Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory Reviews

Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory is ranked in the 67th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
70 / 100
Nov 23, 2020

Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory is a good mobile rhythm game, which has the downside of being sold at full price. Along with this, the original content is limited to just 20 minutes in a 10-hour adventure.

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4 / 5.0
Nov 19, 2020

Overall though, Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory is exactly what it needs to be: A quality rhythm game experience that lets fans of the series look back on it fondly. Its flaws are minor, and its strengths lay the groundwork for a promising future of bigger and better spin-off titles in the genre.

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6.5 / 10.0
Nov 16, 2020

If you are a die-hard Kingdom Hearts fan that loves the music and needs to play every game, then yeah, this game is for you. However, it just feels sloppy for a full-priced game. There are better rhythm games out there, and better Kingdom Hearts games out there, so unless you really need a combination of the two, you can safely pass this one up.

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Nov 18, 2020

Celebrating the whole franchise with music.

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8 / 10
Nov 16, 2020

With no less than 150 unlockable tracks, Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory lives up to its name : it's a sincere tribute to both the story and the music of the whole series. The gameplay requires great skill and regular involvement from the player, who can also practice with others online or on the same couch, with the coop mode.

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Nov 13, 2020

In the end, Melody of Memory is very much a fans-only affair.

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9 / 10.0
Nov 12, 2020

Though I still think it's a bit strange to put Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory on Nintendo Switch, given that there are currently no plans to bring others in the franchise over, there's almost no better home for it. The short bursts of gameplay mesh well with the pick-up-and-play nature of Switch. No matter whether you're a longtime fan of Kingdom Hearts or a newcomer looking to get in before the next main game, you'll find a lot to enjoy in Melody of Memory. It may not be the Kingdom Hearts game we wanted, but this is one love letter that definitely deserves to be read.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 24, 2020

Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory is a pleasant, nostalgia-packed experience providing a plot recap which fans of the series probably need right about now

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7 / 10
Nov 24, 2020

Considering how bloated and convoluted these games often feel, Melody of Memory is hopefully the beginning of a new trend for the series. Even if the music isn’t nostalgic for you, there’s a lot of fun to be had thwacking monsters to a catchy rhythm.

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4 / 5.0
Nov 20, 2020

Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory is honestly a very straightforward experience. Regardless of what Sora, Goofy, Donald, or whomever you decide to play as are doing, it's a game that comes down to pushing specific buttons at exact times. Cute visuals and an interesting idea, along with good music, make it easy to get into and enjoy. Toss in a couple of difficulties, some items to make things easier and it is a cute game that is fun to play both in short and long durations.

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4.5 / 10.0
Nov 18, 2020

Whatever profound or resonant thought about selfhood or nostalgia or the trauma of remembering is buried in summary, in lulling, tired melodies. Fundamentally, Kingdom Hearts recurs in the way capital recurs, pushing on despite its contradictions and always banking on something new. We deserve better stories than this, but now, more than ever, I know we won't find them here.

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8.7 / 10.0
Mar 30, 2017

Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory is an amazing way to pay tribute to not only the music of the series but also the story. It is a great way to prepare fans for the newest chapters in the series while also taking a look back at the journey we've all had with Sora and the others. Although there is a lack of new content, customization, and the pacing was a little off, the creative rhythmic gameplay is worth trying out if you love rhythm games! But if you don't and are just wanting to buy for the story, it's best if skip this one.

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8 / 10
Nov 12, 2020

Although Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory might not be the story-focused experience many expect from the series, it arguably does something much more special. Not only does it set up the next chapter nicely, but it celebrates everything that came before it with some fantastic rhythm gameplay and abundant content that makes it feel like a loving send-off to the past 18 years of the franchise.

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7 / 10.0
Jan 6, 2021

Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory is a great game for the fans of the series, plunging the player deep into nostalgia to refresh the events and immerse them in the beloved universe. However, it might not be the best game to begin your journey in the Kingdom Hearts franchise. Despite being a strong rhythm action game, the game's biggest point is reliving memories that already have an emotional impact with its audience.

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8 / 10.0
Nov 14, 2020

Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory has been long time coming. Even with its faults, Square Enix and indieszero deliver a rhythmic fantasia that captures the series' music at its very best.

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Top Critic
8 / 10.0
Nov 14, 2020

Melody of Memory is a fun and compelling rhythm game for Kingdom Hearts' veterans, but don't expect so much from the storytelling in this one.

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4.3 / 5.0
Nov 12, 2020

Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory is a nostalgic trip down memory lane while also offering a well-crafted rhythm game that is absolutely addicting. While there is barely any new story in the game, it offers well-summarised recaps of past games without feeling intrusive. The game gives you a lot to do. There are many well-made tracks and levels, many game modes that will appeal to certain audiences, many collectibles that are fun to get, and much more. The game is pretty and the audio is superb. I do wish some more tracks from Kingdom Hearts III were in this game but other than that and some other minor problems, this game is wonderful. I will definitely be playing more of this as the months go by.

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7.5 / 10.0
Apr 21, 2021

Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory is really for the existing fans of the series. The recap of the series thus far isn't enough to get people caught up on what's going on without losing lots of detail in the process. The rhythm mechanics are good, but they have a learning curve regarding the hit area and which system you're working with, not to mention the occasional moments when the game can drop inputs.Overall, it's worth checking out as a companion piece to the main games rather than as an essential primer.

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8.5 / 10.0
Jan 20, 2021

Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory is a great rhythm game that is sure to be enjoyed by newcomers and veteran players of the genre. However, if you're buying it for the story you should probably skip this. This isn't the Kairi game fans have been pining for since the Re:Mind DLC.

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8.2 / 10.0
Dec 4, 2020

Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory is a great rhythmic game based on the series, which is known for its complex story and masterpiece music. Melody of Memory succeeds in summarizing past Kingdom Hearts games' story and makes it ready for future installments. This game features about 140 excellent musical scores and offers a great experience. There are some minor issues like the item system, which seems redundant, but it is an enjoyable game for fans of Kingdom Hearts and rhythmic games despite these issues.

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