Tunic Reviews

Tunic is ranked in the 95th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic.
7 / 10.0
Mar 17, 2022

TUNIC is both an incredible and incredibly frustrating title. The combat lets down what otherwise is a masterpiece. If you can look past it or feel fine using the accessibility options it is worth checking out. Gorgeous graphics, incredible music, and intriguing lore just may be enough to carry you through, and being available day one on Game Pass on PC and console certainly doesn’t hurt either.

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Mar 16, 2022

A stunningly beautiful homage to the golden age of 16-bit gaming, featuring razor sharp mechanics, excellent world design, challenging combat, clever puzzles, and an incredible score. Dripping with charm, confidence, and polished to a mirror sheen, Tunic is an adventure that is not to be missed.

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Mar 16, 2022

Tunic is more than a love letter to several properties, it is an exemplary video game filled with creativity, adoration, and respect for the medium.

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90 / 100
Mar 16, 2022

Without a doubt, TUNIC is one of the surprises of the year, Andrew Shouldice, has managed to create a most original metroidvania but with an improvable sound section, where everything is important and a secret awaits. A highly recommended title with an excellent artistic section that becomes a Must Have if you are a fan of the genre.

Review in Spanish | Read full review

9 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2022

Tunic was definitely worth the wait. I honestly can’t remember when a game has gripped me the way Tunic has. For the past two weeks, I haven’t stopped looking into certain puzzles, finding new secrets, and thinking about what I could’ve missed. It’s just amazing that the small team behind Tunic has created a game with this much depth.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2022

TUNIC invites us to explore an intricate land in an unparalleled adventure. The mysterious island captivates [players] with a journey filled with the right amount of challenge, such as tough, vigorous combats, many interconnected, detailed areas and many puzzles. The isometric visual that evokes a miniature world, soft music and enigmatic atmosphere turn the experience into something even more charming. The main attraction is the way information is shown: most concepts and hints are in a manual full of runes and cryptic illustrations. Also, the island has countless enigmas to solve, many of which are very subtle and complex. For that reason, creativity and experimentation are necessary to advance, and there's a constant dazzling feeling of finding something new. Sometimes, the indications are too vague, and this can hinder the pacing, but by persisting some more and with the help of other people, it's possible to proceed. In the end, the combination of so many interesting elements makes TUNIC a must-play.

Review in Portuguese | Read full review

Mar 16, 2022

Tunic stands as a wonderful nostalgic adventure fueled by riddles and dark secrets.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2022

TUNIC is perhaps the most fun I’ve had with a game in a long time. The depth within the puzzle design and the overall world has kept my brain whirring away whenever I’m not playing. The collaborative effort of working out the more difficult puzzles has been a highlight I’ll probably not experience again for a long time. This is matched wonderfully by the solid gameplay. While I can’t easily wipe my memory and start the game fresh, what a joy that would be, I can take comfort in the knowledge that TUNIC definitely holds more secrets than I’ve discovered during my time with it and that only makes me want to explore it more!

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Mar 16, 2022

Tunic is defined by its mysteries. It’s a game that purposefully obfuscates much of the experience. Its world is packed full of secrets to find and hidden puzzles to solve. It gives back as much as you’re willing to invest. It can just be a simple adventure starring a cute fox. Or it can be a really involved puzzle that requires a ton of patience and fortitude to solve. I’m very excited to see everyone else get their hands on Tunic and start figuring out its many mysteries. I expect everything will be cataloged and be a quick google search away in due time, but until then, the process of discovery should be a fun one.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2022

Tunic may have been a long time coming, but the wait was absolutely worth it. This little indie game has so much heart, and challenged me in more ways than I was expecting. The complete mystery of the world and how it lets the player discover things naturally without the hand-holding nature of most games is a breathe of fresh air. Its difficulty and lack of pushing the player through may turn some off, but trust me when I say that accomplishing the puzzles in this game are rewarding. For me, Tunic is an absolute must-have.

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9 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2022

Tunic doesn't disappoint. Maybe some combat system choices can be a bit perplexing, but they aren't able to ruin one of the most memorable, deep and mysterious indie experiences of the last years. Behind a cute look is in fact hidden a deep, varied and fascinating game, capable of revealing new aspects even many hours after the ending.

Review in Italian | Read full review

8.9 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2022

Don't be fooled by Tunic's cute packaging: the game is quite demanding in terms of combat. When it comes to the quality of the puzzles, the game is on the same level as the platform classic FEZ. But the biggest selling point remains the mysteries that motivate you to solve another puzzle or find a collectible over and over again. An absolute recipe for success!

Review in German | Read full review

8 / 10
Mar 16, 2022

TUNIC is a type of game that feels increasingly less common in this industry, and its dedication to upholding a mystery that it lets the player figure out themselves is commendable. It has an enchanting world that's well worth exploring for yourself, and the way it asks you to use the instruction manual is a breath of fresh air for engaging with a game. While it doesn't fully stick the landing thanks to some later combat sections that sour the experience, it's an undeniable gem of wondrous action-adventure.

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Mar 17, 2022

Tunic is an adventure that’s crafted with care and consideration, with a beautifully detailed, charming, and challenging world. Whether you’re looking for some cosy exploration, or to hack-and-slash through hordes of enemies, the world of Tunic is a lovely place to do it in.

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9.5 / 10.0
Mar 16, 2022

Tunic’s cutesy aesthetic and tips of the hat to other games serve almost as a jumping-off point, a familiar-feeling touchstone to draw players in. Beyond that, the experience is entirely its own, with satisfying and challenging combat, secrets that gradually unfurl, and a quiet and contemplative story with its own twists and revelations.

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