Tales of Arise Reviews

Tales of Arise is ranked in the 98th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
8.8 / 10.0
Oct 14, 2021

Hell, even the genre's fonts are similar (or the same), and that's across rival publishers and developers over major titles designed to clash against one another at retail. But this familiarity has kept the genre on top in its home base of Japan, and evergreen as far as pop-culture relevance goes in the West.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 21, 2021

Overall, it sometimes feels like just moving on from each area to the next, with not much else in-between. Tales of Arise is a beautiful game to look at, but the game goes by too quickly due to the relatively limited side-questing. The last release in the Tales series, Tales of Berseria, offered a lot of gameplay in terms of extra content, and the story was enough to wrench your heart out. Tales of Arise offers a very compelling story but not much else in terms of extra gameplay.

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Top Critic
9.5 / 10.0
Sep 13, 2021

As a result, we have a very highly detailed game where the story and gameplay are equally worthy of attention. Tales of Arise features a bright living world, peculiar charming heroes, dynamic battles that will keep you interested 50 hours in, interesting boss fights and exciting quests.

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8 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2021

Tales of Arise is a well-made, consistently enjoyable JRPG, and though its storytelling tends to be inconsistent, its gorgeous world and consistently enjoyable combat are more than enough to keep you hooked until the end.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2021

Some of the traditional projects that have been preserved add a lot of color to the game, and the improvement of the details makes the process more concise, but the map design is a little mediocre.

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6 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2021

Tales of Arise is not so much an evolution of the Tales series as it is an awkward game that backs up decent combat with a bland, uninspired story and characters.

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Top Critic
8.3 / 10.0
Sep 8, 2021

Tales of Arise is the best game in the series, with a brilliant combat system and a story with a lot of important themes tied to the atrocious consequences of post-colonialism.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 9, 2021

Combining the best ideas of the past three generations of 3D action JRPGs, stripped of excess and micromanagement, Tales of Arise is one of the most tactile and frenetic action-narrative experiences to come out of Japan in recent memory.

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Top Critic
9 / 10
Sep 8, 2021

Tales of Arise combines a stunning world told with a mix of anime, cutscenes and comic strip styled conversations. The combat is fun, flashy with customisable skills in hack 'n' slash style. While the combat can feel a little unnatural with the auto-targeting and airborne moves, once you get used to it, there are some fun fights ahead. If you don't like having to choose between ranged, casting, melee in games, you won't have to worry as Tales of Arise let's you swap in different characters as you wish, keeping combat fresh. With over 40 hours of main story, side quests and exploring , this Tales entry has plenty in terms of content.

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Niche Gamer
Top Critic
9 / 10.0
Sep 11, 2021

JRPG fans and Tales of fans will be immersed and pleased with everything Tales of Arise has to offer and the game shouldn’t be passed up by any means. Even if you’re neither, you should give Tales of Arise a chance and experience the same joy I did.

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8.5 / 10.0
Oct 19, 2021

Interesting fight for freedom and The Man in the Iron Mask. Good choice for JRPG fans.

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9 / 10
Sep 22, 2021

Tales of Arise is the best game in the series so far and I’m so happy with how the developers managed to modernize one my favorite series. With Tales of Arise I feel the series can finally go into the mainstream and get the respect it deserves. It does almost everything right; the story is handled well, the gameplay is amazing, the pacing is on point, the music will tingle your heart strings and the game systems will keep you coming back for more.

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9 / 10.0
Oct 4, 2021

Tales of Arise is a successfully comeback story. It’s definitely one of the most refreshing Tales game and probably one of the best JRPGs launched in 2021. I’m not sure if Bandai Namco planned to make the Tales franchise mainstream, but that’s something that Tales of Arise manage to achieve, and that’s probably the best compliment I can give the game.

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Oct 1, 2021

Overall, though, I am loving my time in Tales of Arise. The entire world is beautiful, the characters as I mentioned are fantastic, and the animations for team-up attacks and mystic artes never get old. It’s just not quite perfect.

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9 / 10.0
Sep 28, 2021

The anticipation for Bandai Namco titles this year was anxiety inducing for me yet both releases by the publisher (this and Scarlet Nexus) wonderfully exceeded my expectations. I recommend Tales of Arise; take it neat.

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Top Critic
8 / 10
Sep 27, 2021

For an adventure game, the graphics and story are pretty interesting, but for an JRPG, the game is lacking in a lot of elements. While it has RPG trappings, it feels far more like an adventure/action game, which is a knock against those looking for some JRPG action. The graphics, story, characters and overall package are very well done. However, it is hard to shake the feeling of the game being far more style over substance, which in general JRPG-ers are not looking for.

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9 / 10
Sep 25, 2021

Tales of Arise feels like new blood in the Tales series veins, as it gathers all the qualities of the previous games, puts them together and takes them to the next level.

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9.5 / 10.0
Sep 22, 2021

Tales of Arise, the 17th edition of tales of the series, has made changes that have set the series on the right track. Storytelling and game characters, along with eye-catching visual effects, are among the positive points of the game.

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10 / 10.0
Sep 16, 2021

Tales of Arise is so well done with the story, graphics, battle system, music, characters and voice cast that it is a must-play for anyone. Even if you aren't normally a big fan of role-playing games the story is so compelling there is a lot to love here.

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Top Critic
8.5 / 10.0
Sep 14, 2021

We can say that Tales of Arise is maybe the best game in the long running popular series and also is a step forward in its genre. Everything in this game from gameplay to graphics and story telling, are well made and together, they make a really enjoyable game for every fans of RPG games.

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