MotoGP 20 Reviews

MotoGP 20 is ranked in the 63rd percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Apr 24, 2020

MotoGP 20 offers exactly what it claims, and nothing else; a strong, detailed simulation for enthusiasts. For that audience, the game delivers in spades. For all others, your racing fix, motorcycles included, is better served elsewhere.

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Checkpoint Gaming
David McNamara
6 / 10
Apr 23, 2020

...if you’re wondering if you should pick this up as a casual player, I’d say skip this one and pick up something a bit less serious.

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3.8 / 5.0
Jul 8, 2020

A hit or miss racing sim. Great at what it needs to be, but takes a few hits in some areas. Deal breakers for some but not others.

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8.5 / 10.0
May 8, 2020

When it comes to getting your bike around the track,  Milestone has done an excellent job of creating a believable simulation of MotoGP racing.

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Apr 23, 2020

MotoGP 20 was released on April 23 and is available on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Microsoft Windows.

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7 / 10.0
Apr 23, 2020

MotoGP 20 is an upgrade of the previous one, with new interesting content but it lacks optimizazion and driving IA fine tunings.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8 / 10.0
Apr 23, 2020

All in all, MotoGP 20 is undoubtedly the best MotoGP game yet.

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Top Critic
6 / 10
May 12, 2021

MotoGP 20 is a fine title to play on the Nintendo Switch for those who are itching to jump into a digital bike racer. However, MotoGP 20 suffers from the same old troubles that this may only appeal to the hardcore fans who watch the sport religiously as it is. However for those who haven't dabbled in MotoGP 20 up until this point, it's unlikely that this year's iteration is going to move the dial or sway opinions. But for those who do decide to jump into this title, there is a steep learning curve - but once it's overcome, this title can provide plenty of hours of fun, despite some of the visual hurdles and lack of local competitive racing or online modes.

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6.5 / 10.0
Jun 6, 2020

We cannot expect major progress and evolution in titles that release annually. However, I have two suggestions for those who seek to buy this game. Firstly, if you have the previous title, MotoGP 19, this game has nothing new to offer you and you do not need to purchase it. Secondly, MotoGP20 is a professional simulator game, and is not recommended to those who lack motorcycling knowledge

Review in Persian |

6 / 10.0
May 18, 2020

New MotoGP game is without bigger news. Just standard racing with usual gameplay.

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7 / 10
Apr 25, 2020

Moto GP 20 simply cannot be considered a new game, not even a big update, as it doesn't add much to the 2019 version, and altough the gameplay matured through the years, the 2020 version of the game doesn't offer enough new content to justify its price tag.

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8.3 / 10.0
Apr 23, 2020

MotoGP 20 once again proves why Milestone is at the forefront of motorcycle racing titles.

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80 / 100
May 8, 2020

MotoGP 20 is an excellent racing game dedicated to two-wheel enthusiasts. Milestone has enriched the series with a structured Career mode and solid gameplay.

Review in Italian | Read full review
Top Critic
7.5 / 10.0
Apr 23, 2020

Milestone delivers the best MotoGP game to date, but the improvements that come with every iteration form a slow process. For every two steps forward, there is one step backward. This game has much to offer content-wise and the gameplay is solid enough Unfortunately, weird AI glitches, inconsistent quality of the graphics and the sounds of the bikes occasionally get in the way of experiencing the thrill that is MotoGP.

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8.7 / 10.0
Jul 30, 2020

The strength of the annual MotoGP version is the renewed Career mode. Compared to previous editions, this year it is reinvented and improved, giving you the opportunity to create your own customized team from scratch, to be able to work alongside an official team.

Review in Italian | Read full review

7 / 10.0
May 22, 2020

MotoGP 20 leaves the player with mixed feelings. The majority of the tracks added to this year's title are indeed very successful and can give a new dimension to the series, especially in times like this where sporting activity is non-existent, and many will turn to a release like this to limit the wait. But the same problems are experienced once again.

Review in Greek | Read full review

8 / 10
Jun 7, 2020

MotoGP 20 is a great racing game with solid physics and nice selection of game modes. Unfortunately its carrier mode feels bland and sounds of the motorcycles are questionable. On the other hand, most of the game's flaws are small and can be easily overlooked if you are a fan of this type of racing.

Review in Czech | Read full review

Jun 4, 2020

The newest entry in the MotoGP series is a welcome surprise. The complex driving model, well-done career mode and enhanced graphics should satisfy both fans and newcomers.

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May 5, 2020

A deeply, lovingly crafted tribute to the actual sport, MotoGP 20's one major flaw is in struggling to help newcomers match its enthusiasm and depth.

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Apr 23, 2020

In this strange world we now live in, live sports have become somewhat of a fantasy. MotoGP 20 provides a much needed fantasy craving for live motorsports, and with its extreme difficulty curve it’s not a game many will master in a hurry.

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