To The Moon Reviews

To The Moon is ranked in the 96th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.3 / 10.0
Jan 15, 2020

To the Moon is incredibly story-focused. Fortunately, that tale is powerful and heartfelt

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9 / 10
Jan 17, 2020

To The Moon is a powerful interactive story. It deals with issues and situations we'll likely all experience in our lifetimes and does so honestly and within a brilliant narrative setup that allows us to watch a lifetime deconstructed, layer by layer, revealing the very human mistakes and unavoidable interruptions of fate that shape how our lives ultimately turn out.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 16, 2020

To the Moon's Nintendo Switch remake has some problems but is still worth playing.

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9.2 / 10.0
Jan 20, 2020

One of the most beautiful stories ever told in the world of video games arrives on the hybrid of Nintendo with a new graphic design and the same emotional charge.

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9 / 10
Feb 2, 2020

To The Moon lands on the Nintendo Switch and should be given the red carpet on its arrival. Played more like a short but touching interactive novel, To The Moon features a very moving story that will get the players to think about life and death while journeying through the game's plot and even if it's not a blockbuster, it more than deserves a place next to every player who's looking for an unforgettable experience.

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Pure Nintendo
Kira C
Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Jan 16, 2020

To The Moon is a game I can tell someone put a lot of passion and heart into.

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Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2012

A beautiful story filled with romance, strife, humor, and some of the best music this side of a Team Ico game.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Jan 17, 2020

It is still hard to rate a game like To the Moon, it is a linear story without any branching narrative, and gameplay is very limited, but if you tried to look at things from another perspective, judging the game for what it is than what it is not, you may agree that it is a fantastic entertainment product, a touching story about dreams and bonds, and granting the last wish of a dying man.

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8 / 10.0
Jan 16, 2020

Much like how I collapsed into my chair as the final credits rolled, the game actually crashes before the single post-credits scene, and it also froze on me once as well. These are unfortunate technical issues that frustrate but are worth coping with. To The Moon tells a must-read story, but as a game it's not without its flaws.

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Jan 27, 2020

In this game, you play the role of a pair of scientists. But does that mean it’s an RPG?

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85 / 100
Jan 9, 2012

You might grow a little tired with repetitive sequences throughout several chapters, but the story will always keep you going forward. At some stage you realize that even when you are bored with the gameplay, you are so attached with the story and are motivated to help John fulfill his last wish.

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Jan 16, 2020

If you want to enjoy an entertaining afternoon watching a good story, and even more so if you are sensitive, launch head for this game this is your game. Recommendation: have isotonic drinks at home from episode 5, so as not to get dehydrated after crying so much ;-)

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9 / 10.0
Jan 15, 2020

To the Moon is a shining example of how a video game doesn’t have to be something combat-driven or challenging to be significant.

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9 / 10.0
Jan 16, 2020

To The Moon is an incredible game that explores morality, death, and regrets in an easy to understand way. The Switch version offers players the chance to play the best version possible and gives modern gamers a chance to play a title they may have missed out on.

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Jan 19, 2020

In To The Moon you play as Dr. Watts and Dr. Rosalene, whose job involves granting their client’s final wish. This is done artificially by editing their memories, which made me wonder what the point was, given it’s a lie. Probably to give them peace of mind in their final moments. Using specialised headsets they are able to enter and adjust memories. And so the story starts as they edit the memories of John. To The Moon is still a great story and as long as you understand the gameplay and graphics are not a high point of it, I’d recommend it to anyone interested.

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