundless possibilities for amazing stories to come.

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10 / 10.0
Jun 27, 2020

Love, rage, sadness: these feelings can easily take control of your actions, and the game perfectly demonstrates that. It’s definitely necessary to play the first one to get the full impact, but even on its own, this is a strong experience. I said it before, and I’ll say it again: The Last of Us Part II is a masterpiece. It’s a game that’s going to resonate with me for a long time, and I’m perfectly okay with that.

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7 / 10.0
Jun 26, 2020

The Last of Us 2 takes a massive misstep with its story, but it’s saved from failure by its brilliant gameplay. It’s slow and shallow far too often, but when the gameplay is allowed to take centre stage, there’s something special to be had. It’s a thriller and a bore, and while I enjoyed the gameplay, I don’t think I’d be able to endure it again for the New Game+ mode.

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9.8 / 10.0
Jun 26, 2020

The Last of Us Part II is a great work that, similarly to what the first chapter did, will indelibly mark this generation. Few game design smudges do not allow the perfect score, but they do not prevent the entry into the Olympus of video games for a courageous and memorable work.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 26, 2020

The Last of Us Part II combines a brilliant overall narrative with the best visuals and physics we’ve seen this entire generation. Despite what you may think about the actual story and the events which occur, the entire experience is GOTY material thanks to the emotional and distressing storytelling. I personally enjoyed it more the second time around, due to picking up on all the references and seeing how the two portions of the game intertwine with one another. Each location you explore has been created with tonnes of care and attention and the combat is very realistic, both mechanically and visually, so certain scenes are quite graphic and disturbing. If you enjoyed the first game, or like survival games in general, you should pick up this game today.

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Jun 12, 2020

Only Naughy Dog herself could make a game that is better that the first The Last of Us.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jun 24, 2020

If Naughty Dog’s singular vision won’t please everyone, the end result is at least an astonishing display of technical game-craft and cinematic storytelling. A masterpiece, if certainly one not for all tastes – and perhaps not even for all those who loved the original.

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10 / 10.0
Jun 23, 2020

The word "masterpiece" is definitely the only word that can be used to describe the second part of The Last of Us. In practice, there is nothing left to criticize. Part II has definitely been able to be a leader in all areas and complements the previous works of the studio and the first game The game's story line, with a different structure, expresses its story in a new way in the game industry, and as I mentioned, it also has many references to gender and religious issues, which may ultimately cause dissatisfaction among a group of its audience, but in practice it is definitely the result. It will be a brilliant title that will be remembered for years to come.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 22, 2020

The Last of Us Part II is what I have been waiting for since its announcement. All of the delays and the months of no updates was definitely worth it. I was hooked, just from the first few minutes of playing the game. While the new game mechanics were a bit difficult to deal with, it added enough challenges to make the game enjoyable.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jun 23, 2020

This is a title that challenges the overall conception of a game having to be joyful to be enjoyable. It knows when to make you feel miserable with its depressing yet fantastic story. However, unlike many pretentious art games that failed at doing the same, it knows it’s a video game and knows how to entertain you with its pristine combat and excellent exploration sections.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jun 22, 2020

The Last Of Us Part II will be an incredible game for some and a disappointing, narratively disjointed mess for others. Graphically, the title is easily one of the best looking on Playstation 4 and the level design is second to none. The art feeds into this beautifully too, with an aesthetic that switches colour palettes and ideas throughout the 25 hours to prevent the game stagnating. Unfortunately all of this is undermined by characters with very little depth, a narrative that flits between personas and flashbacks with little rhyme or reason, and some genuinely unsatisfying conclusions for almost every character at the end, save for Ellie. As someone who loved The Last Of Us, Part II is a tough pill to swallow. It’s a game that asks perhaps the biggest question of all – why should I care about these characters? And that’s something this never really answers with much conviction.

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Jun 22, 2020

The more you play, the more you will get emotionally connected with the characters of the game, and with this absolute masterpiece.

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9 / 10.0
Jun 23, 2020

The Last of Us Part II is, simply put, another generation-defining narrative that will push the whole industry forward.

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80 / 100
Jun 21, 2020

Naughty Dog could concentrate on its true strenghts next time to create an absolutely remarkable game. The Last of Us Part II illustrates one of the best virtual worlds ever seen in a videogame and it even gives you a glimpse at a game that it could have become. A game full of emotions, ups and downs and diverse exploration and combat gameplay. The overall experience is let down by a few holes in the narrative as well as the general Naughty Dog gameplay formula that's been refined since 2013 but still hasn't aged very well.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jun 21, 2020

While a technical wonder with strong gameplay, The Last of Us Part II tries so hard to disconnect itself from its predecessor that it ends up disconnecting itself from the player.

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