Hitman 3 Reviews

Hitman 3 is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
Alex Donaldson
Top Critic
Jan 19, 2021

Taken individually, Hitman 3 feels like great value, with plenty of variety and lots to do. When taken as a whole, the World of Assassination trilogy is hands-down one of the best and most complete-feeling trilogies in video game history.

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Jan 19, 2021

Hitman 3 is the ultimate murder simulator. Now that the World of Assassination trilogy is finally complete, there's no excuse to not play Hitman. In order to truly appreciate the game's intricacies, you have to commit to replaying levels, attempting challenges, and testing out new strategies. However, if you put in the time, you'll be treated to one of the most engaging and rewarding stealth experiences in all of gaming.

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Top Critic
Jan 19, 2021

Hitman is a world made up entirely of Chekhov’s guns, and it’s a blast finding out how to get Agent 47 into position to pull the trigger.

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Top Critic
10 / 10.0
Jan 19, 2021

Hitman 3 is a fantastic capstone to a standout series. Yes, a lot of what you experience will seem familiar if you've played the last two games, but IO Interactive continues to take interesting risks that largely play off while still perfecting the elements that make Hitman so special. The best compliment I can pay Hitman 3 is that I want to finish writing this review so I can go back to playing it.

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Feb 5, 2023

Freelancer is a fantastic rogue-like in its own right, add that to an already exceptional base game and this is the ultimate version of Hitman. It gives Hitman a new dimension, the risk vs reward makes every decision more meaningful, with another level of replayability. I can't wait to play more as I build towards the perfect run, in this as close as it gets to a perfect game.

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10 / 10.0
Jan 25, 2021

Hitman 3 is an incredible conclusion to The World of Assassination trilogy that ends the rebooted adventure of Agent 47 with flawless gameplay, creative maps, and strong story-telling that reveals more info for players that want to know more. Hitman 3 is the best single-player tactical game with a third-person view that you've probably played in years.

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5 / 5
Jan 19, 2021

Hitman 3 is a phenomenal closer to what has been an excellent trilogy in a series I hold dear.

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Jan 20, 2021

Hitman 3 is the latest game in the long-running Hitman series. Hitman 3 concludes the “World of Assassination” story that started way back in 2016 with the soft-reboot/sequel, Hitman. This time around, 47 is tasked with ending the threat of Providence once and for all.

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Feb 8, 2021

There’s a vast amount of content in each destination to see and experience; you’ll actively want to try various ways to play. It’s a game that’s meant to be played repeatedly, and combined with Hitman 1 and 2; you’ll have a near-endless World of Assassination to explore. As with the previous two titles, an internet connection is required for challenge and progression unlocks. So if you’re looking to check off everything there is to do in the game and earn rewards, you’ll want to be connected to the Hitman servers. If Hitman 3 is your first entry, I wholly recommend picking up the unlocks for the older games; the phrase “worth the price of admission” couldn’t be any more accurate when speaking of the Hitman series. The World of Assassination continues to thrive, so be its savior or its terror 47, I leave you to prepare.

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10 / 10.0
Feb 11, 2021

Hitman 3’s heavy focus on story might be a turn off for some, but it still manages to wrap the trilogy featuring some of the best maps and it shows how much IO Interactive evolved during its development. It’s the game that begs you to embrace chaos and don’t care for the consequences – as long as the objective is fulfilled, of course.

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Feb 6, 2021

Hitman 3 is an early game of the year contender for me. It really is the ultimate stealth sandbox and one that any fan of the genre should check out. IO Interactive has taken their skills to the next level and I cannot wait to see what they do with the 007 license.

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10 / 10
Mar 21, 2022

Hitman III brings The World of Assassination trilogy to a close with an unforgettable bang. The third game in the reboot brings it all together while perfecting the experience. Regardless of when one was introduced to the series, this is a game that has lived up to expectations.

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Feb 3, 2021

There's no real need to play the previous two games beforehand as most levels are stand-alone adventures and the overarching storyline isn't that interesting, although if you do already own them then it's possible to integrate them into Hitman 3 from the same game system. It's a tremendously replayable series, with challenges, 'mission stories' and leaderboards all teasing brand new ways to approach each level. IO Interactive recently announced their next project: a brand new James Bond game, a licence (to kill) for which they're clearly a brilliant match. For now, their legacy is a trilogy of perfect stealth action-adventures. It seems inevitable that one day Hitman will return.

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9.6 / 10.0
Jan 19, 2021

After two decades of pasta cans, silver ballers, suitcase snipers and more, Hitman 3 delivers the perfect hit.

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9.6 / 10.0
Feb 17, 2021

Hitman 3 looks like a short game based on its narrative but for those willing to give it a chance there is plenty of gameplay here to keep you coming back.

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4.8 / 5.0
Jan 26, 2021

Hitman III is simply an amazing game that I would strongly recommend to any gamer who is curious about whether this game is worthy of purchasing.

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Top Critic
9.5 / 10.0
Jan 19, 2021

So it’s 5 levels really, but they are excellent levels, masterful executions of a brilliant concept by a team at the top of their game. And, on top of that, we’ve already got the other two games—which are available for dirt cheap, now—to make a single, expansive, globetrotting experience that sees our familiar, baldheaded puppetmaster accessing the world’s ultra-wealthy just when they thought they were invincible, dancing through the class divides like the nameless angel of death that he is, and then blowing someone up with an exploding golf ball or something.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jan 28, 2021

The very minor issues don't detract from the fact that Hitman 3 is Agent 47's best outing in the trilogy. The game is a glorious romp through six beautiful maps, leaving a trail of bodies in your wake. The many varied ways to deal with targets means replayability is a joy and exploration is fun. The game's core may not have changed over the last few years, but that's why it works so well. Agent 47 might be taking a break for now, but IO Interactive is on a roll and only time will tell if their next project is as good.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jan 26, 2021

Hitman 3 is a stunningly intricate work of video game art. As a franchise neophyte, I was delighted by the amazing world building and level design. While I expected a gangbusters action game, Hitman 3's more deliberate pacing has converted me into a series fan. Beautiful, sophisticated, and a mountain of fun, Hitman 3 is a revelation.

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9.5 / 10.0
Jan 19, 2021

Hitman 3 is the definitive experience to enjoy the story of Agent 47. The level design and small playable improvements make this title a must-have for stealth lovers. In addition, having all the content of the previous installments improved is the perfect example of how to offer a complete experience.

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